May 17 - 15 days out

May 17, 2007

Things are still going very well! I was supposed to start on mushies but all I did was purchase a few things.  I haven't yet eaten any.  I've been having cream of soups (one can is good for the whole day) and adding protein to the soups.  I found that cream of chicken with Unjury chicken broth (supplement) was delicious.  Or at least what the new delicious is to me. I also enjoyed cream of potato soup.  That's been about as much as I've tried.  I've been trying to get in more liquids - I haven't been getting as much as I planned - so I decided to go for 2 small sf jello cups to boost liquid.  I'm tracking everything and so far so good.   I bought a scale! It seems to give me a different weight every time I stepped on so I averaged 5 weights I got at one time and so I lost around 15 lbs.. it could be more or less.. whatever though - I can feel it.

I do find that I tire out at the end of the day. It's nice to just relax in bed for a while - but I end of falling asleep which is nice.  The other day I finally was home during a bad storm (really bad storm) and fulfilled my dream of laying in bed during a bad storm and just listening to the thunder, lightening cracks, sirens, more sirens.... the joys of being at home and not at work all day.  My feet are still good!! yay!  I have another 2 weeks off... I'm going to enjoy that.  More to come....

On the twelf day... ok.. how do you spell 12th....

May 15, 2007

What a beautiful past 2 days - and what a perfect time to be off work.  I'm staying out of work until the end of the month (because that's the first approval on my short-term disability) and I deserve a break! The good part is I keep all my banked leave days (vacation, sick, personal) so I can use them for my next trip to Walt Disney World.  My original plan was to go in September - but I may delay that.  It'll depend on a few factors.  September is when WDW offers their amazing "free food plan" which I won't be able to take advantage of - but then again it would be a great way to go to the more expensive buffet meals without paying and having the best choice of foods..  So I haven't totally ruled out Sept.. I did fall way behind on my vacation savings -- but then again.. I need significantly less if I'm not paying for food... lots of then agains... 
Yesterday I worked in the garden for much of the day.  I sat on my garden buddy rolling thingy and dug holes while sitting.  I only planted 4 things.  I have a few more small ones to plant, but it was actually too hot for me to do it earlier today, so I'll get at it later.  I'm being careful not to over do things.  You'd never know I was 12 days out of surgery.  I have to keep reminding myself of that.  After gardening, I went over to Tar--get (the -- make it less searchable) and visited a bit.  Again.. they didn't believe I was recovering because I'm told I look very healthy (it's the tan) and my feet don't hurt so I'm smiling a lot.  I knew I was tired from yesterday though because I slept way more than normal.  Good times! I really am considering buying a scale just to keep track of how the numbers go.  I do hope my boobs shrink and fast. 
Foods.. I've managed to happily drink carnation instant breakfast with soy milk, lots of cream of chicken soup, and various Unjury protein supplement shakes.   No problems with any at all... except I feel very full and haven't been able to finish the whole thing most of the time.  I'm trying to get my protein up a little closer to 60 grams.. and I'm using the FitDay software to keep track of everything.  I'm currently trying to finish a Strawberry Sorbet frozen shake -- its a challenge!  I am feeling hungry a few hours in between but nothing major. It reminds me to do a supplement.  I'm supposed to start on mushies on Thursday - before I do so I'm going to write out a meal goal plan so I can make some sort of schedule.  I know me and if I'm outside gardening I'll pass up eating - and I can't do that -- in the past I'd just make up for it later on -- I want to avoid that make up for it eating.

May 13, Sunday

May 13, 2007

A fun day.  I began moving back to my own personal cave - I'm feeling 500% better (and I wasn't even feeling all that bad before). My big question was if I could manage on my bed - I have a super thick air mattress on top of a futon.  To get in bed, I have to climb up 2 steps (granted I'm slightly under-height at 5 ft). And once I'm in the bed, it's not always easy to move about to get in a good position.  To solve the issue I put a blanket on top of the sheets which stops sliding. I bought a wedge pillow so I can lay at an angle.. and it's perfect.  This week, I'll start to clean up a bit.  To entertain myself I headed to Home Depot - planning to get my mom some hanging baskets (they were sold out) so instead I picked up 6 assorted perennials for one of my front gardens.  All are very small and light.  I also bought a very small spade to dig holes (it's small enough that I can sit on my rolling garden bench and not strain anything) so I can do some work.  I spent way too much time there, but had to forgo buying a few things because they're heavy and I have lifting restrictions.  Finished a whole bottle of water while there.. which is good for me! Hooray!  Then I went to the supermarket for a few items.. more broth, soy milk, an insulated bottle with a strap I can wear, cream of soups... drank another bottle of water and realized I'd been walking around stores for 4 hours!  I realized it because there was this massive pulling in my chest/stomach.  BUT MY FEET DIDN'T HURT. So, I just slowed down a bit and finally gave in and came home. I was so happy to have walked that much and not been in pain. I felt hungry. So I decided to mix soy milk with chocolate Unjury protein mix.  I was a little hesitant, but decided that there's no time like now.. put it in the blender.  It was the most delicious thing I've drank/eaten in 12 days. Took almost an hour to finish 1 cup. I feel more energetic afterwards. Rather than go right to mushies on Thursday, I'm going to remain on liquids for the week and then introduce mushies next weekend.  My doctor pretty much told me the reason they use the diet plan they do is to maximize weight loss the first month.  I'm more interested in long-term loss and long term change than I am in the first month.  They love to brag about statistics - "our patients lose so much in the first 4 weeks so come to us to cut you up!" 
I'm thinking of going in to visit work tomorrow. (to shop)  I'm hearing all the great rumors about me.. it's so funny! I did get a great card that many people in the store signed.  And all the calls and emails.. it's nice.
My next big dream is to have a bath.  Showers are great, but I like to do a long bath with a refreshing shower after.  Thats one thing I hate after tattoos.. they don't want you to have baths.  oh well.. enough babble for now~

