
Jan 07, 2010


Life is Finally Feeling Good...

Jan 07, 2010

Oh my how life can change in a short period of time... Sure there are still days when I just sit and need to take a breath and wonder WTH just happened, but life really does feel good.  I'm 2 pounds from onederland, and I'm 4 pounds from the century club!  I just ran my BMI through the BMI calculator and cried when the result came up:
Height:  feet   inches
You have a BMI of 29.6.
This shows that you are moderately overweight.
Your BMI is not high enough to qualify you for bariatric surgery.

The table below shows value ranges and what they mean.

Range Meaning
less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese
over 50  
Super Obese

MODERATELY OVERWEIGHT! WOW!  I've gone from wearing a size 28 on the day of surgery to a 14 today- 4 1/2 months post op.
In that time I've seperated myself from an extrememly emotionally, and at times, physically abusive relationship.  I have regained my health, my smile, my JOY TO LIVE, energy to play with my children, get an education, get a fantastic job that allows me the hours I need to be there for my children, gained a circle of amazing friends who are non-judgemental, loving, and REAL, seperated from a faith that added to the destruction of my self worth and contributed to the abusiveness in my relationship.  I, once again, finally am beginning to recognize the woman I see in the mirror again- happy, confident and a good person.  I hadn't felt that in 9 long years- hell, I couldn't even look in the mirror for that length of time, let alone put on a genuine smile.  I became very adept at masking my inner pain so the outside world would have no clue.  Self-preservation I believe is what it's called. 
OH! And I've also completed my very first 5K!!  December 19th, 2009, I speed walked (I have exercise induced asthma- that only seems to flare when I run), my 5K- it was 19 degrees outside, I did it by myself, no one cheering me but me.  I completed it in 53 minutes.  Sure, that sounds like a long time, but I DONT CARE because I DID IT! I'm signing up for the next one in February- I'd do January, but I'm going to be in San Diego that weekend.
As for my diet, I follow a very strict lo-carb diet.  I also find that, unlike most DS'ers, I have to follow a lower fat diet as well as I find if I eat something higher in fat, I get major urgency issues and need to use the bathroom more frequently.  I manage to consume 100grams protein minimum a day.  I also find that if I eat refined flours, pastas, bread, etc I get MAJORLY bloated and gassy and feel icky.  As for sugar, that's also a no-go for me.  It has NOTHING to do with the procedure, and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that I've eliminated sugar from my diet.  When I eat even a tiny bite of a sweet, I end up vomiting, get wicked bad shakes, and feel like total hell and all I can do is go to bed and sleep it off- kind of like a 'sugar hangover' if you will.  Again, though, it's not connected to the DS, it's connected to the diet I follow. 
I'm not the greatest about my vitamins, but I come close to getting them all in.  @ 3 months my only # that wasn't good was my Vitamin A, but that's been the case since pre-surgery.  My pituitary tumor is a spec on the films, my hormones are normal again, and my joints and muscles don't hurt all the time anymore.  I go to the gym, or at least try to get there, 5 days a week, an hour a day, rotate days between the elliptical (cardio), and the strive weights. 

EVERY DAY I praise the heavens that I've had this procedure- it has given me back everything I had lost for so many years, and whats more important is that it's given my children the mommy they deserve and allowed me to be an example of strength and resilience for them to look up to.  If you're looking and wondering and questioning whether or not you should do it, don't think twice- DO IT! DO IT yesterday!  You won't regret it- at least after you get through the initial few months of relearning everything again
Blessings to all, and if you want to connect through facebook (I have it on my phone its a lot easier for me to respond through there), feel free to PM me here and I'll send you a friend request.... 

I LOVE MY DS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Trying so hard to stay positive but it's getting hard..

