Day 1 post Op August 24, 2011

Aug 29, 2011

Someone had told me before the surgery that Wednesday may just be my worse day. The anesthesia is worn off , they are getting you up and around, and the pain really starts to hit you. You may find a time during that day that you may say, "Why did I do this?"
Guess what, she was right. To start with the night before was long and restless. So many noises and disturbances and tubes etc. Not a good night. I hadn't had my medicine since Monday and my nerves were raw. I was very emotional.
So they come in to "freshen" me up and remove the Foley Cath, which was such a relief BUT you know what that meant. OK now when I have to go to the bathroom, I'll have to get up and go. They were pumping this saline through me at a fast pace and anyone who knows me knows that I gotta go they unhooked me from the leggings, the heart monitor, etc so all I had was the IV and the drain.
They sat me up in the chair for a while then they were going to get me to go for a walk. And oh JOY I was allowed to have 10ml of water to try. Yes folks 10 ml and it was warm TAP water. I hate tap water.But I was parched. It felt weird going down, I mean what I could feel of it.LOL.
So I sat there and about 10:30 I rang the bell and said I needed to use the bathroom. I didn't have to go desperately but I figured it would take a while. Someone came in a bit later and I told her I needed to use the bathroom. She said " I'll let someone know". At 12:00 the aide came in with more water...YAY I told her I had to go so finally after 1.5 hours I got to go.
And so the day continued. Go to the bathroom, get back in bed for 10 min had to go again, then when I got there apparently my little muscles wouldn't relax and I couldn't go. So back to bed to continue this pattern.Now at 5:00 my water allowance was tripled to 30ml. Warm crappy water. made me vomit. Now let me tell you what happens when you try to vomit and there is NOTHING there. Freaking wretching almost torn my stitches out.
I cried all afternoon, just because. I knew Elwin was coming to see me and I was looking forward to that.
I got up a few times that day and tolerated the water the rest of the day, although I choose the ice chips. I asked the Dr if I could have them. They were my saving grace. Me and my ice chips.:)
Elwin's visit was too short and I didn't want him to go but I hated the drive he had to make. He hadn't had supper, then again neither did I..LOL. But I knew there was a great chance I'd be getting out tomorrow and I just wanted tomorrow to come.
By early evening I became a pro at unplugging the IV pole and getting to the bathroom myself. My God, if I didn't those nurses and aides would have killed me.
One of the aides came in and asked if I'd like lotion put on my back.  I wanted to kiss her. It was so sore from laying there. So the latter part of the day was better than the first.
As I'm dozing off to dreamland, BOOM, BOOM. one of the most intense thunder storms I've ever witnessed decided to visit. So much for sleep tonight I thought.

To be continued.....

Surgery Day- August 23, 2011

Aug 29, 2011

We headed out for Auburn about 445 am. I was supposed to be there at 6:00. They took me in the room, started an IV, got all of the paper work out of the way, then they let Elwin come in and sit with me.It didn't seem like a very long time and they came to get me. I was anxious and nervous. Worried for Elwin knowing he was going to be waiting and waiting seems so long in those places, I myself would be asleep. I remember getting into the OR Room, saying hi to all the staff and scooting over onto the table. I remember the anesthesiologist saying I just want to square your shoulders.......that was it. Nothing more until I started to come to in the recovery room. I remember asking what time it was and it was much later than I expected. The Dr spoke with Elwin about 11:30. He was expecting him around 10:00. Apparently he ran into some nasty adhesion's, so it took longer than expected.
I can't remember the exact time that I got to my room or that Elwin came in. It was over, or had it just begun? I wanted a glass of water so bad I would have held someone hostage if I could have moved.So they brought those little lollipop looking spongy thingies and I sucked them dry...mind you I was only supposed to "wet my lips" , yea right. I sucked on those the rest of the day.
Elwin was tired, he had been there all day so around 1:30 I told him to go home and rest. I wouldn't be much company to anyone anyway.
Because of my sleep apnea, I was placed on the cardiac floor where everyone is monitored. I had wires and tubes coming out of every orifice of my body. IV, Foley Cath., heart monitor, oximeter, a drainage tube sticking out of my side with some nasty looking crap in it, and last my legs were wrapped in a device that automatically fills with air and releases it to keep the circulation going in my legs.
I dozed on and off. I was very emotional. I missed Elwin, I missed my own bed, I just wanted to feel better. I felt like pure crap.
I kept dozing and waking all evening and time was going by so slow. Then at about 11:40 the freaking fire alarm goes off. " Code Red Basement Breakout Room" ...WTF...I was scared shitless and to safe my life even if flames were licking at my butt, I don't think I could have moved. Nurses and aides were scarce, I know they had a lot of people to look after, but I wanted to know what the heck was going on. And aid came in and I asked her what was going on and she said, " Oh nothing, someone tripped the alarm" Yea right. I work in a hospital, I know what code red is.
Finally after about 35 minutes and many tears later they called the Code clear. Phew, I felt better. It could be a lonnnnnnggggg night.

To be continued

Countdown to surgery - 4 days

Aug 29, 2011


  Well surgery is scheduled for August 23. I'm excited yet a bit nervous, but I'm ready for this. This is what I need to do. I've struggled with weight most of my life. Over the years I've lost and gained many pounds. I've succeeded temporarily at times only to return to my old habits.
These last few weeks I have been following my pre-surgery plan. I have to consume 4- 160 calories meal replacements from the hospital and I can have one small meal a day of meat and veggies. I'm ready for Tuesday.
There are other factors in my life that scare me right now. I have to trust in the Lord that all will work out.

I'm 4'11" tall, I weight 224 pounds. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe obstructive sleep apnea and many joint problems. Tons of aches and pains and no interest in myself. I'm tired all the time from this extra weight, I'm tired of being tired.
So I've researched and gone to support meetings and I have met the criteria for Bariatric surgery and I am ready to start a new Chapter in my life.

I'll take all of the prayers I can get.This is my team of supporters.
I've met the surgical team a number of times and I've met almost all of the patients featured on here. It's an amazing thing.

I'm 4'11" tall, I weight 220 pounds. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe obstructive sleep apnea and many joint problems. Tons of aches and pains and no interest in myself. I'm tired all the time from this extra weight, I'm tired of being tired.
So I've researched and gone to support meetings and I have met the criteria for Bariatric surgery and I am ready to start a new Chapter in my life.

I'll take all of the prayers I can get.This is my team of supporters.
I've met the surgical team a number of times and I've met almost all of the patients featured on here. It's an amazing thing.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 14, 2011
Member Since

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Latest Blog 33
