
May 06, 2008

It wasn't spasms after all

Apr 24, 2008

It was my gallbladder. I had it removed on April 11 and it had stones, calcium deposits and sludge.  I now feel a lot better but still have some of the classic shoulder pain.  I am sure that will subside soon.  I am now down 75# and my BMI is 31.79.  A BMI <30 is no longer obese - wow I am almost there - I would have never guessed I would not be in the obese category.  Thank God for bariatric surgery!!

Reflux and esophogeal spasms

Feb 22, 2008

Well, I guess I have now had my first complicaation since surgery.  I never thought that reflux could be so painful.  I ended up in the ER undergoing a complete cardiac work-up for the next 24 hours.  What an experience - and did I mention the chest pain?  They say it can feel just like a heart attack - I am not sure anything could be worse.  Thank goodness it was not my heart.  Word to the wise - continue on all antacids and antiulcer meds as directed.  I had been mostly compliant, but not 100%.  I have learned my lesson.  On the positive side, I am down 63 pounds and my BMI has decreased by 10%.  All in all I feel great and am looking forward to what my future holds.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 21, 2008
Member Since

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Latest Blog 3
It wasn't spasms after all
Reflux and esophogeal spasms
