
Apr 03, 2007

I am happy to announce that though the grace of our Lord and Savior, I am down another 4 lbs! That brings the grand total to 58 lbs! Thank God!
I have learned to recognize the temptations of sugar, especially during specific TOM. Girl Scout cookies are named appropriately. They scouted me out, and finally found me at work. What is a Samoa? It is twice the cardio workout. Except during that time, I feel a bit gross as is and sweating, not quite what I was going for, so I will make up for it during other meals.
What else is new, you ask?
I am renewed as is my hope, with the changing of the seasons. I adore springtime! Everything is alive and reproducing. Life begins again. Ok, Hallmark check. Sorry. I will keep it to myself.
Wrap dresses are my thing right now. They can accomodate my changing shape. I still owe for my surgery, who has money to continually update the wardrobe? (okay, it still happens. I must be fabulous!) Speaking of bills, please pray for me. Things are a bit tight and I want to be a proper steward and wise enough to know if/when/how I should gain additional income.
I am still hopeful on the dating/courtship end. It is amazing how many more approaches I have now. Seriously, were the lbs intimidating? Never mind, not today!
It's amazing to see that 6 months have past and I am still doing this and doing it well. I am not boasting, but rejoicing in what God has done. I am so GRATEFUL! Only now does it seem like I have much to do at all. I was sidetracked for awhile concerning exercise, portion control, water intake and carbohydrates. Alas, I am focused again, thank God, and ready to walk victoriously into my destiny. I hope and pray that all of those at, approaching or beyond the 6 month marker are experiencing weight loss as well as empowerment.
Blessings and peace!


A new outlook!

Mar 04, 2007

Just wanted to check in.
I need to weigh myself so my correct weight and body mass index can be listed. How can you help someone else if you do not provide the basic information?

I am getting into a better exercise rhythm mainly because this is the time of year where I renew my commitment to Christ. One of the ways I am doing that is by presenting my body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, unto God. I am going to use the temple he has given me and glorify him through my actions as well as my words!

I will have to provide details from my recent trips to Los Angeles and Las Vegas and the dating scene. Times they are a-changin'.

Be blessed!

Favor is Evident!

Jan 12, 2007

Just a quick note to praise and thank God Most High for the miracle of this weight loss. Yesterday I weighed myself and a total of 50 lbs are gone forever. Obviously I could not have done this alone, so again, I reference God who works (quickly) through this tool! I am so pleased and hopeful. Because he has answered this prayer, I know everything else is on the way!

Will update soon!

Living my life like it's Golden!

Dec 14, 2006

December 14, 2006

Good day!
I will update on a more regular basis. Not a lot has been going on. (But thanks to God, the pounds keep falling off!). After Thanksgiving, I feared that I'd not lost anything and prayed that I hadn't gained anything. I stepped on the scale last week and I am down 2 more lbs! That brings the grand total to...Drumroll please...40#!

Go Elle, Go Elle, Go Go!

That wasn't even when the celebration began! My favorite basketball team (Detroit Pistons) was coming to town December 13, 2006, and the company provided tickets for Christmas, so I had to be there. However, the clothes I own are a bit big these days so I had to purchase something to wear. While at LB, because I shop with coupons--tease me later, the associate pointed out a few things and started a fitting room. I commented that she picked out clothes in the wrong size, an 18/20. I knew I'd lost weight, but the last item I purchased from LB was a size 26/28, and it was not THAT long ago. She urged me to just try the clothes on, and guess what? The shirts fit. With my newfound booty (I just feel funny being a professional adult using that word :) I wore a 22 in the jeans, but I will take it. I was so pumped, I used daytime minutes and international minutes to tell my best friend! (Seriously,like Sprint cared! Always pay your bill prior to making costly calls!) The jeans fit so well that they made a repeat appearance at the office gathering this afternoon!

Aside from that, I love the Pistons. My friends and I were at the pregame and met a couple of the players. Wearing those jeans, and my new favorite scent (Bagdley Mischka--give it a minute), I was turning more heads than the cheerleaders!

People at work are starting to wonder. Until they are bold enough to ask, I'll remain quiet. Not that I'll tell them, should they ever garner that much nerve, but I will say something.

