Day 5: Half way there

Jun 14, 2014

Am half way through my pre-op diet . Hard to believe it is going this fast. Five days til surgery. Was telling my roommate that I could really go for a raw carrot to chew on right now, but, unfortunately, they are not on my physician's list of acceptable food. Just want to be able to sink my teeth into something crunchy. Guess that will have to wait for a couple months at least. The one thing that I am glad is that I haven't had cravings for sweets, fatty foods, or fast foods. Have even been thinking about healthy ways to make foods/dishes I like and if there isn't a conversion, something similar that is healthy. Have invested in 3 bariatric cookbooks and have marked several recipes I would like to try. Have some new recipes for each phase to make it interesting. As I am the cook, I hope my roommate is up to the challenge trying new things. He likes his regular foods and has stated that he will not eat "special" foods. The funny part is he said the same thing when I was diagnosed as a diabetic, but in the last 10 years he has been eating diabetic foods and enjoying them. As long as I can make foods that taste good, I am sure he will enjoy them (and so will I). 


Day 3: Pre-op diet

Jun 12, 2014

Only 3 days into diet and already  tired of the choices.  I have made good, high protein choices from the list I got from the doctor, but there isn't much variety. Am getting plenty of fluids as I don't have hunger pang. Thank goodness for that. Actually feel a little water-logged at times.  Am still feeling very motivated and am counting the days till surgery. Have been doing so much to prepare for it that sometimes it is hard to believe that it is only a week away. The time is definitely flying. I keep reminding myself to stop and enjoy every phase that I am going through whether good or difficult as they are all part of the journey and will contribute to who I am when I meet my goal. 


Day 1: Pre-op Diet

Jun 10, 2014

Starting today as the first day of the rest of my life. Took some time yesterday to organize my meals & snacks for the first half of the day. I made a 10-day menu when I got my diet choices from my surgeon. While putting my meals together and a few "unlimited" items, I realized that I had several things. I became less concerned that the diet would be so restrictive that I would be highly challenged with cravings. Have a busy day with my last pre-surgery visit with my surgeon. Am really looking forward to it. Then have to go to the hospital to pre-register. After that is a visit to the store to pick up some things I need pre-op or in the hospital. (Good place to get my walking in.) Am feeling very motivated and up-beat today. Hope I am feeling the same when I get further into the diet. Guess it's a matter of keep your eye on the prize. 


Beginning New Life

Jun 05, 2014

Have 4 days until I start my pre-op diet. When I was scheduled for surgery 2 months ago, the date seemed so far in the future. It feels like it has been the blink of an eye and now the start of the journey is here. Ate a breakfast the same as I have on my pre-op diet. While not completely feeling full, I am satisfied with my choice. Am visiting my Mother and she kept asking if I was sure I didn't want more, and I repeatedly had reassure her that I was fine and she would need to get use to me eating very small amounts. She smiled and agreed with me; as I gave her a hug and told that in the future she can give me hugs instead of food.  

My Mom and significant other have been very supportive from the beginning of looking into WLS for my morbid obesity. Mom has went to the seminar and all Dr. appointments and consults, and will be taking me to my surgery as well as helping me the first week. She is retired so is able to be available. As I was in ICU a year ago and was considered almost dead for a month, she is protective and want to be present for all surgeries and procedures whether there is a risk or not. I really appreciate all she has done for me and with me. 

Am so excited. Since the last 2 months have past so quickly, can imagine how fast the next 2 weeks will go. Have menu made for next two weeks and hanging on my refrigerator; and exercise diary is printed out and have started doing it. The excitement of a new future has me motivated to succeed. 


About Me
Alma, KS
Surgery Date
Jun 01, 2014
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