Feb 4/12 - I Can Do It!!!!

Feb 04, 2012

I finally got my tattoo!  I have thought about what tattoo I would get when I lost 100 pounds since before I even had my Gastric Bypass... and I really wasn't sure for a long time if it would even happen!  Its been a long road getting here and even though I'm not quite done yet.. I am so proud of my WLS tattoo.  It was worth every minute of the pain (and yes it was painful!)  I am covered in tattoos... and even though it may not look like it... I hate getting tattooed!



 Here I am ready to start... 






Getting the outline done... Its been a long time since I have had a large tattoo done and the outline hurt really bad for the first few minutes... but thankfully I get used to it pretty fast!!!






And here it is :)  My take on the famous Rosie the Riveter WWII icon.  Ive always liked her and Im thankful that Jason (my co worker who did my tattoo for me) was able to make her into the old school type of tattoo that I love!  Clean lines and bright colours.. I couldn't be happier with her!  Shes been a long time coming!