I am having a periodic pain near my port. Of course that could be any number of things, so I will see Dr. Curry after Christmas. I have asked for a fill, not sure if that will work, but the first fill did not provide any noticeable restriction. Thank God for continued loss though!

God rest ye merry gentlepeople, let nothing you dismay, remember Christ our Savior was born this Christmas Day!

Tidings of comfort and joy (in case I don't update my profile in a timely manner),


So much to be grateful for...Let's celebrate

Nov 30, 2006

Okay, Detroit is on a winning streak (Detroit Basketball!), Jalen's getting PT in PHX, the weather's been in the sixty's this week--Life is Good!

A few weeks ago I was told that my port flipped. The proposed remedy was another (outpatient) surgical procedure. I posted questions on the Lap Band Forum and other messageboards. One of the responses came from Dr. C  in Cincinnati. The day after thanksgiving (after shopping) I drove to Cincinnati to see him. I am grateful to God for him finding my port, identifying its issue (it was a bit off to the side/turned), and being able to provide a fill without an additional surgery! There were other perks, and if you send a message, I'll tell you--don't want to get anyone in trouble!

I haven't stepped on a scale in weeks, but I'd lost 38 pounds, then 'gained' (however temporary) 6 pounds. Who knows what I weigh now? I was able to purchase size 22 and 24 clothes last friday (from 26 and 28), and they have room to spare (never wanted to have my clothes clinging to me), so I shan't complain. I am grateful to God for this opportunity to optimize my life. 

Let's see what's new(s)...
My weight loss has fueled my sister's committment to healthier living...

There is still so much I have yet to understand about dating/courtship, so if there are patient (and decent) men who would be willing to teach, I am willing to learn...Wait...that probably didn't come out right...I'll get it someday!

Due to pilates, I now have a beautiful backside. I am feeling bootylicious (thx Destiny's Child! After years of being tormented for being the only family member with a flat as a board backside, I am now official! Pilates has also helped define my arms and legs (which stop men in their tracks--but they've always had that power). I am sure once I lose more of the midsection I will have stunningly defined abs as well. This journey is so rewarding!

I should get back to measuring my food, just in case the gain was a wake up call. I would like to lose more than 50 lbs by Christmas, so I will do what it takes. 

I said I would reward myself with a new pair of shoes after reaching my first goal. In doing so I've discovered that shoes are rarely if ever cute and comfortable and affordable. City dwellers can relate: Imagine walking 15 minutes from a parking garage a couple of blocks away, in stilettos or with leather or metal grinding against your flesh--yeah--showing up to a meeting rubbing your feet is really professional.

That's all on Elltv for now, stay tuned!

Valley low, Mountain High

Nov 15, 2006

November 16, 2006

This morning I was supposed to have my first fill (actually I was scheduled to have the fill inthe doctor's office on November 6, 2006, but the doctor was having trouble locating the port). I went to the hospital early this morning, changed into the pretty green robe and lied on a  table. After being stuck with a needle and being under flouroscopy, the surgeon discovered that the port flipped. Long and short, I will need to have another surgery to reverse the port. I know that there were risks, I just did not anticipate experienceing any of them personally.

On a better note: I've lost a total of 32 pounds to date! The scale moved another 4 pounds less.

God said 'Move Mountain'

Oct 26, 2006

October 26, 2006
After another support group meeting (this one a bit more productive than the last) last night, I stepped on the scale. Much to my delight, I have lost another 13 lbs, bringing my 5 week total to 26! I am so excited. All I could do was Thank God! I am encouraged!

Also last night I met some very nice and seemingingly helpful folk, one of which agreed to help with exercise/accountability. I'm on my way! (And the unhealthy lifestyle and obesity are on their way too--on their way out)

Until next time,


What is the return policy?

Oct 24, 2006

October 24, 2006
After weeks of nausea, my surgeon scheduled another fun-filled upper GI. The radiology staff and physicians had trouble viewing the barium (and some other clear, and clearly bad tasting fluid) entering my small intestine. We waited. And waited and waited. After about 40 minutes my surgeon stopped by (the beauty of having the Bariatric Center connected to the hospital) and asked if my stomach had always digested food slowly, if it'd always been "lazy" . (:( she called my stomach lazy :-(  My response sounds much more flippant than it was intended--"I have no way of knowing that." Honestly, I'd not had many health problems in the past, so I'd had no logical reason to examine the rate of my digestion.  I could have offered a theory or two--hence my issues with obesity. She offered a prescription for Reglan (a motility agent) to help my stomach move the food and drink into the small intestine a bit faster.  

