Well I have definately not been keeping up on my blogs have I? I had surgery ( RNY) in Guelph Ontario with Dr. Reed on April 3rd 2014. It was all very surreal, the emotions or reality of it did not set in until I went to leave for the hospital with my bestie and my teenage kids and my boyfriend had to go to work. I cried and cried. when I got the the hospital thought I was fine, at total peace and I remember thinking that when they wheeled me away from my kids I would lose it for sure.. but I never and as I sat alone in the hallway as the prepped my OR.. i waited for the nerves to hit.. they never did.. I awoke in a bit of pain, very nauseated, but the nurses were wonderful. I was up walking around before the evening was over. Ill write more soon and keep everyone up to date.  Feel free to ask questions if you like. 

About Me
kitchener, ON
Aug 17, 2011
Member Since

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