Sharing thoughts...

May 23, 2009

Hello there everyone!  
Hoping this message finds you all well.  I haven't been on this site very much lately.
Thought I would check in and say a few words.

Initial start weight 278 lbs.
Now weighing in at a glamorous  186 lbs.
Just bought a size 16 jeans today.
Feeling "mighty fine" if you know what I mean!  LOL

I haven't lost a lot of weight lately.  Plateauing but taking any lbs downward that I get.
Hoping to loose another 60 lbs over time.
Got a Wii Fit.  Love it!  

Having a problem with a right thumb tendonitis since Jan and fear that I am heading to need tendon release surgery later this summer.  Not looking forward to it but hoping that once things are over with the use of my hand will greatly improve.

A warm shout out to all my buddies on this site!  Miss you all!
Have a wonderful summer!



Happy Re-Birthday to Me!!!

Mar 28, 2009


Hello everyone.  Well it's been one year since my RNY surgery.
Feeling fabulous.
Weight 3/24/08 was 255
Today I am 188 lbs.
Overall - day of entering the program 7/07 I was 278.
Overall highest weight ever - 290 lbs.

Had a plateau this fall.
But am starting to notice some weight loss recently.
I have gone from a 3xl scrub top and 2xl scrub bottoms to wearing a size medium over this past year.
I have gone from wearing 3xl clothes to wearing size 18 - mediums.
I am so very thankful for having this "second chance" in life.
Thank God for my progress and my commitment to making positive changes for a healthier lifestyle, both for me and also for my family.  

Don't think twice...just do it.  You will be so very thankful for the outcome.



Loving Life!

Feb 04, 2009

Hello everyone,
Wow it's been awhile since I last jotted a message down.  I am doing wonderful these days.  I have lost 86 lbs since I started my RNY program.  63 lbs since my RNY surgery on 3/24.  Feeling great.  Ready to enter a medium size scrub uniform.  Into a size 28-20.  Weighing less than I did when I was a senior in high school.  So glad that I had this type of surgery.  Hope all is well with you.  Take care and keep in touch!


Autumn ramblings:

Oct 23, 2008

Hello there everyone!
It's 10/23/08 and I have FINALLY gotten below 200 lbs!!!  Whooo hoooo!!!
I weighed 197 lbs yesterday morning.  So thrilled.  Many compliments are coming my way now.  Some people I work with know and others don't.  
I am feeling great.  No problems thus far.  Even my patients are complimenting me as this is the 6 month mark for some of them to return to see their health care provider and they haven't seen me  since April.  So they would notice a big difference.  :)  

Hope all is well with my cyber buddies!  
For those of you looking at this site and hearing all of our comments - you too can benefit from this surgery.  

Take care,

Shopping Spree

Sep 06, 2008


Hi everyone,
My NJ/NYC went wonderfully.  Seeing Ground Zero and Momma Mia on Broadway was amazing!

Weight's 206 this morning.
Finally went clothes shopping.  Had to as my clothes were hanging too badly on me!  I hadn't bought any clothes since losing 72 lbs since July 07.  

Felt fabulous trying on and buying clothes that are sizes 14-16 or 18-20 depending on how they run.  Bought a pretty green jacket for the fall weather. Love it!  

My husband says I'm getting skinny!!!  LOL 

My daughter was playing field hockey lately and she was across the field looking for me on the bench.  She told me that she almost couldn't find me because I was too tiny!!!  

I am so thankful for the weight I have lost so far.  To imagine losing another 50 or more pounds is even more mind boggling.  

So glad that I made this decision to have RNY surgery.  It has allowed me to finally live my life the way I have always wanted to.

Take care everyone!


August Chat Attack

Aug 10, 2008

 Hi Everyone!
My weight was 210 this morning!  Unbelieveable!!!  Soon to be heading into the 20"something" numbers!!!  I am so very glad that I had this life changing surgery.  I am so appreciative each and every day that I am living my life in a new way, in a  new me, with a happier outlook.  

I am really starting to get  a lot of compliments now. Getting my size large scrubs this week.  LOL  Even the person who hems them is telling me that I am looking good!!!  I had some Red Sox pictures hung in my office lately and even the maintenance guy told me I was looking good!!! It's so weird.  No one has ever seen the "real me" except me as I knew I was in there all the time. Hope that doesn't sound too weird!!!  LOL My clothes are really hanging now.  Even a pair of shorts I bought a month ago are now baggy. People who haven't seen me in a month's time are commenting on how great I am looking.  I have 100 lbs to the goal that my dietitian set for me. We shall see as that is a weight that is very low!!!  I just take each day as it comes and am thankful for my trend downward.

I have met some awesome friends on this website!  How precious their friendships are to me!!!  Caron, Mele, Kelly and two Kims are awesome!!! 
Thanks to them for their support along my/our journey together.  I will always hold your friendships dear to my heart.

