Band Slippage?

Oct 27, 2009

Hello again.  I had my surgery on 8/3/09 and everything went great!  I lost a ton of weight quickly and then when my swelling went down, I lost all my restriction.  I'm at 6cc and still don't feel anything.  I am experiencing a lot of reflux and belching and can eat anything.  I've also had issues with reactive hypoglycemia.  I've only had this thing 3 months and I'm having issues already?  I'm calling my Dr tommorrow to have it checked out.  Pray for me please!

Having the Realize band

May 29, 2009

Well, I met with Dr. Ryland Scott this week and he and I discussed the pros and cons of the different surgeries.  Considering my personal eating issues and medical history I've chosed to have the band.  I've had my labs and have my nutrition class and eval scheduled.  Let's cross our fingers and pray a lot that this is finally going to happen.  Thanks to all of you for your support!


Jan 06, 2009

OK, here goes...  I too have been fat my entire life and have tried every diet you can think of without any permanent success.  Now I'm 36 and my hot years are about to become hot flash years and I still have never worn a bikini in public!  I have two incredible young children that I'd like to see grow up and future grandbabies I'd like to enjoy.  I come from a typical southern family - love anything fried and sweet, and due to a health scare as a child (and the fact I'm a total klutz) I've never been active in sports.

In my twenties, I actually got back to my high school weight of 176 but only by working out 10 hrs a week in a gym, on a treadmill, and taking bootcamp classes (I was still 56 pounds overweight).  As soon as I got married, I got pregnant and gained it all back plus a whole lot more!  Who has time to work out that much and have a family, a business, volunteer, and maybe get some sleep once in a while?  This is why I've been considering surgery.

The problem is, I'm always hungry,  I'm a fast eater, I use food for comfort, and I'm surrounded by picky eaters!  I have to sneak baby food into meals so that my family gets any nutrition at all!  I eat way too much - portion control is not my strong suit, and I don't listen to my body.  I'm doing a lot better about hydration, I drink about 96oz of a water/OJ blend all day long.

Knowing all these things have not helped me to overcome my issues, and I've talked myself into surgery 3 different times, only to shut down every time because of insurance coverage.

I currently have BCBSGA HMO and cannot find an in-network doctor, even though a local hospital is in network, has a bariatric center and nearby.  Any suggestions, would be appreciated.

Either way, God is guiding me and maybe by creating this online account, I'll hold myself accountable to change.  Pray for me, please :)

Well, after signing up for OH, I had hoped some local surgeon would contact me--nope!  I got one call from Mexico from a nurse who barely spoke English!  Through friends of friends I found a surgeon in Rome, GA--about an hour away.  I went to the seminar, and liked what I heard.  I submitted the pprwrk and got a call back that my insurance will cover this procedure!  Now, I have to see the DR this week and will submit the packet for individual approval--Pray for me everyone!

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Jan 06, 2009
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