Updates, wow moments, and telling.......

Apr 03, 2007

Wow! I've been slacking! I can't believe it's been more than a month since I updated! Norty me! lol

Well, lets see, things are moving along, I had my labs done, and my surgeon and nutritionist are thrilled, my levels are in excellent shape. As of todays date I weigh in at 250 pounds, for a total of 94 pounds gone in 5 months! Not to bad I'd say!  I've been truly blessed, I haven't had a hard time of it at all, it's been relatively easy journey so far, and God gets all of the credit! 

I have had some stressful moments and dare I say handled them well, high stress, boredom are to key eating triggers for me, but instead of eating, I either hit the streets for a long walk, or I'll clean house or maybe list things for sale on eBay, I'm shrinking out of my clothes rapidly, sell them there and have money to buy my protein and other clothes from goodwill, never new, not until I'm closer to goal.

Wow moments:

I just can't believe how much better I'm feeling. I've been able to do a thorough spring cleaning, from dusting the ceiling and walls to washing the baseboards. Took more than 7 straight hours of cleaning house and I still had 2 rooms left! I forgot to eat or drink I was so busy scrubbing and cleaning! Talk about a workout! lol

Yesterday, Dan and I spent a few hours outside raking the yard and cleaning out underbrush from the winter winds and snow/ice storms, they knocked a lot of limbs and twigs down. By the time we had finished we had 2 city trucks full of debris! Then we cleaned out the garage. I'd have never even thought of helping at this time last year!

Then there are the times I sat in "normal" chairs and could actually be comfy! Oh and how about crossing my legs! The first time in about 20 years! Not having to adjust the steering wheel before I drive, I've noticed so many wow moments, it's just great!

To tell or not to tell:

When people ask how I've lost my weight (the few that have, most already know, and haven't said a word about my progress)  I flat out tell them I had RNY surgery. Now, I know some people would gasp and say I wouldn't tell them. But me? The way I look at it....... I've had such a great experience with it, I want to share it, and encourage others to "get back their lives!" I even keep my surgeons business cards in my purse! LOL

Signing off........

Well, back to the grind, that's all for now......... I'll try to be more faithful about updating here.

A few WOW moments!

Feb 24, 2007

A few friends have asked if I've had any "wow" moments yet ...... you know, something that you can do now, that before surgery you wouldn't have been able to? Or someone saying something to make your day?

I've had a few, and Dan's still not gotten used to my WOOOOOHOOOO's! lol

I can cross my legs at the knees, comfortably, and without having to pick up my leg to do it. I was totally stunned when I had realized I was sitting on the couch with my legs crossed! It'd been "uber"  years since I could do that!

Tying my shoes comfortably, and, what about shaving them legs! LOL Not just up to the knees, but the entire leg with out worrying about using an entire can of shaving gel and 4 razors! ROFL!

And feeling your own arm/wrist/shin bone or a rib bone without having to "dig". lol

I had been shopping with Dan and HE got tired before I did, when we stopped to eat lunch at taco bell and I could actually fit comfortably in the booth. I slid right in, OMG he was at the counter ordering the food, he heard a loud WOOOOOOOOHOOOO! Turned around (he was beat red ) to look at me, I had yelled "wooooooooohooooooo I fit! " Arms raised in triumph!  LOL  It just flew outta my mouth honest!  I was soooooo proud! Just call me a peacock!  LOL 

Anyway, those are a few of my wow moments! :)

Almost 4 months post-op!

Feb 24, 2007

I have been so very blessed! I haven't had any complications; other than a couple of dumping episodes due to that nasty, evil, devil known as Mailtol! *shudders* It seems I can tolerate small quantities of real sugar; i.e fresh fruits, juices etc. but not Mailtol.

So, I have to be very careful when shopping for protein bars. I've found I do better when the ingredients have brown rice sugars in them than another's, so I shop the natural food stores and websites often. I'm getting really good at this label reading thing too! lol

In the past I could never imagine throwing away so much food! But until I find things I like, AND am allowed to have..... well it's a learning curve. I did find a cookie mix, Big Train and they are excellent, you can order them from http://www.bariatriceating.com website. She has the best things on there.

My hubby Dan has been truly a Godsend through all of this! From the very very start to now. When I get down, he's there to help me up, I make a new dish for dinner, it might taste yucky, he doesn't complain, he eats it and politely asks that I don't make "that" again LOL I so love that man!

Happy New Year!

Jan 25, 2007

Well, better late than never, right?! lol

Any way, it's been ages since I've posted and I figured I'd better get a move on!