May 12th!

May 12, 2007

AN update! Today is Saturday and my baby brother Jamie and his daughter (Rebecca) who is 3 came to visit. We met at our parents' house.  As a total surprise, our middle brother, Bruce surprised us with my s-i-l Moia and Jeremy, Ben and Emily (nephews and nieces).. it was lovely!  I sipped my crystal light water. And sipped more.  It was a nice day.  Walked around outside the house with Rebecca around 10 times.  Afterwards, I decided to go to the Christmas Tree shop to see if I could find inexpensive carpets.  The smell is pretty much gone now as everything dried out and I have so much stuff absorbing water and such.  But I still don't feel good about walking on it until I can really sanitize it. So I got a few runners there. I also bought those mugs with water on the outside that you can freeze.  Once I start working outside again I will need to keep drinking.. so thats a start on that.  By the time I left the store I was completely pooped and felt intense hunger.  Lightheaded on top of that.  So I drank more water.  Came home, drank broth. Still felt hungry.  Decided that I was going to try some Unjury protein mix in water.   Waited a while and kept trying to see if I had doubts.. I didn't.. so I mixed the powder in 8 ounces of water.   Took me almost 2 hours to slowly sip it (started by dipping a spoon in it and licking it) then graduated to a tiny amount on the spoon.. and now I'm almost done with it taking small sips.  SO far I feel great.. more energy (probably from sitting) and don't feel hungry.   If I have no problems at all the rest of the night, I think I'll add one mix of this for the next few days until I'm supposed to actually go to it.   That's it for now!

May 10 - 1 week post op part 2

May 10, 2007

I went "grocery" shopping! It was the funniest experience for me.. no real food. I did buy beef broth and I'm sipping that now. I walked the entire store and by the time I was done I was completely tired. It was nice to get out though. Aside from beef broth, I got chicken broth, pre-made jello and decaf coffee.  That was my excitement.  I'm also thinking that I'll need to buy a scale. My first post-op visit is in 3.5 weeks.. maybe I'll just wait till then so I don't have a clue.. I don't know.. but that's it for today I think!

May 10 - 1 week post op

May 10, 2007

It's a week now! Not sure if I can wait a full other week before attempting some non clear liquids.  I'm finding it very hard to drink enough clears.  I do find if I add more chicken broth I get more liquids in.  Of course I ran out - and I think I may venture out to buy more.  I also have to deal with my smelly carpet soon. I'm just going to cut it into small squares and that will be easier to get it out. I can have someone take out bags of it. My biggest issue is staying in the same position too long (sitting or laying) - it makes my lower back ache.  I haven't been walking nearly enough (that tires me out) but I'm going to up that now. 

One comment from dear mom I'd like to share.  The day after I came home, my aunt invited my parents over for a BBQ - she made hamburgers and hot dogs (my all time favorites).  I was sitting outside on the front porch - and my parents were there with me until their food was done.  At one point, I could smell the burgers BBQ'ing - and I said.. "I smell the hamburgers" - at which point dear mom went on a rampage about how I have a decision to make and if I just planned on giving in to smells of food there was no reason at all for me to have had this surgery - and blah blah blah..  never did I think my simple observation would cause her to go off on me.. though I should have known better (she can't help it - she says the most inappropriate things) 
I gave her the book "weight loss surgery for dummies" and realized that was a mistake -- she apparently only read the chapters that deal with re-gaining weight.  All she wants to know is how I'm going to keep off the weight I haven't even lost yet.  I told her I'll only have Big Macs twice a week  (I don't even eat them, but I have no desire to get into it with her lol)  
Ok.. thats it for now

