Mar 13, 2008

Well, I went to see Dr. Ross again on Wednesday March 12. This was just a follow up type visit to make sure we have everything in order. We still haven't heard back from the insurance yet with the approval, it is driving me nuts! I tried to talk myself into not being so impatient, but it isn't working. I am constantly busy and believe me that helps tremendously to pass the time. I sell on ebay and the candy wrapper business is very busy this time of year for some reason, mostly birthdays, I guess a lot of people were getting jiggy in the summertime! Anyway, my pre-op is Monday the 18th, I was told to be prepared to be there most of the day for testing and so forth in the morning and the education class that afternoon with Norma.  Dr. Ross said I can go ahead and start the liquid diet that week(18-24th) in hopes of us hearing from the insurance company before Monday the 24th. If we don't hear from them by Monday the 24th, then my surgery will have to be rescheduled. He told me my date is the March 25th, I am his last surgery that day @ 1:30, IF WE HEAR BACK FROM THE INSURANCE BEFORE THEN! I am praying. Also I have to get a cardiac clearance before then. I had an appointment for the 18th, but the dr. office called and they had to change it due to some of their doctors being out.  She had it set for the 24th, I told her that wouldn't work, we needed it before then due to when my surgery is scheduled to happen. So she changed it to the 20th. I am not sure why I have to have this, I have not had any problems with heart in the 12 years I have been on my meds. BUT I have been told many anesthesiologists will not put you to sleep if you have had any problems with your heart unless you get a clearance. So that is in the works as well. I have NEVER had so many dr.'s visits in one month in my entire life! I will be glad when all this is over. The wait is aweful, the insurance company seems to have all  this power at the time, the simple yes or no approval is hanging in the balance. My husband thinks I am worrying IF they will approve it. I may be wrong, BUT, I feel pretty confident they will. I say that because I was given a link to go to from their website that tells you ALL the criteria you have to met for them to pay for this surgery and we meet it all and then some! So I am figuring it is just a matter of time before they say yes. Hopefully they will say it in time for us to have this by the end of this month! The thought of going through the liquid part more than once before surgery is NOT thrilling. BUT whatever it takes! I just hope I can hold on to my sanity through the wait for approval!
I so want to have a fresh start in April. I am actually looking forward to going to Carowinds this year with my husband's work place. That company picnic has been scheduled for June 7th. I want to have this surgery asap and be down at least 25-40 pounds by then. I want to ride the roller coasters and be able to walk around the park without hurting so bad like last year! KEEP PRAYING, I NEED ALL YOU  PRAYING FOR ME! I so love my OH family, you guys are awesome, the support here is great!  The fact we all know what each other is going through makes this site work! It is hard being overweight and only someone who has been there knows what it is like. I thank the Lord every day for everything I have, including my family! 
Well it is 2:44 in the morning and I couldn't sleep, so I thoguht I check in here and say what is on my mind. God Bless you all and pray for me!


Mar 07, 2008

Norma called from Dr. Ross' office yesterday and said I had an appointment for the 19th. I was dissappointed, I was hoping to have surgery BEFORE the kids go on Spring Break here. Dr. Ross is also taking off for Spring Break, so I knew with an appointment on the 19th,  pre op would be the 24th and surgery wouldn't be until in April. I asked was there any way we could move it up, she said she would talk to Dr. Ross and see.  She called back a few minutes later and had me an appointment for Monday the 10th! I was happy with that! Then Dr. Ross's office called again later and said they had a cancelation on Friday(today the 7th). I said, I'll take it! So I went this morning to see Dr. Ross and everything went fine, he explained the surgery again. I say again, because I heard all that during the seminar in Jan. BUT he did tell me they insert a balloon to judge the size of the pouch, it is the same size for everyone, a standard size, the balloon lets them know the place where they section off for the pouch. I found that interesting, I wondered how they judged that, by eye or it they measured some how, now I know!  I have another appointment with Dr. Ross on the 12th. I have pre op on the 17th(if we have the ok from BCBS) and hopefully surgery will be on the 24 or 25th. IF WE HAVE APPROVAL FOR IT FROM BCBS BY THEN! I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying very hard!  I am sooooo ready for this!


