I had my Gastric Bypass RNY on Dec. 10th 2008 so I could add years to my life and have a higher quality of life. Before the pre surgery diet I weighed 255. I now weigh 216 and feel better already with almost 40 lbs. lost in 6 weeks. I had a rough time in the recovery room after I was awake. I had a near death experience. I do not know what happened but my breathing got shallow and heart rate went low and they called a code blue on me. I passed out but was totally lucid and remember thinking what I thought was outloud "Now what?" after that thought my soul was pulled through some white cloud like light that bathed me in what I believe was God's Light. I was totally at peace and felt myself being pulled upwards like in an elevator. I knew I was going to heaven and was thrilled to think about the reunion of family members who had passed. I did not care I had died and was in no pain- I only felt bliss. Then a voice called my name and I thought about not answering but after the third call I answered and was asked to breath and open my eyes. I did and there were a bunch of doctors and nurses standing around me. The pain and weight of my body felt awful, the surroundings looked colorless and it was such a shock to me. I felt angry and depressed that I was back. I went into the surgery wanting to extend my life but came from recovery to my room feeling cheated out of death. Ironic huh? Well it is six weeks later and I love my life. The first two weeks were very hard but I made it. I am feeling so much better and I also came out of it with an added gift. I know dying is not bad at all, and I am not afraid of it. I am excited about reaching my goal and being fit. There is a slight chance of death with any major surgery and people should consider that. I feel it was worth the risk and I am not angry anymore about being back because I believe now I need to be here for a purpose. Maybe my purpose is to inspire someone else.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 29, 2008
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