I lost well over 100lbs

Aug 25, 2010

My heaviest was 317 and on surgery day I believe I was 307 and now weight under 200.  I believe I am 195 or somewhere around there.  I really don't weight myself for I don't try that hard to loose weight I am still doing pretty good.  For those of you wondering how I lost so much well I think I tried too hard.  I had the gastro bypass surgery on March 1st of this year 2010.  I really was only in minor pain waking up from the surgery and just wanted to sleep if anything else.  I was more uncomfortable trying to sleep that night and had pain medicine.  If anything I tried to walk alot and did laps and the more I did it helped get the gas out.  I did so good I was in the hospital only a day and ended up leaving the following day and filled my prescription and never had to use it.  I had a treadmill at home collecting dust until I had to use it.  I went really slow not even being on it more than 2-3 minutes at a time and within a week I was walking a mile pretty good.  I increased the speed as my body felt ok and I used to be in the Marines and maybe that is why I was able to walk alot.  It took me 1-2 months before I had got in decent shape to go to the gym. I found the gym to be fun and would go with a friend and than later went byself after work and started a little rutine.  Again all I focused on was cardio and did 2 -2.5 miles on the treadmill and would just set it by time  - either 20 or 25 minutes and after that time is up you get a 5 minute cool down.  I would go as fast as I could pace myself and increased my jog and before I knew it I was able to run the 1st mile in good time and sometimes run the 2nd even faster.  I would try to run at least 1/4 of a mile before I would slow down some if needed.  A fast job would be somewhere around 4.9 or higher and I would run at least at 6 and try to keep that pace and when tired slowed it down to 4.3 or lower to catch my breath and go back up and see how long I can run at the higher speed and go back to lowering when I got tired.  I t seems like I lost a pound a day and I was increasing my weight lost at a fast past.  The weight just melted off me. Now I am really skinny and am not trying to loose any.  Thanks for reading my log @ss blog.  Give me some replies.  :) 

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El Cajon, CA
Mar 16, 2010
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