Mar 04, 2008

My psych eval was last Wednesday, Feb. 27th, 2008. They called from Dr. Grace's office yesterday and said they were recommending me for surgery. YIPPEE! One more step down, only a couple of more to go! 
I talked to a friend of mine, who had the surgery in January, he said they did his Dr. visit and pre-op. the same day, it was like a 1/2 day thing or something. I talked with Norma, from Dr. Ross's office and she said she would be getting in touch with me the end of this week or first of next. I hope we can still get this done around the middle of this month, or at least by the end. I know we still have to get approval for it from the insurance company which can take up to 30 days! Though I have heard of many that have gotten word in a few days after all paper work was sent in. I am sure with my luck, that will not be the case, lol. I am so ready to move on with this. 
My husband told me yesterday that the company picnic is June 7th this year. I am sure it will be nice and hot by then! Last year we got lucky and it rained and cooled things down a lot! Still, I was miserable! My big butt at 316 pounds! I so want to be down below 260 by then. So many things going on this summer. The company picnic, the family reunion at the end of June(the 22nd). I so want to be smaller this year! It seems for the past 6 years I have been to the family reunion I am bigger every year! It really sucks! I hate being so huge!  Especailly in the summer time with it so hot!


Feb 20, 2008

Have I said yet, how impatient I am??? Some days it seems time is flying by, and other days I am like...ok, can we fast forward I have plenty to keep my busy and getting bored is NOT an option for me. I still have kids that come EARLY in the morning. Though, their last day here will be Friday. I am glad, getting up at 5:30 sucks, especially when they show up 30 minutes late! Hey, sleep is important remember! Even 30 minutes extra is golden these days! I go for my psych eval next Wednesday, if I don't drive myself crazy before then! 
BTW, I don't know if I have mentioned on here before or not. BUT my favorite protein drink is no longer in production! Micellar Milk strawberries and cream! NOW, you know me, I had to get to the bottom of this! How can something so good, be taken off the market? It tastes like strawberry quick milk! Seems, the protein settling in the bottom freaks some people out! So they stopped production of it, to reformulate, and possibly even make fat free! NOW, if you are like me, you are probably thinking, why change a good thing? Seems, the skinny mennies, can't handle 2 whole grams of fat for 40 grams of protein!  I told the warehouse, my take on it, like they really care I am sure! It is a great tasting product, one I can really handle, and it breaks my heart they are trying to F@#K it up! Ok, that is my rant for today!
I am looking so forward to getting on with this surgery! As you have probably already read, if you are keeping up with my blog here, I have been going through my clothes. It amazes me how much stuff I have! Shopping was so much more fun when I was smaller. Thing is, that was so long ago, those things are probably out of style now! Then again, maybe not, seems things are making a come back 20 years later! Of course, jeans are always in style! I do know ONE thing, as I start losing weight and get out of my stretch jeans and pants, there will be NO MORE! No more stretch pants of any kind! They leave way to much room for gaining without realizing it! I have so many cute, sexy clothes I can't wait to fit into again! Below the 200 mark is when I will have lots of cute things to wear. OK, I am sure I am boring everyone to death with my rambling, so I'll close for now. Hope all is well with my OH family and ttyl.


Feb 13, 2008

I went to the support group meeting last night. They had a speaker there from SRMC Sleep Lab. She was quiet the character! So funny, yet informative at the same time! Even though I had my sleep study done on the 28th of January and fitted for my CPAP on the 3rd of Feb. I absorb quiet a bit from her little presentation! I came to the conculsion, that sleep is a must! Now, I know you think I am silly by saying that. BUT we normally only get about 5 hours of sleep a night if we are lucky! She said the average person sleep 1/3 of there life. At my age I should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night! NOW, I know we are way off!  Because we normally get a little less than 5 hours a night! So last night I had a headache and NO kids here on second, SO I went to bed at 9:30 pm! Of course I did not drift off till after 10. BUT that was very different for me. Of course my body, in all it's wisdom, wakes up at 2:30 for a potty break and water. BUT hey, you got to figure my 5 hours were up I did go back to sleep till 5:30 this morning, when the door bell starts ringing and day care kids coming in. NOW, what really amazed me, was how I feel today. For the FIRST night since I have gotten my CPAP, I feel rested. So I guess the theory that I am young enough to make do on 4 1/2 to 5 hours of sleep is history. I'm not a spring chicken anymore! BUT with kids here on 2nd shift, the earliest I can get in bed is 1130 pm. So I guess from 11:30 to 5:30 is it if I have kids here. ANYWAY, I am sure my husband will happy with us getting in bed earlier! I am going to make more of an effort to get into bed at a decent hour! Here's to sleep! 

