Upset...why why why?

Jan 14, 2009

Hey Peeps! Well, I just got a call this morning that my dear WL surgeon is moving his practice to Herrin, IL. I have no problem with this other than not knowing if he is still going to accept my insurance. I am so use to him being here, and what makes it so bad was that he was right  up the street:(. I am going to miss him. Well, now I will have to travel about 1hr to see him, and that's only if he will accept my insurance. He had everything set up here. The surgeon, dietician, and psychologist was all in the same building and worked together. I am not even sure if I will still be seeing the dietician there or not. YES, this has shocked the mess outta me. I didnt know that he was moving until this morning, and I had an appointment scheduled for this Monday for a follow-up on my hernia repair that he did on Jan 2, 09. I just totally hate this. So, right now it is a waiting game to see about the insurance. I will not schedule an appointment until I know for sure that he is going to accept it.

Now, on another note, I haven't found any bariatric dr's around here that are close to me. There are two in Mayfield, but they only do the lapband. The closest one to me, I believe is either Somerset, or Ashland...not sure...but they are hours away. So, I am praying that Dr. Argotte accepts my insurance, and that the transition is smooth sailing. 

Although, I can't believe that he didn't let anyone know that he was moving in advance, I still want him 2 be my DR. If anyone has any type of information, or locations that are closer to me, please let me know. I will check around, but prefer to have Dr.Argotte. He's the best!! I still love ya, Doc!

It keeps getting better and better!

Dec 22, 2008

Wow, this year has really flown by. Well, just wanted to give you all an update on what's been going on with me. First of all, I had gastric bypass on Sept 10th. Things are going great! I am so amazed and looking forward to the beginning of the year. I started out at 364lbs, and lost 33lbs b4 surgery. So on the day of surgery I weighed 331. Thank God for this surgery! I now weigh in at 270lbs, and feel so much better. I got hip bones, thigh bones, and tail bones that I didn't know I had. I can feel them now!! all I can say. I can cross my legs and sit comfortably. I can bend over and tie my own shoes, and can even sit with my legs pulled up toward my chest without hurting. God is so good! I went and bought some new clothes, that looked really nice. The only thing with that is that I got a little bit more room  in them now than when I bought them. So in order to save my money I will be buying from 2nd hand stores. Cato's cost too much to be buying clothes from there every few weeks. I can't believe the changes that are taking place in my body. Oh yeah I can feel my pubic bones too....hmm interesting:) So, all together, I have lost a total of 94lbs. WOW, I am setting here smiling as I type this. I never thought it would be me on the losers bench. But I made it! Thank God I made it! I am so looking forward to other changes to take place throughout next yr. This gives me a totally new NEW year's resolution. I am so thankful for my RNY! I have a great surgeon and a good team of dr's, nurses, and staff members that help me so much, including my dietician. She totally RAWKS!! I thank God for the people that he has placed in my life and the things that he is blessing me with right now. I thank Him for allowing me to have this surgery and as of now no complications. God is just AWSOME! I will tell anyone though, this road hasn't been easy, but I am enjoying the journey! I pray you all have a blessed 2009, and keep losing:)

What's Poppin?

Nov 11, 2008

Well, wow where do I begin. Sept 10th, I had gastric bypass. The surgery went great...minimal bleeding or anything. When I woke up from surgery, I thought I was going to be in major pain, but I wasn't. I had heard all kinds of horror stories about the pain, and other things. But I thank God that I didn't have any of that. I left he hospital after 3days. I was so thankful to be home, but at the same time, scared of this new life ahead of me. What if something happened? What would I do? Well, nothing major happened, but about 3wks out, I developed an ulcer. It wasn't bad, but I couldn't eat, and could barely drink anything. Well I went to the Dr.,and he did and EGD and stretched me a lil bit. I had to take carafate and still taking it..Ugghh! Thank God I try to do what they tell me to:) I am a rebel without a cause sometimes. Anyways, all is well with the ulcer's healing quite nicely. Now, lets get too the good stuff.

I dropped 22lbs 2wks after surgery, and didn't move on the scale for about 3 wks or longer. My body was in total shock and upset. I would eat, and it would spit stuff back out at me. Uggh! I was depressed bc I thought I should be moving on the scales, and thought maybe something had went wrong with the surgery. Well day of surgery I weighed 331lbs, then 2wks later, dropped 22lbs, that had me at 310lbs for those 3wks. My hubby took the scale away from me, and I couldn't weigh myself for weeks. I know I didn't lose any weight until the end of Oct. But Thank God those inches were melting off:) When I finally was able to weigh myself, I couldn't believe it, I was 299lbs. WHAT!! I about had a heart attack right there. I haven't seen 200 anything, since I was a teenager. I weighed myself multiple times during that day just to make sure I was seeing right. That was the end of Oct.

