One Week Post-Op

Nov 09, 2011

Well, one week ago I was already at the hospital and actually in surgery.  Today I am standing taller, not hunched over like I was on the first few days, walking faster, unlike shuffling around the ward floor.  I now have to remind myself that I cannot do everything yet.  I tend to be an impatient person, at times, especially when there is something that needs to be done, i.e., pick up a box, move a chair, etc.  Think, think, think!

I was having trouble fitting all the "food" into my day but with each passing day I'm becoming more organized and setting myself a schedule.  I have been reading blogs for over a couple of months now and I am amazed by some people's stories.  Incredibly sad one and positive ones.  Most of them are no longer posting at OH, but still worth a read.  I cull through them to get ideas and inspiration. 

I'm absolutely terrible at exercise but from everything that I have read, it is critical to continued weight loss.  I am determined that I must walk, but have always wanted to run.  I have been researching "how to run."  I will attempt this new form of exercise soon.

Tomorrow is my first post-op appointment with Dr. Marema.  I am a little apprehensive.  I have been following their instructions to the best of my ability.  I have not let anything that is not allowed pass my lips.  I hope that I can continue with th...I don't want to fall off the wagon, so to speak.  My apprehension is that I have no idea what the scale is going to say, but I'm keeping the faith.

Smiling always, Michelle

It's all a blur...but a good blur

Nov 05, 2011

The last week has been but a blur.  So many things to take care of.  I am now 3 days post-op.  As I've seen on other blogs, which I am going to copy...I'm now on the losing bench.  Love that term.

Surgery was on Wednesday.  I had to arrive at Flagler Hospital at 8:30 a.m.  I arrived on time and was immediately taken into a waiting room where I changed into a gown (they have finally made them big enough).  One by one, more and more "people" arrived in the room.  An IV was inserted and I was told that Dr. Marema likes the patient to be well hydrated and that it would be about 2 hours of IV infusion of fluids and that I was the 4th patient of the day.

Well, within an hour, I was seen by Dr. Marema, the surgical nurse, the anaesthesiologist nurse and the anaesthesiologist.  They each spent a fair amount of time with me.  Then one of them said that they would be taking me ahead of someone else because their procedure was different that I was having and the surgical room was already ready for me.  Goodbye Honey...see you when I'm taken to my room.

I was rolled into the surgical room which to me seemed surprisingly small.  I've had surgery before and the room was a lot bigger.  People milling around.  I see a couple of other people, other than the surgical nurse and the anaesthesiologist nurse.  They have the push and slide my body across onto the surgical table.  It is really small.  I remember my arms being spread out onto a basket like holder.  Then I remember someone say to me..."I'm going to give you a little oxygen.  Just take some deep breaths."  My next memory is hearing myself screaming my DH's name and saying that I can't breathe.  I finally settled down, take some deep breaths and realize that I have had surgery and I am now in the recovery room.  I have some pain and I'm given some medication.

Then I had to cough, cough, cough, walk, walk, walk, walk, drink water, drink water, drink water, eat sugar free Jello and now here I am working on my pureed food.

My drain was removed yesterday and I didn't even feel it.  I had no idea what to expect.  Now my hardest thing is trying to fit 75-93 grams of protein into my diet.  Wow, it's difficult.

I am swollen at the incision points but the pain is subsiding.  I refuse to get on the scale..although I walk right past it more than once every day and it keeps calling me.  I have my first doctor's visit on Thursday, November 10 at 9:45 a.m. 

Life is good and I'm smiling.  My prayers have been answered and I thank Him for it all.  Amen
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Happy Birthday Honey...

Oct 26, 2011

What a day.  Got up early and drove in to St. Augustine (about 50 +/- miles).  Met up with other patients in the main office where we were issued a huge beautiful binder with everything I'll need to know about nutrition, exercise and the surgery.  We were then herded down to the first floor into a classroom.  Our first class was on nutrition given by the nutritionist.  Our second class was by the exercise physiologist.  I have to say that the diet doesn't scare me, the exercise scares me.  I am going to have to work a lot harder on the exercise than on the diet.  I know it is important and I MUST push myself.  The last speaker was the head of the bariatric unit at Flagler Hospital.  She is delightful and it was wonderful to meet someone who has been through the process.  Amazing!

After that I went over to the registration section of the hospital and registered.  So, all that's done and all that's left is to get to the hospital bright and early (at least 2 hours ahead of time).  This is because Dr. Marema wants me to be well hydrated prior to surgery.  They are going to pump 2 liters of fluid into me.  I have my surgery date (11/2/2011) but I do not have my time of surgery as yet.  I should get that on Monday.  Almost there.

Today is my honey's birthday.  I took him out to dinner.  I know I'm supposed to be on a restricted diet but I gave in tonight and I had grilled shrimp, a small baked sweet potato and green beans.  It was very good.  Afterwards we drove down to our boat and sit on the deck.  It was so peaceful.

I am now trying to organize all this paperwork that I have collected.  Jeez.  Until later..keep smiling,

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Hard work does pay off!!

Oct 25, 2011

I got an idea from someone else's blog...I thought it was a really good idea.  Cheezy, but good.  I made myself a paper necklace with the number of days left until surgery and I get to rip one of each day.  Today I have 8 days left till surgery.

I have been writing down every piece of food and drink that I put into my body EVERY DAY.  I'm getting used to it and I really think it's a fantastic idea.