Monday February 11, 2008

Feb 10, 2008


My EX-Mother In Law, Shelby, died Saturday at around 10 pm. Mainly from complications due to smoking all these years. She was a very sweet woman and I have always gotten along with her, even after her son and I split up. Rest In Peace Shelby Jean Monday.

I have been doing things to help pass the time. You know, the things you never have the time to do otherwise. With the help of my husband, son and his best friend, we have cleaned out both storage buildings between this weekend and last! Talk about fun, NOT! But hey, I feel like we have accomplished something that needed to be done and helped to pass the time too!  I have been going through my old clothes. Yeap, probably like many of you others out there, I have a stash of clothes ranging in sizes from 7-8 to 30/32! So, in the process of cleaning out the buildings, I have been going through my clothes, getting rid of things too worn out or old to sell, giving the nicer stuff I do not want to keep around to Goodwill, and storing up the others for me when I can fit into them. I am driving my husband crazy! brings in the boxes, I go through them and sort things out, label the boxes in sizes and he takes them back to storage. He is probably so ready for me to have this surgery! I love that man! 
My stepdaughter Brandi is having a MRA today, never heard of that before the other day. But it seems she had an unusual "spot" on her MRI and they wanted to do something more in depth. So my husband took a half day off today to take her to do that. I pray everything is OK!
My oldest stepdaughter, Heather, is going to watch the day care kids for me when I have my surgery. The lady that was going to, her husband is having a cow, God forbid he may have to fix supper for himself for a day or two! He is such an ass! I don't know how she has put up with him this long! I wouldn't! BUT anyway, we are covered thanks to my stepdaughter Heather.
So, let's see, now we only have the attic and the bedroom closets to clean out, doesn't that sound so fun! NOT! But hey it will be done. husband said it seems I am "cleaning out" things like I am going to die or we never know when our time is up, I'm not going anywhere till the good Lord is ready to take me. On that subject, it amases me how many people are so negative about the risks of this surgery. Like being FAT is not a risk!  I mean if ONE in 200 die from the surgery, and you take ONE of any 200 OBESE people, surely chances are one of those will die because they are OBESE. I have to say it eases my mind that Dr. Ross is a Christian. That he has a higher power with him. I am a Christian myself, and I beleive in prayer and the power of GOD. 
Anticipation, it is killing me! Did I tell you I am!


Feb 06, 2008

Ok, so today at 10 am was my meeting with Norma. She is the one that handles paperwork and setting up the psychiatrist and so forth. She is so sweet and thorough. I felt at ease talking with her and feel we have made some progress. She got all my paperwork together after asking like a zillion questions. She called the psychiatrist to make an appointment then realized that the lady that schedules those in the office was out today. So, they are suppose to call me hopefully tomorrow to get that scheduled. After that there is not much to do except to wait till she takes my case before the board for review. Then the doctor(surgeon) and I meet. After that we wait on the insurance company to do their part and hopefully say ok! There are also nutrional classes in there somewhere. She asked me when did I want to have the surgery. I looked at her and said "yesterday?", she laughed and said probably the earliest we are looking at is mid March. Dang! I was so hoping it would move faster along. I am so ready for this!  So many steps, t's to cross and i's to dot! BTW I had to do this questionaire about my personality type. Norma said I was type 8, I asked her what was that? In charge and in control? She laughed and said is BOSSES! That figures, I know my self pretty well. I figure if you're going to do something, you need to do it right and to do it to the best of your ability. I consider myself level headed and dependable. I am honest to the core, even if it means hurting someone's feelings. I don't sugar coat anything. I guess that can be bad and good, depending on the situation! My friends admire me for my frankness. I have a tendency to tell things like it is! Just a few of my thoughts about my and I am impatient as hell!, till next time...take care

