Lapband - now Gastric

Aug 11, 2007

 Well I had the gastric lapband back in March of 2004 and I lost 40 pretty quickly and then it slowed and I found that I was not eating meals but I was grazing a lot. And the acidity heartburn which seems to be part of it got worse in the last 6 months or so. But I didn't see the doctor. Then when I did see her, she xrayed to see if anything was going on and my pouch was swollen and inflamed. They went in to remove and replace with a new and improved model but decided not to since it was sticking to my liver and spleen from the inflamation. So we I came out of it my doctor said she thought I was a good canidate for the gastric bypass (which she knew I was really leary about) but I'd rather do this then deal with the hypertension and possible diabetes. I see all of the success stories and I have seen the unsuccessful and this is it--no turning back and can't change it --I am determined to get the weight off and improve my life..AND KEEP IT OFF..

About Me
Citrus Heights, CA
Aug 11, 2007
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Lapband - now Gastric