May 9 - 6 days post op

May 09, 2007

I never made it back the other night! Let's see - I'm still doing fine - a little soreness is really all I feel.  My feet are taking it easy on me also - no major pain there either.  Only complaint is that my lower back and butt seem to get tired of sitting or laying fast and let me know it.  Otherwise - all is well.  Today I felt hungry.  I woke up to the smell of fresh bacon and eggs and thought of having a grilled cheese sandwich.. then I remembered.  OOPS.. The clear liquids get very boring.  I'm adding flavors now - just for a bit of differentiation.  I'm currently sipping butterscotch water.  Earlier I had grape water.   My incision is a little itchy today - probably because I sat outside in direct sun for a while earlier - and sweat probably did it.  So I have to be careful of it.  I may just put a gauze pad over it so it doesn't rub on my t-shirt -- I'm wearing one that has ribs in it and it isn't smooth.. or I could just change.. oh the choices.  I am looking forward to introducing other foods though.   I can't wait for all the swelling to go down and be able to sneeze pain free!  Meanwhile.. it's time to go relax with a book!

Home Home again

May 06, 2007

I'm going to try to condense my notes from the Hospital experience (I tend to ramble on and on as it is).. but these are the things I want to remember.  Weds night (May 02) I slept for a few hours and awoke at 4am.  By 5am, I was on my way to Hackensack University Hospital. Upon arrival I was directed to one of the large visitor waiting areas - already filled with patients and family.  We sat down and waited about 20 minutes at which time the desk person announced that everyone there for surgery should head to the elevators to go to one floor up.  Everyone got up.  As we got off the elevator, we said our name and someone with our chart came and whisked us to our own private tiny prep room.  I was given a clothing bag and hospital gowns to wear.  I immediately had to pee - and then returned to lay on the little stretcher.  About 15 minutes the anesthesiologist came and in another 20 minutes my surgeon came in.  Finally, they rolled me off to the surgery room.  It was freezing there.  I got off the stretcher and got on the slab - I swear the room was literally freezing.  The gave me piles of heated blankets and they began attempting to insert the IV.  He was having lots of trouble.. so he said he'd give me a tranquilizer so I wouldn't feel it.. and BOOM I was gone.  Next thing I knew I was in another place in a cubicle surrounded by lots of nurses standing at podiums.  I was in recovery.  I tried to pretend I was awake (not quite sure why, but it made me laugh because I did a horrible impression of an awake person).  They brought Aunt Goldie over and she talked to me.. I smiled a lot trying to be sure she knew I was awake and fine.. she was off to gather up my parents.   I went right back to sleep.   In between another pretend to be awake period - they brought me to my room.  It took 2 nurses almost 20 minutes to remove the 24 heated blankets I was wrapped up in.  I'm always cold and apparently even when I'm zonked out I complain loudly about it..  They'd never seen anything like it.. Aunt Goldie said when she saw me in recovery the only part of me you could see was my eyes, nose and mouth..  heh.. go me.  At this point I just kept on sleeping.  I remember the nurse asking if I had pain and hearing myself say that I did - but thinking that I really didn't -  I was getting Intramuscular morphine which kept knocking me out.  Then I was worried I felt sick - but I honestly don't know if I actually felt it or not.. but proceeded to say I did in case I did... and got a shot for that.  Had some bizarre dreams.. and next thing I knew they told me I could get out of bed if I wanted.  The nurse told me how to get up and walked me through the first time disconnecting my IV lines and such.. and I did well so I was told I could do so on my own but to measure my urine output.  It was really annoying trying to drag that IV around.  Next my family showed up - I was mostly awake, but then started to doze.  My roomate for that  night was a constant talker.  She was elderly and fell and broke a rib.  But I kept falling asleep.  Finally I was aware enough to not want morphine.  However, a few hours later when I wanted to go pee again, I couldn't figure out how to get my self up.. no matter what I did to sit up to get off the bed - it hurt. I had a big fear that I was going to rip open my glued up incision.  Finally called the nurse and she said to just try and know it will hurt a little.  (It still does!)  Anyway - the getting myself out of bed and moving around in bed took me a while to master.  By day 2, I was off all pain pills.. just an IV anti-inflammatory which I now miss.    Had another venous doppler study and was told I would likely be going home Sunday.  Got ice chips on day 2 and was happy.. then jello and later soup on day 3.. small tiny amounts.. but i was quite happy.    Now.. I'm having some discomfort so I'm going to head upstairs for a while and will continue tomorrow..  but all is good!

One Day More!

May 01, 2007

One Day More!  Another day, another destiny.  This never-ending road to Surgery... well it isn't never-ending now is it.. so...

