I had my (BPD) with duodenal switch in 2000

Sep 09, 2012

Hi my name is Debbie I had my first surgery in 2000, it was a Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) with duodenal switch...my starting weight was 469 I lost 196lbs...

I am now 12 years out and still needing to loose more weight 100lbs or so...

This last Turesday I found out my insurance has approved me for a revision sugery...I am very excited to have the chance to finish this journey!!! My lowest weight was 273 and right now I'm at 295, not too bad for being 12yrs post opt...I've put on 22lbs in 12yrs...

So now I'm waiting for a surgery date...and wondering if anyone else has had this done, and if so how did it go for you?


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Sep 09, 2012
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