Guess what?   I am now down 46lbs pre-op.  I started off at 363 and I'm now at 317.  Woo Hoo!!!  As I have always told myself losing weight is nothing more than MIND OVER MATTER!!!  I know you might think this is crazy, but I do speak to myself...especially as I drive past fast food joints.  Keep going, keep going, keep going.  Good job, good job, good job (as I drive past it).


Keep smiling


Oct 21, 2011

Well, yesterday is gone.  I had my appointment with Dr. Marema.  Charming and great bedside manner.  I didn't feel rushed like with some doctors.  He was easy to speak with.  The staff were pleasant and helpful.  He asked me if I was nervous and I said "no."  Then he asked me when my surgery was scheduled and I said November 2.  He said, well you have 2 more weeks to get nervous.  LOL

I went in to town to get my pre-op blood work done.  I am now on my Phase 2 diet.  I will be on this diet until the day before surgery.  I don't have my surgery time as yet.  I will get a call a couple of days before surgery with the time.  I have my nutrition, education and exercise class next Wednesday.  I will register with the hospital after the class.

I am getting excited!  As far as I know, the only clearances left for the surgeon's office to get are the H-Pylori blood test results and the clearance letter from my PCP.  I called my PCP's office and they told me that Dr. Marema's office had also called and they were working on it.  Glad to know that Dr. Marema's office are on top of it.

Well, that's it for now.
Smiling all day

I can't breathe from the excitement

Oct 18, 2011

I just spoke with the scheduling nurse.  I have an appointment with the surgeon (Dr. Marema), I go in for my education class next week Wednesday (10/26/2011) and MY SURGERY is scheduled for November 2, 2011.  Yippee....I can hardly wait.  I want to get my new life started.  Thank you dear lord.


What a day!

Oct 18, 2011

I have been so busy today.  I left home at 8:30 a.m. and went straight to Putnam Radiology to have my chest x-ray.  I arrived at around 9:00 a.m. and I was seen and out of there by 9:30 a.m.  I then drove across the street to LabCorp.  I had to wait for over an hour to have my blood test (H-Pylori) taken.  I had to run a few errands around town and then drove back home.

I then went to my appointment with my PCP and she was thrilled that I have been approved for surgery.  The nurse did an EKG (normal) and my PCP said she'd write the surgery clearance letter for me.  She also had more blood taken for tests which will be required prior to surgery.  She couldn't have been happier for me.  I told her I was jumping up and down from joy.

That's it for today and it's been a long, but good day. 


Happy Birthday To Me

Oct 16, 2011

Today I celebrate my 56th birthday and begin my 57th year.  Happy birthday to me!

Well, I have to confess it's not easy.  I boiled some eggs over the weekend and put them in the refrigerator .. up front and center.  It would be so easy to put a couple slices of bread into the toaster.  No, Michelle, no.  OK, why don't you weigh yourself.  Woohoo!  I lost 2lbs.  Back to breakfast.  Grabed 3 hardboiled eggs, fork, pinch of salt and shake a bit of blackpepper over them.  Head to the computer and start writing.  Get your mind off bread.  Bread, bread, bread...that is my nemesis.  I must fight the urge every single day.

We never eat out.  I cook our meals.  That is another thing that is really hard for me, I have to taste the food.  Anyway, my "old man" has told me that I'm not cooking tonight, tonight he's taking me out for dinner.  Yeah!!!  I will do my best to avoid those foods that are my downfall. 

OK, I've gotten over my bread desire so goodbye for now.


Yes, I am ready!

Oct 16, 2011

I was reading an article entitled, "10 Tips For Losing 100 Pounds" in WebMD, and there it was, something that I have been saying to myself for years:

"Your readiness to lose weight, once and for all, is crucial, says Fletcher. For her books, she has interviewed 20 people who lost 100 or more pounds. In general, the more ready they were -- with few distractions or excess stress in other areas of life -- the better they did.

How do you assess your readiness? Fletcher suggests asking yourself these questions: "Is my financial situation reasonably stable?" "Is my job and my spouse's job likely to stay the same [for the foreseeable future]?" "Do I have the time to devote to weight control?" "Are my relationships stable?"

That's not to say if life isn't perfect you shouldn't still embark on a weight loss program, she says. But it is easier to focus on weight loss if you don't have multiple stresses elsewhere, she says.  {Emphasis added}

Of course, there is always the exception. "I had one person who said her life was in complete chaos when she began to lose weight," Fletcher tells WebMD. "She felt the weight was the one thing she could control. So there's no one-size fits all."

I am getting antsy .. I am ready .. let's get this show on the road.


Moving along...

Oct 14, 2011

So, the day after I received the "you've been approved," phone call, I received a phone call from a nurse.  She gave me a list of things I need to accomplish and deliver to them before a date of procedure can be given.  Pulmonary, EKG, Chest X-ray, blood test for H-Pylori, letter of release for surgery from my PCP.  I heading into town on Tuesday to get my blood test and my chest extray done.  I've made an appointment to see my PCP on Tuesday afternoon.  Once I get clearance on all of these tests, then the surgery can be scheduled.

I find myself thinking of how I will be a year from now.  It's not coming fast enough.  I am doing what the doctor's office has suggested.  I have cut my meals in 1/2, I'm drinking milk and eating yogurt and I've started walking again.  Mentally I am so ready for this.  I'm trying my best to move around more and more, even though it's hard to do.

Always smile...Michelle...goodnight 

About Me
Pomona Park, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2011
Member Since

Friends 9

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