As you may or may not know, my surgery went very well. No problems at all.

The only pain meds needed after returning home was 1 dose of lortab, and that's only because Dan hit every pot hole he could find on the 3 hour drive home from Barix! ( just kidding, but I was hurting )

I am very fortunate, in that I had no pains, no gas, was able to drink, eat, follow the program to a "T". I had even wondered IF I had even had the surgery I felt so fine!

Anyway, onward, Thanksgiving dinner went well, I had mashed potatoes, and put dark turkey & gravy in my magic bullet and blended well, and had 1/2 a deviled egg. It was soooo good after having just liquids for so long lol.

I've been able to tolerate everything I've eaten or drank so far, except for anything with Malitol. That ingredient is pure evil! Major dumping with that one, I swear I saw God in my tub that night!

2 weeks after thanksgiving I was admitted into the hospital with acute pancreaitis, due to my BIL jumping me & punching me in the stomach. Goes without saying, stay off the drugs!(We won't go there, let's just say, what goes around, comes around, he'll get his, Im sure! I believe in Karma!)Anyway, after being rushed by ambulance to Barix and being in their fantastic care, I was discharged 6 days later. I'm doing great, no more problems. ( crosses fingers )

I had my second check up at Barix yesterday, It's been 10 weeks and I've lost 72 lbs so far. YAY ME! lol

The doctor & nutritionist were thrilled and said to keep it up. I just need to work on getting in more liquids. But that'll come I'm sure!

I've been very lucky as far as work goes, the boss decided to build new offices while I was out on leave with surgery. They started in November and finally finished them last week. Now, I have to wait for my computer, it should be ready by the first week of February, then I'll be back in the office. It's been great and worked out wonderfully for me to work out of my house, but I miss the people. I'm a "people person"! lol

Anyway, that's the highlights of the past few weeks. Sorry it's wasn't more adventurous! lol

My first check up since surgery

Nov 21, 2006

Saw my nut, and Dr. Pop today. Good news all around!

My nut says I'm doing great! The protein goal she gave me is 68 grams a day, I've been averaging 80 + grams a day! My water intake needs to be the 64 ozs, I mostly get 40 - 50 ozs, but I'm getting there. Considering before the surgery I'd be lucky if I would drink 20 ozs in a day! 

And guess what?!!!!!  I've lost 36 lbs since surgery, it's been 19 days!  I've never ever lost 36 lbs at one time let alone in 19 days! LOL

I'm sooooo glad that I did this! I wish everyone could have their surgery and after surgery go as well as mine has gone. I'm not bragging, but am totally counting my blessings and not taking this for granted. It could change at any time. But I'm keeping a postitve mind set. I honestly believe that is why I'm doing so well.

My advice to pre-ops, begin eating now, like you'd have to after surgery.
Protein drinks, high protein foods, low carbs and walk! The better your health and mind is before surgery, the better it should be after surgery.

Good luck to all!

Latest update

Nov 18, 2006

November 1st, 2006
I quit my job, it wasn't pretty, needless to say, I no longer work for a drunk, and I feel GREAT! LOL

November 1, 2006
Pre-op Testing went well, no nerves or anything. We got there and was wooshed right through! lol Blood/urine tests, ultrasounds, xrays, weight taken, saw a couple of other doctors, answered tons of questions. It went very fast...........

November 1, 2006 Cont......
We left for Ypsi at 3pm, stopped to see daughter Carrie for a half hour or so, then got on our way, as I just knew he would Dan took US 12 through the dinky towns, instead of the interstate, the Ducolax kicked in about 5! Stopped at a "convince" store they had a sign "no public restrooms, don't ask". Tried a gas station, it was out of order, I about cried, not to mention something else! 

Finally 2 more miles a country type store let me use theirs, had to use jugs to flush it, but it worked! sheeesh I was in there so long I was ashamed to come out! They were totally nice about everything! We got 5 more miles and I hadda go again, a rinky dink gas station, sign said "restrooms, paying customers only" I slapped $5.00 on the counter and said point me to the restroom please! LOL wasn't funny then but know I can laugh! man! No more stops needed after that. 

We got to Ann Arbor near the Hampton hotel, hubby wanted to eat, we stopped at the Benningan's he got steak, deep fried onions, red skinned mashed potatoes and fresh steamed green beans. I got a bowl of tortilla soup ( forgetting about the veggies, and chips in it!!) I did the best I could at getting the broth and leaving the veggies and such. No biggie, went to bed about 11 pm or so, slept so so. 