1)How will my rate of digestion (how fast my stomach empties into my small intestine) affect my weight loss?
2)Could the use of this "motility agent" have helped my digestion and prevented the need for surgery?
3)If surgery was not necessary, can I have at least a partial refund? :)

Other than that, I am pretty happy and full of joy. I've decided to reward myself at intervals of loss. At 25lbs, I get new shoes (which are necessary because of the weight loss so far). At 50lbs, I've agreed to have a tattoo--note to self, look up scripture in Leviticus about tattooing--it's great to reward, but there is no need in sinning! Between 50 and 75lbs (increased activity) I will plan or take a vacation to someplace warm and sunny. At 75lbs, I am climbing a rock (the harness may not hurt as much). I will also take a trip to Las Vegas. If I make it into the century club in less than one year, I will purchase a new car (earlier than planned).

There is an obstacle--I do not own a scale! I have no idea how much weight I've actually lost since week two (12-13 lbs)!

Until next time,

Take care!

Welcome to Indiana!

Oct 19, 2006

October 19, 2006

After a necessary sabbatical, I've returned to my current residence, job and my apartment. Last night (and even this morning) I felt like a kid on the first day of school.

Recovery is progressing, though I have yet to measure the progress. I resisted the temptation to purchase a scale and weigh myself. I can wait until my next doctor's appointment. I have discovered that I can eat more than the 2 ounces of food I am was prescribed, but I will not test that theory very much. Alas, I've found a protein supplement I can tolerate, Nectar, which tastes like fruit juices (no aftertaste) and Shake a Whey, which has no aftertaste, but is similar to milkshakes (not a fan of milkshakes or other dairy products).

On Tuesday, I reached the 4 week mark (Yea!) so I am able to exercise and eat vegetables and pureed meat. I'll do what it takes to bring sexy back. (Poor Justin Timberlake never imagined the misuse and abuse of his cliche.)

I am in need of a cheaper way to attend the NBA All-Star weekend in Las Vegas. Anyone have any bright ideas? This would be a great way to celebrate whatever milestone I happen to reach by then!

Journey into Stardom

Oct 19, 2006

September 28, 2006
I attended my first support group last evening. It was informative, even a bit comedic (considering my somewhat skewed sense of humor). I am the step child if you will of the program, the only lap band patient in awhile, so the information is less applicable (no B12 or B1, I can sip Gatorade as others look sideways at me, etc.) I am headed to mom's house (and to see the nephews on the way! Yay! Thank God!) and will bask in the care provided by my mommy!

Yeah! I am down another pound since surgery! That makes 10+ total! Praise Jesus!

Until next time,

Blessings and peace.

September 25, 2006
Guess who's officially on the bandwagon? That's right, I am! Brief recap (according to my pharm-altered recollection): Monday, September 18, 2006, the surgeon's office called to reschedule my appointment. I would be banded at 8:00 instead of 10:00am. Tuesday, September 19, headed to the hospital at 6:00am. I beat the sun rising! Mom and I check in, valet parked the car :) met and talked with a family and was headed back to change. After about an hour of verifying information, talking with the nurse and changing into that sexy gown, I met with the surgeon and anesthesiologist. About 7:45am, the pre-op nurse and I walked to the OR room and settled into a network of monitors. The anesthesiologist and I joked about Grey's Anatomy (he was a bit McDreamy-like himself!), he asked if I wanted to take a nap, and I woke up in my room. I must have slept through the recovery time/room, that anesthesia was a little potent!

The routine of sip, walk, drink, drug, breathe, sleep began and did end for 24 (or more) hours. The staff was helpful and kind (despite my grogginess and deplorable disposition). Mom actually slept on a cot, and the surgeon managed to complete her rounds while I was showering. This was definitely a memorable occasion! I met a couple of other people as I walked and in discharge class. Finally, I went home, but not before stopping at the mall! (P.S. that is not a bright idea, a little ambitious, I discovered as I leaned on a column--so sexy!