Nov 30, 2009

My life to say the least is one huge flaming ball of crap.  No matter how hard I try and convince myself to stay positive the last few days have been horrible for me.  I'm depressed, I'm crying (which I never do normally) and I'm trying to convince myself everything is okay.  I talked with my very dear friend last night, and my big problem is I allow myself to love and care for others too freely and am open hearted with everyone.  I end up getting hurt... so very much.. and no matter how badly I want to just close myself off and build a wall skyscraper tall, I still hold on to hope... My marriage is total crap, and even though I know it's for the best that we're separated (my choice) because I cant and shouldn't deal with the stuff he does towards me, I almost feel like what if God is telling me that this is my only chance?  I can't stop shaking, no matter how much time I spend at the gym or hiking I still feel like I just want to jump out of my skin and run away.  I know the one thing that will force my nerves to settle down, but I WILL NOT go there because I can see the potential for addictive behavior in order to deal...  I just wish I could feel hopeful that life will feel good again someday... In the meantime still slapping on the smiles no matter how fake, put up the positivity even if I'm not being true to myself, and appear strong for my kids and everyone who depends upon me... God this is so hard and I'm not that strong of a person...  What can I do..?   Will this ever get better...?

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Feeling so blessed! 2 months out and....

Oct 24, 2009

I just went in for a 2 months chk up with Dr. I & according to their scales, I'm down 57#!!  Taking my vitamins like a champ, still kinda blasay about getting in enough protein/ fluids, but I'm working hard at it (currently am at about 90g protein, and 60oz water daily)

I've also gone from wearing a size 26/28 bottoms 24 tops, to 18/ some 20's on the bottom & 14/16 XL on the tops (I just bought scrubs for my clinicals yesterday on my way home & were THRILLED when I slipped in to the xl's for the tops!!) 

I've also just finished my first week back to school to get my nursing assistant certification!  I go Monday to Friday 4-9pm for 5 weeks (3 weeks in class, 2 in clinicals- I was blessed with the opportunity to go to the hospital for my clinicals rather than the long~term care facility!)  I also found out that once I finish that & my general A&P class I can petition the school I'm hoping to go to for acceptance in to the RN program (they've abolished the wait list there.) 

There's NO WAY I would have EVER been able to accomplish this/ have the confidence in myself to do this without having had the DS, I mean that with all of my heart.. I am so much more happy, joyful, energetic & ALIVE.. I just feel so blessed with life & the fact that I was given this opportunity...  I SERIOUSLY LOVE MY DS!

& if there's anyone out there getting flack from your insurance; FIGHT IT!  GET WHAT YOU WANT because it's you who has to live with what procedure you choose, not the health insurance provider.  You can fight it, you can win; it CAN BE DONE! Don't ever settle for less than what you deserve when it comes to your health; fighting for a few months or a year is a drop in the bucket when you look at everything you'll gain back in your life by choosing the procedure that is best for YOU..  Plus, if you fight hard enough for something, you'll cherish it & keep it all the closer to your heart..



Having a I hate food kinda day..

Oct 11, 2009

So, I'm wondering, why on earth is it that I can eat a certain food one day, then the next try the leftovers and instantly feel like vomiting??  Yesterday for breakfast I had an egg with some sausage, and a little sauted onion... No problems.. Today, eating the left overs, as soon as that onion hit my digestive tract I feeling like vomiting my guts out.. I'm really not wanting to eat anything with how I'm feeling right now..  I'll have to force my fluids in so I don't end up dehydrated AGAIN. I'm counting this as one of my guilt-free "whoa is me" kind of days! Just going to hit the fluids, take a looonnngggg walk (skipped the gym this am, i believe they dont have kid care on Sundays..?), then hit the books to get in my reading before class starts on the 19th.  & tonight is when DH, DD & DS come home from their various journey's, DH & DD went up north to my brothers cabin to fish, DS went to the inlaws for a grandpa/ma weekend, leaving me here with my sweet Emmers! Plus, went to swapkins yesterday & majorly scored! I have no idea how we would've afforded to purchase the clothes with how fast I've been losing. 

For every dark day, there's always a ray of sunshine, even if it's only a pin sized beam!

My Off the Charts WOW!! Cholesterol..

