I had my Roux 'N Y surgery on March 15, 2002.  I have lost and kept off 105 pounds, but my road has not been easy.  I have several malnutrition issues, due to a variety of factors.  My surgery was 'botched' and I spent 30 days initially in the hospital.
  Don't get me wrong; I would do it again, even knowing what I've been through.  I am grateful to be here, and I'm still learning, which is why I'm coming back to post.
  My biggest and most immediate issue is chronic 'dumping', but before anyone jumps in with the helpful assists, know that I have done EVERYTHING in my power to avoid it.  My dumping is not the 'normal' and expected kind.  The only thing my internist has been able to do for me is prescribe 30mg codeine tabs (they're very tiny) which I take every day to slow the motility of my gut.  I just did an internet search and have discovered new information that wasn't there six months ago.  There IS a medication that has shown itself effective for exactly what I've been living with - it's injected directly under the skin before eating, 3 or 4 times a day.  I'm excited about finding this information and have an appointment with a GI 'disease' specialist, and plan on bringing up this mediciation to him in hopes of trying it.  I'm writing here in case there are others who are like me; 5 years post-op and have been written off by their GP as a 'head' case, or as my doctor so succinctly told me: "You signed the consent form for this surgery.  You knew the risks."
  She's right, I did.  But I'm not going to give up and just die from all my nutrient deficiencies (because NOTHING I take orally seems to be getting absorbed) without a fight.  I got her to prescribe me my  B12 injections, which I give myself.  I'm not sure what I can do about the Vitamin D and calcium deficiencies, but I'm still researching.  If this new medication DOES work, I can still turn things around and regain my health.  
   Gastric Bypass goes well for most.  I seem to be the poster child for the 1% with complications, but I'm NOT giving up.  
   I'll post more soon.

About Me
Lacey, WA
May 15, 2001
Member Since

Friends 1