November 2, 2006
We got up at 4:30am, I showered and used their soapy sponge, having Dan time me for the 5 minutes soaping and 3 minutes rinsing. We got to the hospital about 5:45 am, they took me right back, and started getting me prepped, went like a breeze, I changed into my "party dress and hat" lol, they hooked all the IV'S asked heaps of questions, then Dan came back about 6:45am, he asked if I was scared or nervous I grinned and said nope! he looked at my breathing numbers and heart numbers and was shocked that I wasn't! LOL  I was more nervous at the PAT's than at the actual surgery time!

They gave me a couple of the thinner shots in my belly, and sprayed the back of my throat, wanting to gargle, try as I might, I couldn't gargle that yuk! lol I talked to the anistheologist and Dr. Pop, signed more papers. 

I was honestly not nervous or scared, we were even joking with the nurses and staff, checked out the male "eye candy" LOL that the last thing I remember too the "eye candy" LMAO! 

I don't even remember being in the recovery room or having the breathing tube removed, nothing! Dan said they took me there though! lol

I woke up in my room, I remember Dan there, my son John there, but very little else, they told me the next day that I kept calling John, Carrie and asked him to turn off the sun and I wouldn't stop asking until John said he moved a cloud in front of it! ROFL! 

They refused to tell me anything else I said, just said I kept them in stitches, and the nurses said I talked in my sleep, not clear enough for details,  just jabber jawing how embarrassing! lol funny stuff I was told. 

November 3, 2006
Dan found out today  that the gramma that raised me passed away, she had had a series of mini strokes and her daughters opted to remove her life support. The nurses gave me a valium. 

November 5, 2006
I got to leave the hospital today! Yay! I'm actually feeling great. No pain at all.

It was a little over a 2 hour drive home, I think Dan hit every bump and hole in the roads lol. I took some pain meds after getting home and went to bed, I was so tired by then.

November 6, 2006
Grammas funeral was today..... it was a nice service. She will be missed.

November 10, 2006
I'm a loser and proud of it! lol 

I'm getting kinda worried, I've tolerated everything I've tried so far, sf ff jellos, puddings, broths, protein fruit smoothies & shakes, and soups etc. up to 30 - 50 oz of water/crystal light a day. I do make sure everything is smooth though, if there is any doubt I strain it through my fine sieve. My taste buds haven't changed a bit either. 

I'm feeling fine, I haven't had any pain meds since being home. I can sit at the computer doing work for about an hour at a time. I haven't needed to nap except on Sunday. Compared to other peoples experiences, this just isn't right! LOL 

Now mind you, I'm not complaining, but dang did Dr. Pop really do the surgery? LOL 

I'll count my blessings as I am truly blessed. 

November 18, 2006
I'm still doing great! I can tolerate everything I've had so far. I'm getting bored of the food I can have. The only thing that helps is having the different soups.

I take 2, 15 minute walks in the day, and another walk with Dan after he gets home. I got my Weigh2Win DVD yesterday, and did the 20 minute workout; leval 1. I feel more tired than after going to the gym! lol

I've lost 21 pounds since my surgery!  YAY! I have my 3 week check-up this next Tuesday, we'll see what Dr. Pop thinks then.

Waiting on PAT's

Sep 30, 2006

October 10, 2006
YAY! I have a date now! Pre-Admission testing: Oct. 18th, the day before my birthday! What a gift huh? lol Surgical date is November 2nd! yeeeeeeehaw! If I'm dreamin' do NOT wake me up! It's been a loooong road! But..... I'M HERE! YAY! lol No I'm NOT excited! NOOOOOOOT!! LMAO! Doin' back flips, or tryin' to lol 

October 17, 2006
Well, tomorrow is the beginning of my "new" life. Pre-admission testing (PAT) I'm not nervous, YET, I'll probably hyperventilate on the way up to Barix in Ypsilanti, lol. Been there done that! lol

I shouldn't get nervous, it's just the testing, nothing major, they've told me everything they'd be doing, but still, I guess I'm afraid they'll find something wrong and not be able to do it. I can't beleive God would have be go through all this for nothing, right? *weak grin*
Well, anyway gotta be there at 7:30 am, rise n shine by gosh! lol
Can't wait..........

My consultation......

Aug 31, 2006

September 5, 2006
Dan & I went to Barix in Ypsi, went through the orientation, met with Dr. Pop again. It went well. I need to do another pscyh eval, the bloodgasses, pulinmary function test and get an updated letter of support from my PCP. 

