Progress Report

Apr 10, 2013

So I had my RNY on March 22nd 2013. Everything went really well. I hardly had any pain. I came home on Sunday. By Monday afternoon I was having really bad back pains and pains on my right side, dry heaves, hot and then cold, no fever though. I tried to stick it out, stupid me. I went back to Humber Wednesday night, had several x-rays and a ct scan. The dr's discovered I had a bowel obstruction. Apparently I had several hernia's. My hernia was strangling my bowel. The good news is the dr's were able to save my bowel and do a temp. hernia repair. So when I left the hospital I had 9 incision and it felt like I just had another c-section. Hurts way more than having the bypass. So just when you think things may start looking up I get pneumonia! Yah me! Almost done my antibiotics and starting to come around. Still a little sore and I get tired easily but I think I'm on the mend. Things certainly didn't go as planned. But after gaining 13lbs in the hospital the weight is starting to come off. I'm down 24lbs! I can hardly wait........I only have 16lbs to go until I reach the 200lb mark. It will be so exciting to reach my first goal! :)


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2013
Member Since

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