Aug 10 - My very first NSV x 2

Aug 09, 2011

Yesterday at work a girl came in to book a tattoo appointment that I haven't seen in about 6 months.  She came up to me and says " It looks like you've lost some weight!  You look great!"

It was the first person who didn't know I had surgery to say something!!!!! It made me feel soo good!  I just wanted to shout, YES!!!!  I HAVE LOST WEIGHT!!!!  THANK YOU FOR NOTICING!!!!!!!  lol  but I just said thank you lol

After work I went to the mall with my best friend.  She likes to shop at Rickies... I personally could never shop there because they didn't have my size... but right before we were leaving I thought .. what the heck.. and tried on a pretty pink top., and not only did it fit but it was loose!  It was the biggest size in the store mind you.. but still 2 - 3 times smaller than what I'm used to wearing!!!!

They had a sale on that if you bought one sale item you got another one for a dollar.. so my friend Bre bought it for me as a reward lol

I told her that this was so awesome.. but could turn out to be dangerous.  Ive never really been the type to care about clothes or buy alot... but I could see this turning into a nice little hobby!!!!

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