Sep 22, 2009

Ok, so I haven't gotten everything back yet for my bloodwork results, but the one that was most important to me is my cholesterol; the BIG reason why I had the DS over any other WLS out there.  I am 1 month and 1 day out. 

On Monday, August 17th, 2009 My cholesterol numbers were as follows:

Total: 414
Triglycerides: 156
HDL: 20
LDL: 351

As of Tuesday, September 22, 2009 My Cholesterol is as follows:

Total:  305
Triglycerides: 103
HDL: 27
LDL: 273

That is a 109 point drop in total, a 53 point drop in Triglycerides, an INCREASE in HDL (Good) of 7 points, and a drop in LDL of 78 points!!  

What does this mean to me??  This is the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE that my cholesterol has EVER been this low, I"ve been everything from a size 8 to a size 26, I have maxed out numerous "cholesterol lowering" medications, I have dieted, I have exercised, I have done EVERYTHING in my power to try and get this fixed and NONE of it worked.  What does work??  Having had the DS... PERIOD...  Now the fear of passing away at a young age like my father had is a fear that is beginning to disapate because I've been given a gift in this surgery..  Although it wasn't a widely known option (let alone available) when he passed away in 2000, I hope that if there are others out there in the same spot as myself & getting to the point of not feeling hopeful because they've tried it all to no avail, there IS hope, and chosing this has been my hope!

1 month today!

Sep 21, 2009

So, this is going to be short & sweet, my wow's & what I need to avoid:


I've lost a total of 42# from my highest weight
I've gone from wearing a size 24/26 to a 20/22
I no longer have 4 rolls sitting on my lap- down to 2.
You can actually see a seperation of where my boobs end and my waist begins!
I FINALLY KNOW what it feels like to be satisfied with a meal, not simple stop the hunger, but still have the empty feeling
I have more energy to play with my children & get things done!
However, my butt tends to go numb when I'm sitting now! LOL!



Vivanno from Starbucks (protein drink my butt!  over 30 grams of sugar!)

Almonds (no matter how well ground up they are!)

Designer Whey (can we say chemical spew!!??)

Body Fortress Protein Powder (the flavor is ok, but it seperates & you end up with a pile of gritty sand @ the bottom of your    glass)

Sugar Free Jello Pudding (any flavor)

Chilli from either Wendy's or Culver's

Most Fresh Onion...


Hard boiled eggs with sea salt & ground pepper

Refried Beans with cheese, a touch of sour cream, and green & red taco sauce

Isopure Protein Drinks (the premixed in the bottle kind)

Crystal Light Hydration Lightly Lemon Flavor (in the single serve packets- TRULY a saving grace!)

Ice water

Shredded Georgia Pork from Famous Daves

Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Most Lunch Meats with a touch of Mustard

Cottage Cheese (though right now can't stand the sight of it!)

Anything off of the BBQ

My mom's homemade soups: Chicken & Seafood Gumbo, Cuban Black Bean, Cajun 15 Bean with Smoked Hocks, White Chicken Chilli, Chilli, Pozole....

I'm sure there's more, but that's what I can come up with for now!  I get my first set of labs in a week and a half, so I'm hoping that it shows me some magic numbers with my cholesterol...  The weight loss is just the bonus, the true blessing will be when I see those numbers take a nose dive!!  Gotta run-  on to another glorious beautiful day!

2 Weeks PostOp

Sep 03, 2009

YAY!!!  & Can I add- YAY!!!  I had my first post surgery follow up today and I've lost 26# in the last 16 days! !  This is the first time I have been able to lose more than 10# without literally starving myself and exercising nonstop for hours on end! I can't say how thrilled I am! 

Still having some mild nausea when I introduce a new food, but given an hour or so it passes; and when it doesn't, Dr. I gave me a WONDERFUL antinausea med that just melts in your mouth instantly (and instant relief).  I haven't needed any pain meds since they turned off my PCA also! Today I had my JP removed & thank God for that- it was getting really irritated and inflamed looking. Only other thing is,  I still get fairly tired out quickly, but each day is better than the one before. 

