Fun Weight Loss Goals:
1. Buy a pair of boots that go up to my knees.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 12/19/05 (they are from Target and not real leather but who cares, they look good and feel great!)
2. Buy clothing in a "regular" store like Macy's etc. right off the rack in the regular department not "women's" in the basement by the mattresses. OR To be able to shop in ANY clothing store other than Lane Bryant or Target.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 12/31/05
3. Be able to lie in bed watching TV without my neck rolls touching and sticking to each other.
4. Be able to borrow a shirt from my (skinny) sister.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 6/29/06
5. Not always be the heaviest woman in the room.
******I can honestly say the "always" part is not longer true 1/14/06... but still sometimes... that may never be accomplished because I know some super skinny girls, LOL!
6. Be proud of EVERY item in my grocery cart.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 1/14/06 - I've noticed this the last three or four times I've been to the store. It's SUCH a good feeling!
7. Be small enough to look sexy in one of my husband's button down shirts.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 4/8/06
8. Not to have to fold my sweaters and jackets so no one accidentally sees the size on the label.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 2/17/06
9. Be able to paint my own toenails and give myself a pedicure without having my knee out to the side.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 3/15/06
10. Let my husband pick me up without thinking or saying, "no, no, I'm too heavy".
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 2/14/06
11. Walk without my thighs rubbing together. Will this EVER be possible?
12. To be able to cross my legs without having to carry the leg over the other and hold it there.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! I don't know exacatly when, I just discovered myself crossing my legs one day!
13. To walk into a room without thinking everyone looks at you as "wow, she's fat".
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 1/7/06
14. To sit in my hairdresser's chair and be able to look at myself in the mirror without being disgusted.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 5/24/06
15. Not be ashamed to step on the scale at my doctor’s office.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 2/28/06
16. Fit comfortably into an airplane seat without having the seat belt extended as far as it can go.
*******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 9/18/05
17. Be comfortable in a bathing suit for the first time in my life.
*******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 3/26/06
18. Be able to wrap a normal bath towel around myself and be covered.
*******ACCOMPLISHED!!!! 11/21/05
19. Wear a sleeveless/strapless dress with confidence and look good in it.
*******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 12/24/05 (ok it was actually a dressy shirt with spagetti straps, but it felt GREAT!)
20. Be comfortable wearing a shirt tucked in.
******ACCOMPLISHED! 10/26/05
21. Be comfortable wearing a belt.
******ACCOMPLISHED!!! 1/6/06
22. Be able to sit on my knees with my butt touching my feet (barefoot).
******ACCOMLISHED!!! 7/3/06

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2005
Member Since

Friends 2
