9th Anniversary - May 13 RNY

May 12, 2012

9 years later....
300 lbs to 130 - stayed between 130 and 140 -  went thru several GI bleeds and removal of my stomach - then neurological poroblems with both legs - severe spasms - sent me crying and pleading for relief - tried different things thru my doc - not much worked - when I researched the problem - I discovered that Mayo Clinic was seeing post bariatric patients with neuro deficits - nutritional problems.  I now do B12 injections every other week - have a diet hi in B vit foods - do B supplements - by mouth and under the tongue.  I am anemic and stay around 8-10 Hemoglobin and now do Iron infusions annually - Originally chose RNY because of strong family history - female side of massive deadly heart attacks - young age - mom was 55 - maternal grandmother was 62 - and my BP ran in the 180-200/90-100 on medications.

i have a brilliant primary care physician who stays on top of all current post bariatric research - for a while my BP was good - but we found out that long term studies don't show any effect on hypertension and RNY does not protect against heart attacks - so I am careful with diet and exercise - do cardio 3 times a week.

Had the surgery at 56 - so skin not elastic and never went for skin removal - not that important to me and insurance gts worse each year anyway.

1 1/2 yrs after surgery I drank wine heavily with black outs -  before surgery I still had my unopened wwedding champagne from 25 years ago -  then when my appetite came back and sugar cravings - I had enough bouts of dumping syndrome to get rid of those old desires - switched to dark chocolaate treats every once in a while -  once i was getting my sugar from other sources - and not alcohol - never drank wine again - sober for 5 years now - and no cravings for it - even under the most stress.

Would I do it again?????    You bet!!!!

Have I experienced unexpected things????  You bet!!!!    Lost friends who felt uncomfortable at dinner with me.  For a while my family asked that I not come to celebrations - about 3 yrs.  Went flat chested after being a 44C - affected my relationship big time.  Some people who knew me as a big woman still feel that I just "don't look well"

Why would I do it all again - anyway????

-  I can go to the bathroom without needing to carry a towel in a plastic bag to clean myself
-  I can wear shoes that have to be laced up - not just slip ons
-  I walk up and down 6 flights of stairs at work and my breathing is fine - I don't have to stop and cry on the first set of stairs - and on some nights I forget I'm climbing and end up 2 more flights up.
-  I was never afraid to try anything before - but now I enjoy new things without having back pain - kayaking - tango - cardio - biking - camping - tennis - anything i can afford that I never did before
-  My health overall is better than ever - minu the stomach :)
-  I rarely go down the candy / pastry/ chocolate/ supermarket aisle -  most of the time I don't even think about it.
-  I thought I would always miss my favorite foods -  italian pastries - large lobsters smothered in butter - hunks of fresh bread with butter - mashed potatos with butter - anything with butter :0
    I DON'T
-  When I overhear someone say "It's that skinny woman over there."  I don't look around to find the skinny woman -  I now really believe they are talking about me -  My inner picture of myself being thin took 8 years to arrive.
-  When I meet new people and someone tells them I was once 300 pounds - they say "I don't believe it."
-  I finished professional clown school last year and dress up in big costumes  - not my old big women's clothes\
-  The only sizes I keep in my closets now are 6-8-10's   -  everything over 10 was given to GoodWill 2 years ago
-  I share my story with anyone who wants to learn more about bariatric surgery and have been the support for many people these past 9 years -  i am honest about the good parts and the hard parts -


Remnant Stomach Issues

Sep 02, 2008

Hi everyone -
Original Wt  300 lb  -  RNY 2002 - lost 160 in one year - barely ate during that year.  4 endoscopic stretching for closure at surgical site.  Had 3 episodes of ulcer bleeding - the first ulcer at pouch site; other 2 in remnant stomach - Just had stomach completely removed - did not stop bleeding this time - had 9 units of blood.

Want to know if anyone else had the complete gastrectomy - and how you are eating -

Hope everyone is doing well - or/and have good support - and continued strength on your journey - pre or post decision.

The usual question you get - would you do it again -  YES - these complications are rare - just not lucky that way -  but so many daily life needs improved - one as simple as being able to clean myself after toileting - no more towels in plastic bags.

Didn't turn into a physical beauty - at 61 those flabs are interesting to live with -  anyone find a bra you can roll your breasts into? -  some family/friends think I look awful - people I meet for the first time can't believe I was ever 300 lb - and call me attractive.

I'm a nurse researcher and want to do a long term study of journals kept by people choosing surgey or lap band - I hope you will consider being one of my journal journey partners.

About Me
Levittown, NY
Apr 22, 2002
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Remnant Stomach Issues