Now, these past couple of weeks, I have lost 5lbs. So now I weigh 295lbs. I am creeping along. I have been doing Tae Bo 3x a week, and weight training 2 x a wk, then on the weekends, I have my 2-4mile walks. I love exercising now, and my body feels much better. I use to hurt so bad when I did try and exercise, that I just gave up and didn't do anything. But now, everything is so much different. I love it and feel so much better. My family even does it with me. You all should see my 9 & 7yr old daughters, doing Tae Bo with me. It's a sight to see...they are so comical:) They love the new lifestyle and love that I have more energy to do things with them. My hubby loves it too bc he is a witness to all the things happening to my body and the major tranformations we have made as a family for a healthier lifestyle. I am so thankful for the supportive ppl that God has placed in my life. I enjoy OH so much and have made some truly wonderful friends on here. I love them dearly. I will update soon with some pics for all those that would like to see. God bless and WE'RE ALL N THIS 2GETHER!!

My head is Spinning:)

Aug 26, 2008


The Ball is Rolling

Aug 22, 2008

Hey guys/gals I just wanted to give u and update about everything that's been going on with me. Well 1st of all, I told ya that I was almost finished with the 6mo diet. I thought my last month would be in Sept.  Come to find out, my last month was Aug, and we have been waiting around for my surgeon to get the records from my pcp. Well this Thursday the 21st, my surgeons office called, and guess what? THEY GOT EVERYTHING!!!  But anyways, they are gonna go ahead and submit it to the insurance for approval. YAYAH!! Just to know that, I am excited. Now, I gotta wait and see what happens from here. I know there are a few more things that I gotta get in order first, like thoroughly clean my house the way I want it in the meantime. They say I should know something in the next 1-2 weeks or so, it doesn't take that long. WOW, I just can't believe all this is happening. But I gotta admit, I am scared to death....Literally. I think about dying and leaving my kids and family behind...I can't help it. Yeah, this is suppose to be a happy time, but I am getting nervous. I know the Lord is gonna take care of it. So, yall please keep me in ur prayers for everything to work out and hopefully by the time I have it, I will be at peace with my decision.  Thanks 4 listening....Have a great weekend


Jul 04, 2008

Hey guys, this is my 1st post on here...I usually and the concealed type and not open to telling others about me. I assume that's changing though. I got some good news too!! I been seeing my WLS surgeon since February of 08. I have to do a 6mo supervised diet which, I thought I started in April, but come to find out my 1st visit to my pcp 4 the diet, counted which was in March. Keep that in mind, I will tell u about the rest of the 6mo diet in just a minute:) So, I have been going to my appointments as I am suppose to, and doing exactly what they tell me. Well about the end of May, I attended a liver shrinking class. As many of you know helps prepare your liver for the surgery. Well I didn't get to start it right away, but did start the 3rd week in June. So technically I have been on that diet for 2 1/2 weeks. My diet consists of whole wheat grains, fresh fruits and vegetables,and low sodium. So that cuts out white carbs, and cravings:). The only starchy carbs I can have are those found in vegetables like corn, sweet potatoes, peas...etc, and they can only be fresh. I can't have anything in a box, bag, can, or bottle...get what I'm saying? Well, that seems like alot has been taken away, and that's what I use to think. By being on this diet, I have gotten use to eating good, and my body loves it. Although, I have cheated a time or two. Once, I snuck in some ice cream, and I felt so yucky afterwards. I haven't had surgery, but I can only imagine what dumping feels like. Man, I ate that ice cream, and my heart was pounding, I felt like I was going to vomit, started sweating 4 no was just terrible. I hated that feeling. The same things also happens when I have liptons green tea that u boil urself. I made me a cup of tea, and used 2 packets of equal sweetener, and I thought I was going to die. I don't know what happened, but I have always drank that tea.... I even have several boxes of different flavors. I just can't tolerate it now though....its crazy!! Just in 2 wks, my body has changed that much, I can't believe it. Well, one of my WOW moments came when I went to my Dr. appointment on the 1st of July. I wasn't expecting to see a significant amount of weight loss with this diet because I hadn't been on it that long. So, I said we'll see how well the diet is working in about a month or so. On my June 2nd appt. I weighed in at 358lbs ok. Then 2 weeks on this diet, from the 3rd week in June to July1st, I lost 14lbs. I got on the scale and saw the scale dropping....I was like Oh My God!! WOW!! The 1st time in years, I have lost anything without doing a thing other than altering my diet. I just couldn't believe it at all.....I was smiling the whole day and that alone made me want to continue the diet up until I have surgery. It was just such a WOW moment for me...that I couldn't do anything but praise God for it. Also, that day I got some even better news! Well back to the 6mo diet...Dr is saying I started in March!! That is a month sooner that what I thought. So my diet will be up the 1st day of Aug. That is the last appt 4 the 6mo. I was so so happy, I couldn't believe it!! I was on cloud 9 all day. So, after I see my WLS surgeon on the 15th of this month, I should be getting everything together to have surgery sometimes mid August or 1st part of Sept. I am so so excited!!...I just can't believe it. I am still on my liver shrinking diet, and continuing to lose weight...Thank you Jesus!! Please keep us in prayer, and I will keep you all posted on what's going on. I just had to share that with u though. I hope u all have a happy and safe 4th of July:) U guys RAWK!! Thanks 4 reading my blog!!! Be blessed in Jesus name.

About Me
Paducah, KY
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 45

Latest Blog 6
What's Poppin?
My head is Spinning:)
The Ball is Rolling