I am simply amazed at what it feels like to have satiety!  I thought before surgery I knew what that meant (measuring out the prescribed portions of food, etc), but I NEVER KNEW WHAT IT FELT LIKE!  I know this now because I know how it feels- finally!  Before, the hunger demons just shut their mouths, but the feeling of emptiness still remained.  It is the most beautiful, wonderful, life moving feeling on the face of the earth- hands down...  I actually feel like I am in control of my life again..  I just never knew how much of my life I spent weighing, measuring, denying, & punishing my body & myself through the food I felt forced to consume.  It feels like food is my bodies medicine; it's means to sustain & comfort itself.  It's no longer a driving force, but a part of the ebb & flow that is life.  I feel like a normal person & I LOVE IT!  I know I have a long ways to go yet, but for now, even with it's little bumps in the road, I already LOVE MY DS!

PS- I'm just dying to get my cholesterol rechecked; ok, so TMI, but every time I "go" and I see that little oil slick left behind & flushed away, it feels like one step closer to a healthier heart & healthier veins because my body isn't turning it in to something harmful; it's GETTING RID OF IT!   

The day is here!!!

Aug 20, 2009

Well, I can't believe my time has come!  What a joy and privelege it is to be joining so many wonderful people on the losers bench!!  It's so hard to wrap my head around the thought that THIS TIME the weight will leave- and stay gone! I mean... WOW!  To know that my chances of passing suddenly from a MI will be virtually eliminated is worth any ounce of pain I may experience postop... To be the mom I know I can be and finally be able to fullfill that is a blessing beyond any mere words...  in 4 hours my new life journey will be starting & again, I thank each and every one of you for all the love, care, support & knowledge you have shared!  It is truly truly appreciated!!

Without further ado, I read something that I feel aptly expresses how I feel going on to my next stage..

Seeking growth

We are where we are for a reason. As long as that reason remains, we remain where we are. If we aren't where we think we should be, working the program will help us get to where our deepest self longs to be. This is growth.

And growth is work. We must be willing to do the simple things that our new understanding asks of us. We are never given more than we can handle, and the loving help we need along the way is always available. But we never get this help in advance, only as we need it.

Am I seeking growth?  (<- that is a question I will be reminding myself of every day)

0 days and counting... New life here I am!!  Special shout out to my 's Michelle (MinneMichelle) and Enid (Tranquil)  you guys are wonderful!!

Almost here!!

Aug 18, 2009

All I can say is bowel prep- **SHUDDERS*** BUT, (<-- hahaha, sorry) on a positive note, I'm actually pretty thrilled that I get to eat jello & broth & popcicles; a big change from the 3 slimfasts a day!  I'm down 9 (!) pounds from when I started the liquid diet a little over a week ago, and todays "events" should bring me down further. 

      I can't hardly believe that before the week is out I'll be on the path to my new, HEALTHIER life..  Words can't adequately describe the emotion I am feeling about that... I feel, for the very first time, that I have a bright, hopeful future.. Heck, that I actually HAVE a future..  I'm no longer feeling stressed about whether or not todays the day I'll have a MI & how will my children & DH cope with that...  

To know that, in time, I'll be able to bounce out of bed without my hips killing me & my right foot feeling as though I'm walking on rocks... 

To not be so dog dang tired all of the time because I'm hefting around the equivilant of another person (or supermodel) on my frame... 

To get to RIDE MY BIKE with the kiddy trailer, and not have to stop over and over to air up the back tire because my weight is making it go flat.. 

To actually be excited at the prospect of running my first 5k next summer to honor & celebrate my 1 year surgiversary/ new beginning rather than watching others run and realize, holy balls, half a block in & I'd have to sit down because my heart will feel as though it were exploding & my lungs burning up because I can't breathe..  Wow.. I could go on forever, but these are the things that pop in to my head right now... 

Gotta run & lime jello it up & praise the creators of modern plumbing!!

48 hours to go~ get ready to make room on the bench...!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2008
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