While I waited to see Dr. Pop, I called and made an appointment for my Pscyh eval, I go on the 12th, one week away, then I called our local hospital, made appointments for the bloodwork and PFT, that will be done on the 11th. :) 

September 6th, 2006
Stopped by my PCP office to give them a sample copy of the letter BCBS requires. 

September 13, 2006
Tests done, now the waiting begins! I called my PCP to see if the letter was ready. "No, he has it but hasn't had time to do it". grrrrrr I offered to come in, get a letterhead, type it up then he could sign it, no go. I offered to make a regular appointment, he could charge me an office visit and type it up while I wait, no go. Fine, I'll call again tomorrow! 

September 20, 2006
I've called my PCP everyday, I'm not geting anywhere! Hubby made an appointment to see him for a medical problem he was having, I'll just go with him then by gawd! LOL 

September 21, 2006
Saw the PCP, booooooy did we have a chat! Seem's he knew about the letter, but not all the details that needed to be added in, he didn't receive the sample letter at all, good thing I happened to have a copy with me, he promised he'd have it ready tomorrow. 

September 25, 2006
Barix called! They have everything they need, I'm APPROVED!! YEEEEEEEEEEHAW!! lol Now I need to wait for Dr.Pop to look everything over, send it to scheduling, they'll call me with a date in about a week or so. *tick tock tick tock* sheeeeeesh! lol

Finally! Good news!

Jul 31, 2006

August 30, 2006
Well it's been over a year. Walter was unable to help me, but he was very helpful, kind, understanding, upfront and honest. I liked him. 

Dan (my hubby) has been informed from the new HR person where he works that as of September 1, 2006, we will be having a different insurance company!! Dan met privately with the insurance rep, and flat out asked the rep, if GBS was covered, he said if my PCP and the surgeon said it was medically nessary, they do. I about cried when Dan told me that! I called Barix (formely BTC) and let them know, they still had my file, I go for consultation September 5, 2006. *excited!* I'll update then.....

Attorney, what a waste of money!

Jul 31, 2005

August 22, 2005
We've had to file bankruptcy today, the only thing we own out- right is 2nd & 3rd hand household furnishings, a used, 7 year old computer & a 1975 Honda motorcycle that hubby rides to work everyday, rain, shine, sleet or snow,.... for real! We received a letter that hubbys insurance rates are going waaaaaaay up this year and that the co-payments have increased for my medications, from $196.00 a month to $324.00 a month! His company has decided to keep the same IBA insurance plan, it's all they offer, no options to change companies or policies. So, now even less money for bills. Things are really bad right now. 

August 26, 2005
I received a letter from Gary V. today. Seems all my appeals have been exhausted. He says the insurance said they lost papers/faxes etc., but he has still tried other levels of appeals. All were denied. He said he even filed a complaint with the State of Michigan Insurance department, and feels even they won't overturn the denial. And said that since last Novermber 2004, his office is limiting the cases they accept from Michigan to only those denied for medical necessity. IBA of Michigan doesn't overturn exclusions any longer. (Funny, he never mentioned that until after, getting my cash and "working" on my case for nearly a year!) He also regrets that he couldn't have been of greater assistance, then wished me luck. I contacted Gary and requested copies of all my paperwork concerning my appeal, after emailing him requests and leaving him many messages on his machine, and having to "remind" him of my rights, I got the "file" via snail mail. It consisted of 2 sheets of paper; scribbled reminders to call my insurance company, and a copy of a letter requesting an appeal for Recontructive Plastic Surgery. WHAT THE H*LL? RECONSTRUCTIVE PLASTIC SURGERY?!!!! It was to have been for GBS!! No friggin' wonder the insurance wouldn't respond, and treated me like a idiot when I'd call to follow up on the appeals. After all the waiting, calls, faxes, emails, this was what he was working on?! I did call Gary to ask for an explaination; he stated that the office girl must have sent out the wrong letter; well duh?! ya think?!!! Needless to say, I've given up on the $750.00 I paid Gary up front, as well as him getting this surgery approved, I guess it's back to square one! I still haven't given up. I've decided to hire Walter Lindstrom from California, this time, I've actually spoken face to face with real people that have hired him and he won their appeals. All 5 people are in my WLS support group. So saving pennies to go towards his fee......... 

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 15, 2004
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Friends 63

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SOFT FOODS Stage and Tips
Full Liquids "Food" Ideas and Tips
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July 22, 2007 Picture Update
June/July Gardens and Housework...
Things keep getting better.....
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I've made it to the "Century Club"! WOOOOHOOO!
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Doctors Reaction to My Progress....