I will be heading to NJ the end of this week to visit a high school friend of mine.  Aimee and I are going on this trip.  We are heading into NYC this Sat and we have tickets to see Momma Mia on Broadway.  Can't wait!!! 
I will also be bringing her shopping.  She will be 16 on Sept 1st.  So this is a special trip for her to celebrate her 16th birthday.  

Will let you know how things turned out when we return!

Until then - keep in touch.

For anyone who is thinking about having this surgery - trust me/us!!! 
Just do it!

Have a great summer everyone!


  Just love the smileys!!!  

4 Month Dietitian Follow Up

Jul 22, 2008

 July 22nd 
Hi everyone!  I wanted to share how my f/u with my dietitian went on July 11th.  She was pleased with my weight loss thus far.  At that time I had lost 35% of my body weight.  My labs were good.  My Optisource vitamins are working well.  She advised me to take an extra 1000 IU of Vit D as my level is low.  Also an extra 200mg of Calcium.  But the calcium pills are so huge!!!  Until I find a chewable one I will try to take in a bit more calcium by food choices.  I found a Vit D pill that was 1000 IU so I am taking that.  It's tiny and it doesn't even taste bad when chewed rather than swallowed.

Otherwise I am doing great.  

I am almost heading into a size large scrubs now.  I started out in April with a 3 xl top and 2 xl bottoms.  

Weight this morning is 216.  Getting a lot of compliments lately.
Fitting into booths with ease.
Needing to buy some new tops as my "old" ones are just hanging too badly on me.  

So happy with my weight loss thus far.  Hitting plateaus but I just tell myself it's my body getting used to each number on my way down!  I finally after many, many years weigh less than my husband!!!  LOL

Take care everyone!
Best wishes to anyone starting their  journey!
It's a fun ride!!!  


July 4th

Jul 04, 2008

July 4th... Happy 4th of July everyone. I tried to upload a new picture of me into my profile spot but once deleted the original picture I couldn't get a new one in it's place. So I have a grey picture with a question mark! But was able to get a new picture of me at 219 lbs under my photos. Have met a dear friend of mine from this site her name is Caron. We finally met in Lake Placid, NY when I visited home recently. We had a great time and went shopping together. So nice to make friends on this website. Today my husband, daughter and I went up state NH to Franconia Notch and visited the Flume Gorge and rode the tram to the top of Cannon Mt. Awesome views. Fabulous pictures. Hiking was involved and I did really good. Having lost 60 lbs since last July made a huge difference in my ability to climb/hike. My hubby bought me a long sleeved t shirt (was cold in the car with the air conditioner on) for a present and I fit into a size large!!! LOL How awesome is that!!! LOL Will sign off for now. If anyone can help me get a picture on my profile spot please let me know! It won't accept my new picture as it says it's over the amount of pixels. Then my weight tracker also doesn't work....Not doing well with this site I fear!!! LOL Keep in touch girlfriends! Together in spirit - through thick and thin!!! No matter how far apart we are! Thanks for your continued support and friendship. Fondly, Denise

3 Months Out

Jun 26, 2008

6/26/08 Hello everyone, I am now 3 months out. Have lost 34 lbs since my RNY surgery on 3/24/08. Have lost 57 lbs since last July. Feeling great. Clothes are really not fitting me any more. Time to go shopping for a few smaller sized clothes. Exciting to have to do that!!! Getting tons of compliments. Joined the YMCA and have been going 5 days a week. This is helping a great deal. More and more people that I work with are coming to me and asking questions about weight loss surgeries. I encourage everyone to attend informational meetings and see if this would be something that they would want to do. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I am for the first time in a very long time not feeling like I am huge. I feel like I am "blending in" more with people and not sticking out like a sore thumb because of my size (if you know what I mean). I know that this decision to have RNY surgery was the right one for me. I just had blood work and have a post op (4 month) f/u appt with my dietitian on July 11th. Will find out how I am doing nutritionally then with my protein and vitamin intake. My blood pressure continues to be normal without my bp medications (quit them the day of surgery). So I only take 4 vitamins a day. Will sign off for now. Best wishes on your weight loss journey everyone! Fondly, Denise

2 Months Post Op

May 26, 2008

3/26/08 Hello everyone. I have now lost 26 lbs since my surgery (RNY) on 3/24/08. Am doing very well post op. Tolerating foods without problems. I am one pound shy of loosing 50 lbs since last July!!! I am now fitting into clothes that have been too tight to wear. They are now loose on me. Pretty soon I will have to buy a few new clothes so that I have something to wear. Taking 1 mile up to 1 1/2 mile walks. Continue to thank God for my blessings as I continue on my weight loss journey. Weight now (my weight tracker doesn't work) is 229 lbs. So very glad that I made the decision to have this surgery. Best decision of my life (next to marrying my honey and having my peanut)!!! Take care and to those on their journey or considering joining us on our journey - best wishes! Fondly, Denise

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 21
Autumn ramblings:
Shopping Spree
August Chat Attack
4 Month Dietitian Follow Up
July 4th
3 Months Out
2 Months Post Op