Today I'm going to get everything together and bring things to my parents house for my hopefully not too long time there.  After days of vacuuming, constant use of dehumidifier and 10 small thingies of DampX along with 4 absorbing room de-odorizers -- it's not too bad here in my cave.   
My gardens are starting to look good - everything is blooming, sprouting, which means I have lots of work to do.  Hopefully I can start back to that slowly as soon as possible.   Though I'm off from work today, I was going to go in for a bit since it's someone's last day -- and ironically I'm really going to miss her - after not even knowing I liked her all that much.  I've known her for some 3 or 4 years as our HR executive and though I'm happy for her (getting out of tar--get is a blessing for many people) I'm very sad.. (it may just be the surgery making me all wonky)
By the way... if you are reading this.. you being you... I tend to go off in all directions since my fingers tend to just type whatever thought I currently am hosting. It's actually interesting for me to see what I wrote about afterwards..
I'm really considering buying a bicycle at some point after surgery.  I rode all the time when I was a teen and loved it.  I'm also going to have to do some strength and endurance exercises because that is something I'm not thrilled about losing.   My goals are very simple for me regarding the surgery.  I want to feel better.  I want to be out of constant pain and I don't want to go back to all the meds I was taking for arthritis and related issues.  The number of pounds I lose isn't as important to me as how I feel. And I feel that the loss will be tied to how I feel..  The more I lose, the better I feel! 
Part of all that is my concern that I will focus too much on weekly numbers lost - and not on the big picture. The big picture for me (and I plan to come back and re-read this) is I want to see as many minus numbers as possible.  Using Tar--get terms..  everything is rated by color - Green being the best, Yellow being acceptable and RED being bad.   Losing any amount is green, maintaining is yellow, and gaining 5 or more (over 14 days) is RED. Small gains here and there are yellow with red edges...   I'm also setting my goal weight much higher than I should so I can reach it and have new goals.  I don't want to have an end goal. (touchdown!)

When it rains, it floods.. if you turn off your sump pump

Apr 29, 2007

Last week, in preparation for a predicted rain storm, I lowered my sump pump and fixed a leak in the outake pipe.  As a result, the pump ran continuously (on purpose) since I didn't want my cave/basement to flood.  Thursday night, after looking quickly at the local forecast, I unplugged it because I was going to raise it up Saturday so it wouldn't run all the time.  Slight problem to this well intentioned idea was that it rained overnight after I unplugged it.  Woke up Friday morning and hopped in the shower.  Afterwards, I was sitting at my desk wearing a towel and my feet felt wet - really wet.  I realized water was flowing in from the laundry room (where the pump is).  I ran in, turned on the pump - but the water was already seeping through my carpet. I was very angry because it was my fault. I decided to go to work and if pharmacy wasn't too busy - I'd leave early.  Meanwhile, I began having excruciating period cramps (no NSAIDs poor me) and wondered if during the RNY they could remove my uterus as a bonus.  Took 1 Vicoden and 3 arthritis strength tylenols.  Made it bearable.  Meanwhile, my fingers and hands hurt now also (hehe I'm a mess!) but  I'll be fine. I left work a few hours early - and spent Friday night vaccuuming up water.  Also had the dehumidifier going and used a heavy duty blower to circulate air.  (I have lots of flood experience).  Saturday, my brother and niece came down to visit pre-surgery.  I tried valiantly to explain to my almost 4 year old niece about the surgery - she was stuck on what exactly was broken in my tummy.  Then when I said I'd be getting smaller every time she saw me she wanted to know if someday I'd be her size..  it was cute.  My cramps soon returned and I was tired from the night before so I went home for a nap.... only to find that a cap from laundry detergent had fallen into the sump pump pit and jammed the float so the pump stopped pumping... AND ALL OF THE @*)*#&&)!!@@ WATER WAS BACK on my carpet.  BLAH!  I don't know if I mentioned that I live here rent free because I take care of the house (usually doing a much better job then this) - so when a crisis happens its generally up to me to fix it - or call someone else to do so which means I have to pay for something that I normally can do.  I have had the most crappy weekend ever. This being my last before surgery weekend, I had lots planned.... instead i'm rewashing clothes, vacuuming up water and trying to stop the smell/mildow/mold.  
The worst is I know why this happened -  I had decided that I was going to come home from my parents after a day.  Upon discharge from the hospital I'm going there. (It's 2 blocks away) But stubborn me wants to just rest at home... apparently the spirits that be... don't agree... and now I'm looking forward to being away from here for a few days...

4 days to go.. I'm going to be happy to gone for about a week or so.  Thankfully I'll have all the comforts of home... dad's computer..

About Me
Spring Valley, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 31
August 5th
July 8 - Sunday
SUMMER! June 23
June 12
June 10
June 8 2007
I am not a statistic!
Tuesday night
may 19
Fri, may 18