Monday February 4, 2008

Feb 04, 2008

Oh my goodness, last night I did the cpap trail at Mary Black Hospital. How on God's green earth do people sleep with that on? I awoke several times trying to wipe it off my face, of course it is attached with velco straps around your head, so wiping it off is NOT an option, lol.  I got my nurse Kia to take a picture of me all "wired up" so you can see what the sleep study part of it looks like. This was BEFORE the cpap was on my face, this was just the wiring so they can tell you are breathing and what stages of sleep you are in. Keep in mind you have to have clean, dry hair, with NO conditioners or styling products in your hair, and NO make up! So here I am with hair that looks like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket and all pale face with no make up(on top of looking like a freaking Budda Doll!) So prepare yourself to be scared when looking at me, I was(and I'm not kidden')! I couldn't help but wonder when my husband see's me in the CPAP contraption what his take will be? Keep in mind, this is a man that gets turned on by the smell of icy hot! know, he is weird, BUT I will keep him! is nothing sexy about a CPAP! (In case you don't know, that is the mask thing they make you wear over your nose that is hooked to a machine that forces air into your nose, airway,and lungs to keep your airway open, so you do not stop breathing during your sleep)

Me, all wired up for the sleep study...PLUM SCARY!

The Sleep Study Nurse, Kia.. She was so awesome and made me fell right at home!


Feb 01, 2008

OK, so it's NOT the APPROVAL or a Surgery Date! 
But, we are getting there! I went and picked up my letter from my PCP today and called Norma and got an appointment with her at Dr. Ross'. To be honest I am a little disappointed in my PCP's letter. It is very brief and I just hope it covers everything Dr. Ross' wants it to. BUT we are on our way, I finally feel we are making progress! At the meeting with Norma, it is my understanding, we will go over my paperwork, do the weight, height, BMI crap and make sure all papers are in order. She sets up my appointments with the dietician and the psychiatrist. Once those are done, we get to see Dr. Ross. I finally feel like we are getting somewhere! YIPPEE!

Thursday January 31, 2008

Jan 31, 2008

Ok, so I have had it! I asked my PCP on the 4th of January to please start my letter for me. Ok, weeks later no word. So on the 22nd I took a "packet" to him. A couple of pages from Dr. Ross' seminar has to be filled out by my PCP. So I wrote a letter letting him know what I needed: a letter of support and referral like letter for  Dr. Ross,  also needed him to fill out two pages on my diet history over the past 6 months with him. I have called every single day since last Tuesday with no word. The office ladies just take down my name and number and birth date! However, yesterday one of the ladies, not even my doctor's assistants calls and lets me know my dr. was out. I explained how nice that was of her to take the time to call and let me know, but that the receptionist did inform me of that this time when I left my info. So again today no word! So at about 4:45 pm I called yet again! The receptionist goes through the same deal with my name and number and birthdate. I explained to her I have left this info everyday since the 22nd with NO reply! So she asks me if I woudl like to talk to the office manager, sure I said. FINALLY we are getting somewhere! So a super nice lady named Tonya comes on the line and I explained to her my situation and how I left the "packet" on the 22nd and have left messages everyday for my Dr. to call and let me know the progress or status of the letter and stuff. She said she would find out what was going onand get back with me. She calls back about 15 minutes later and lets me know he DOES have it and is working on it. I asked her are we looking at a few days or a few more weeks. She half laughed and said, seeing as how to tomorrow is Friday, it should be ready the first of next week. All I can say is "it is about time!". So with that said, I had talked to Dr. Ross' program associate Norma yesterday. Just kind of to get an idea of when we could be looking at surgery. It seems Dr. Ross only does surgery on Mondays and Tuesdays. Also I will have to see the dietician and psychiatrist before I ever get a meeting with Dr. Ross.  I knew this already, so that was no surprise. HOWEVER what was surprise was she told me(if I understood this correctly) that they have to take it all before a board to see if they approve me for surgery. Which of course that shoudl not be a problem, BUT they only meet once a month. So, if I come in at the wrong time of the month we could be another 6 weeks till surgery! Oh, the weight(pun intended!) is killing me! I have NO patience, can you tell?
Ok, enough for now, it is late and I am so tired!

About Me
Spartanburg, SC
Surgery Date
May 21, 2007
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Wednesday April 30, 2008
Quick update
