19 days left

May 06, 2009

19 days till the surgery, time is really flying by. There is so much that I need to get done before May 26th. I am really trying not to think about the surgery all the time but I find it very hard. It feels like it is consuming me at this point. Thoughts are just turning in my head. I will see a cute outfit and think to myself I will be able to wear something like that soon. Or man I need to do this before the surgery. Or I need to eat this before the surgery and the two week diet.  It is just crazy. My girlfriends (my support group) are taking me out to dinner on Friday. It will be the last meal together for awhile. They have really been great. And I know if I need any help they will be there for me.  I know my kids are starting to worry. My daughter has taken a week off work to stay with me. And will be at the hospital 24/7 till I get to come home. God love her. My son is worried to but not showing it as much as my daughter. I haven't been in the hospital for a long time. Better make my will out this weekend. I wonder who wants the medical bills. LOL I am really bad at letting people take care of me and can see there might be a little bit of a problem when I get home. I am going to try to be good. I already have told everyone I might be a little emotional at first and I am sorry for anything I say or do after the surgery. Also my farts will really stink. My son thinks I am lying. Just wait I will show him.  This weekend I am cleaning out my kitchen shelves and freezers of all the bad stuff I don't need or want and giving the food away. This will help because I start my diet next Tueaday. I can hardly wait for that. I think I will sleep a lot. If I sleep I won't want to eat. I'd better stop here. Have a great day.


About Me
Dresser, WI
Surgery Date
Dec 19, 2008
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