two years out!!

Mar 28, 2011

OMG!  It doesn't seem possible that it has been two years since my surgery.  But it has! I still haven't lost all the weight I want too, but I will.  I want to get rid of 15 more pounds.  It has truly been difficult not to gain anything.  Work on it everyday, somedays are easier than others.  I still have problems with hamburg.  It still causes nausea.  No  new meds except for vitamins and suppliments. Still take lipitor, but was told probably will have to take it forever, Can't wait for warm weather, because I am cold all the time. I still do protein shakes once a day. I Am VERY HAPPY!!

One year out

Mar 31, 2010

Well, it has been one year and 8 days since my surgery.  It turns out to be the best thing that I have ever done for myself.  I no longer take any meds for hbp, diabetes2, depression, and the cholestrol med has been cut in half.  I am able to get down on the floor to play with my granddaughter(3yrs. old), and to clean out the very bottom cupboards in my kitchen.  some of the stuff in there hadn't seen the light of day for years. 
My surgeon said he was real pleased with my progress and didn't need to see me again for another year unless there is a problem.  Have an appointment with my nutritionist in April and hope the same goes for her. 
I asked him about having a glass of wine.  He told me to go home and have one.  And I would know if I can have it again.   
I haven't tried it yet, but I wanted to ask.  
I haven't had any problem with dumping at all.  Nothing bothers me.  By that I mean sugar.  Still find that if I eat too fast or do not chew enough I will have a problem.    
I have lost 118# and would like to loose about 15-20 more, just to be in the normal range once.  So far in a size 14 pants, and a large sized shirt.  This is the smallest I can ever remember being, wore a 18 in high school. 
Really very happy with myself.

blood work

Nov 04, 2009

Had a huge bunch of blood work completed last month.  All the results were good.  PCP halved the lipitor to 10 mlg.  I feel great.  Still haven't dumped on anything.  Sometimes I wish I would just so I would no enough not to put something in my mouth that I shouldn't, such as the few pieces of candy corn I ate on Halloween, and the cookie I had at work. 
I had a friend ask me when I was going to be able to eat normal again.  Couldn't believe she asked that, when I thought I was eating normal.  I guess she meant when was I going to be able to eat quantities at a meal.  Oh well.  I enjoy where I am and plan to remain here.
Going to get my flu shot today, not H1N1, just the regular one. I work in a school and the kids are leaving in droves with fevers and such.
Got more clothes to sort through.  Sometimes it is a little depressing to give my old favs away, but I am sure that I will find some new ones.

6 month check up

Sep 19, 2009

I have not been here for months.  I read the forums all the time, but do not blog.  On Monday, i have my 6 month check up with Dr Dunnican. 70 lbs since surgery and 102 since I started the journey.  It has truly been a remarkable journey and it isn't done yet.I am so pleased that I have this. I still have some problems with white meat chicken qand hamburgers.  Can't say that I miss the chicken, but a good hamburger, i do miss.  Oh well, some day maybe. 

May 6,09

May 06, 2009

Well, things are definately getting better.  I think being back to work helps.  New clothes down 2 sizes also made me feel better.  Food is tasting better and liquids are going down easier.  Went to a support group and found out I wasn't the only person who had a hard time with protein supplements.  Not much else going on in my life right now and won't be until the weather warms up so I can get into my flower beds.

5 weeks post op

Apr 30, 2009

This isn't something I normally do, but maybe I will feel better by writing things down.  I am 5 weeks out and feel pretty good.  It was rough going for the first 4 weeks or so.  The Rny was a piece of cake.  They removed my gallbladder at the same time.  That was the problem.  About 10 days after the surgery, I started feeling pretty rotten.  My stomach felt like it had filled up with air and was going to explode.  My right side was very tender and very sore.  I ended up in AMC ER to have all sorts of tests and to be told they could find nothing wrong.  They admitted me for more tests.  After enduring a liver scan for an hour, they discovered a leak in the tube the gallbladder was originally attached to.  It was a very small slit that had not been closed above the claps.  It was slowly leaking bile into my abdominal cavity,thus the stomach fill up.  After another proceedure and 2 drains, I finally started feeling much better. 
Five weeks out and 30 pounds gone, still have a little problem getting all the liquids, but getting better.  When the drains come out in 3 weeks, I am sure I will feel much better.

About Me
Hudson Falls, NY
Surgery Date
May 06, 2008
Member Since

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