So after six days of sipping, walking and breathing, I had my first followup visit today. No one warned me that I would be photographed (no makeup and comfy clothes--argh!)-so much for bringing sexy back! Dr. Cacucci said I was fine and the dietician's offered protein alternatives. I am down 9+ pounds since the date of surgery and am ready to go on succeeding!

I would like to thank the OH members for their support and prayers (He was listening to us!). I'll keep you posted!

September 12, 2006
Today I was showered with gifts! I received a lovely green sipper cup and a stainless steel (nicely beveled) baby spoon at my preoperative class (no more classes until after the lap band is in place). The "class" was fun simply because the office is not always sure how to deal with me. I am the surgeons only Pre-Op Lap Band patient right now and I think I am a bit much for their staff to handle. For example, I asked if some of the prescriptions could be called into the pharmacy ahead of time (I know, I know, but I will not likely be able to drive and I want to purchase them from the pharmacy at work so that I can obtain them at a lower price, and besides, I like to be prepared:) Anyhow, you might have thought I was asking for water from a rock (I might have a better chance). Then the nurse explained that no one has asked that question before and that they do not typically do those things. Typically? Anyhow, I will select my battles carefully and that is not one I wanted on this Tuesday. I'll just go to Walgreen's and pay the price. I was a bit shocked to learn that I gained a few pounds and that I am vitamin D deficient. I was able to ask all of the questions that have been popping into my head at random (port placement, pain relievers, fills, therapy, exercise classes, et cetera) and feel a bit more confident (this is not a radical, trailblazing change, it is behavior MODIFICATION--I had to have a reality check--I have historically been on one end of an extreme). I am ready!

Other than that I am shopping for cute slippers, stocking up on Isopure protein and chewable vitamins. I am at least viewing the various forums more often, maybe one day I will participate actively.

I truly have to thank my Heavenly Father for all of the blessings affiliated with this surgery and the journey to the actual procedure. Not once have I encountered opposition or obstacle, not once has doubt or fear caused me to change my direction. I believe the clear path to this surgery indicates that I am in His will and that with His direction (and blessings of discipline and diligence) I will conquer whatever has been holding me back for the last 27 years!

Living life like it's golden...

September 6, 2006
I will update my profile. I will update my profile. I will update my profile.
This morning held preoperative testing. I arrived at the hospital at 6:35 am--I am usually asleep around that time--I'll sleep well tonight. Upon arrival, I was given my all access pass (aka wristband and registration) and was wisked off to the lab for bloodwork (they took a LOT of blood--I tend to be frugal with my fluids), which was followed by a gall bladder ultrasound. After a wardrobe change, I starred in "the Rotation" (my chest X-Ray and upper GI complete with Barium Cocktails at the Kraft table). After an EKG and Pulse Oximetry test (Waiting to Exhale) I was interviewed by the media and paparrazi (Post-Op Nurse) and permitted to leave.
This is becoming real to me! I volunteered to have surgery! Wow...

About me...27 years old, 5 feet 10 inches, single, "bean counter by day" (secretly planning to take David Stern's job in the near future), SuperAuntie, Indiana transplant (so I know about 5 people here), avid reader, sports much!

                                                  "If you always do what you've always done, you'll alway have what you've always had"
   So that's my logic. I've decided to try a new method of weight loss, employ a new tool, to give myself an advantage in this pursuit.
I've tried a few things but fear of failure and procrastination forfeited those endeavors. Realizing that I am an adult now, change is imminent!  I am starting from the inside out!

I've selected St. Vincent Carmel and Dr. Brenda Cacucci as my surgeon. In meeting her, I was impressed with her candor. I appreciate honesty and integrity and have not been disappointed by the surgeon or office staff. I am particulary impressed by St. Vincent's affiliation with Fifth Third Bank, what a tremendous (and unexpected) blessing!
My best friend was banded this month and having her support (and first hand account of the process) is a blessing beyond measure. Her humor helps take the edge (anxiety) off. She is recouping well.
This is the beginning of a wonderful journey and I will commit to doing what is most beneficial to my body and my spirit."> name="wmode" value="transparent">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"autoplay='true' >

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 10
A new outlook!
Favor is Evident!
Living my life like it's Golden!
So much to be grateful for...Let's celebrate
Valley low, Mountain High
God said 'Move Mountain'
What is the return policy?
Welcome to Indiana!
Journey into Stardom
