Dec. 16, 2006: My story to date
   I began to realize that I had a problem with my weight only this year. I tried what diets I could afford which was only through the VA Medical Center. None of these worked for me or maybe I wasn't willing to get serious. Well, regardless I got serious and since November I have lost 28 lbs going from 420 lbs to 392 lbs. and going from a 56" waist to a 50" waist through the VA's MOVE program. This is a required program for vets before having bariatric surgery but indeed not the only requirement. At this time I am undergoing all of the preop testings. I will also need to undergo a liquid diet to get to 330 lbs before surgery. My surgery if approved will be at a Pittsburg, PA VA Medical Center.
Many things became apparent to me as I began to gain weight. Things like the seating at theaters, restaurants and even normal seating with arms became increasingly hard to use. Hygiene was difficult too, some of these are too embarrassing to mention. My wife helps me put on my shoes, I have trouble getting in and out of my car. I can't walk as far as I used to. If I fall I have a better chance of breaking something, besides the fact that I have trouble getting up. I also have High Blood pressure and sleep apnea. To me when I have my surgery, it'll be like I won the lottery. I can imagine the possibilities of what I will be able to do when I get rid of this fella I've been carrying on my back for all of these years. My aching back too.
Today is May 10, 2007. I have less than a month before I start the Optifast liquid diet to lose approximately 50 lbs before surgery. This will last until August 14th. My target weight is 330 lbs. I am 375 lbs at this time. I am also looking at my 30th wedding anniversary on May 21st. This will be the last event I will be able to have a normal meal. I have promised that I will not overdo this.
    Today is October 5, 2017, and it's been some time since my surgery. I gained back 100 lbs. This tells me that after your surgery you need to still work hard to keep the weight off. I am 306 lbs and I have entered the MOVE program through the Erie VA Medical Center. Through it, I have been losing about 2 lbs a week. I'm retired now but I had a part-time job working 24 hrs a week at minimum. This job helps me stay active and lose the weight. I was around 313 lbs when I started the program. My goal is 200 lbs. I will back at least on a monthly basis.

About Me
Erie, PA
Surgery Date
Dec 18, 2006
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 19
Anniversary Month
April 2008 Update (Amended)
April 2008 Update
Another great update
Continued back to work
Back to work
11 Days after Surgery
Day 4 - 8 From ICU to Going Home
