Gonna Give It a Try

Jul 08, 2009

Well I am new to this site and found the blog section so figured I would do it. I just read one women's strory and was moved so thought that I might share my story......
I am a 31 year old married mother of two. I have always been a big girl but never this big! I come from an obese family so plus size clothes and large meals have always been a way of life for me. When I started the program 8 months ago I was 270's I am now down to 259. I just got the call yesterday that I have been approved and go to meet with the surgeon for my pre-op on 8/3/09. They say that my surgery should be at the end of August sometime.
I have 4 friends who have gone through gastric and would not change it for anything. 2 of  them are 5 years out and doing fine and 2 of them are 6 months out or so and look great.
As I get closer to surgery I am nervous and excited. It will be great to have energy to play with my kids. Tie my own shoes without having to put them on a chair. Hell, seeing my own feet again would be great.
I was a dancer from the time I was 3 until 22 and everytime I see a dance recital it makes me so sad that I can not physically do any of that anymore. In my head and in my dream I am still skinny. Let me corect that I was never skinny I was always the chunky girl but i was never this FAT! I am OK wtih that word because at 5'1 and 259 pounds I am FAT. I am excited about this new chapter in my life that I am starting. Although the program that I am in has been hard and long I have learned a lot about myself and why I eat what I eat and what I am capable of. I try to walk everyday, I am taking a country line dancing class and I do 10,000 steps a day. A year ago that would have been a dream for me.
I am glad that I found this group and find a lot of support on the question and answers section. I am sure that I will have some posts as I continue in my exciting journey.


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Apr 30, 2009
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