07*04*08 ~ weight 150 ~ I just reread my WHOLE story, OMG how soon I am to forget everything I've been through, but that's why I keep this profile here! Not only does it serve for an inspiration for everyone else, but a reminder to myself! I take so many things for granted now. It's hard for me to remember "that girl". Even in the last two years though, my life has changed SO much!! I am separated from my husband, going on divorced. I am half way through school now. I love going out and getting a lot of attention, but I'm not so sure about the body underneith the clothes. As you can imagine that puts a damper on how I feel about dating. I'm thinner than last time I updated, and I hate it! I cut all of my hair off, I've tried this and that style... Making heads or tails of my physical body and my feelings of it is darn near impossible! So I had to make the decision to quit focusing on the body and work on the mind, hence the education.

At a size 8 / 10 I have noticed myself trying to "hide" myself again, baggy t-shirts over jeans, no make up. Just being critical of my every little flaw. People it comes from WITHIN!!! You have to be happy with yourself. Mentally, I don't know how to see the physical, I don't know how to take an actual compliment. Sure I like the attention when I dress to go out, but I can't see what they see. Worse, once you're at home by yourself, you have to be able to tell yourself you're still pretty.

I have found myself telling people I would NOT have this surgery again unless I was in the dire circumstances I was in before. Everyone is different, I understand this. I was just rememinded why I had it in the first place, but I've seen it become just like a "fashion trend". It's been advertised just like groceries on tv. I've seen people put all of their weight back on and be devistated. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm saying think about it! This is not a fashion trend, it's a MAJOR surgery and MAJOR life style change.

02*12*07~weight 166~ Well I've fallen past the UKK mark again.  I know I should be happy about it but really, I'm not too sure how to take it.  I've never been this thin.  I don't remember ever wearing a size 10 in my life!!  Between that and having a hustband that still likes his women thick,  I'm having some self image problems..  

08*07*06 ~weight 187~ I haven't posted in a while, but life is good! I am settled into a 12/14. I purposely put back on a little weight, cause while I'm not "skinny" I didn't like the way I started to look, I got down to about 176 and the eyes started looking sunk in, and I couldn't take it. Plus I got married in January and we all know how that goes :) I had an email change so if you've sent me something and I didn't respond I'm sorry! Write me again, I'm still around to help in any way I can! I've helped over 150 people now get through their insurance approvals (not to mention how many I've helped that didn't get approved ~ I'm sorry!!) not bad for a person with no insurance knowledge! Good luck in your journeys!

02*07*06 ~weight 183~ ok well here's the recovery story!! I am finally about recovered. I slept well in a bed by myself for the first time last night. I am now in a size 12, sometimes a size 10 jeans. Now I can sit back and say... would I do the tummy tuck over again?? Heck yes... It was a verticle / circumfrential tummy tuck, I have pictures if you want to see the scaring.. I'm loving this though. I went to the bar the other day, looked in the mirror at "myself" in a pair of low riders and cut off tank top, and out loud, to a girlfriend who was with me, said "who would've ever thought at 513 lbs I'd ever see myself in a pair of low riders and a cut off tank top" what I wasn't expecting was the gasps from the other 10 or so women standing in there... I don't think about it much anymore.. but then there are some people who look at me and can not / will not believe I ever weighed that much... Do I care...?? nah.. Let them think what they want.. I'm a lot happier now, I admit that..

What comes next? We're working on prior authorization for my thighs as you can see in the picture they're really bad still... I have 29 inch thighs and a 35 inch waist... so they have to go so I can get into clothes!!

Good luck in your journeys, and I'm still around if anyone needs help!!

12*08*05 -weight Um?!?!?!- Well they said they took 15 lbs of skin off of the table when I went in and had my circumfrential tummy tuck. I am still in a lot of pain (it was done on the 30th of November) but very good spirits.. It seems weird to look down and not see my belly hanging down to my thighs and my thighs are now bigger than my hips.. I had my surgery on the 30th. I loved my nurse Helene at the hospital and I'm jumping ahead of myself:

My pre-ops ended up done on 11-17. At that appointment Dr Stephen's nurse, Nancy, was very helpful and informative in answering all of my questions and Dr Stephens made me very realistic about what I should expect as an outcome to my surgery. The only pre-op test, for me, was to be a CBC but I went with the results of the one I'd just had on that Monday so I didn't have to have another one done.

The day of surgery. I had to be at the hospital at 7. Surgery was scheduled at 9. My "sister" was allowed to sleep in a waiting room, and I was "housed" in the burn unit for two days post op. The surgery took 6 1/2 hours. I was got up the day following surgery for the first time and I ended up sleeping in the chair that night because it was much more comfortable than climbing in and out of the bed! I was given a PCA pump for pain control until the day I went home and then switched to oral meds. I went home with 4 drain tubes two on each side in front and back positions.

In coming home, my recliner has been my best friend... I would not be comfortable sleeping in a bed, nor am I comfortable sitting straight up. I am in very good spirits with questionable pain levels. This is NOT a surgery you're going to bounce back from in a couple days! I tried going going to WalMart that Saturday and let me tell you, listening to your body is a good thing... When you don't want to do something, DON'T!!! And if Dr says No, DON'T!!! At this point I miss my jeans. My first post op appointment was 6 days post op and I got half of my staples and my back two drain tubes removed. I was told that on Thursday (Today) at 8 days post op I probably could've gotten my front two tubes taken out but I couldn't afford the trip there to get them removed but they will be ok till next tuesday when I make the trip there to get the rest of the staples removed!

Am I glad I did it? I'm not sure yet. I plan on buying new jeans next week (just one pair, I'm not stupid lol) to take some after pictures and see what I can see, but ultimately I've been told that it'll take a while for full results to be seen and I know what a pain the skin was before, so we'll see..

09*27*05 -weight 195- Ok my belt lift will be done on November 30th at St Joseph hospital in Ft Wayne. It will be done by Dr A. Stephens. I can't wait :) Pre-ops to be done on 11/22/05... I admit I'm nervous...

09*24*05 -weight 195- YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYYYYYYYYYYY ok!! I got "official" word yesterday that my prior authorizations for my tummy tuck and hip and behind lifts were approved!! Surgery should be scheduled at the begining of December at Summit Plastics in Ft Wayne. More word as things go on :)

07*26*05 -weight 195- Ok people well I took some time off to see if I could make my life "normal" again. My weight loss has stopped and now it's my time just to enjoy my life for a while. I'm just updating to let everyone know I'm still around, my website's still up, and the easiest way to find me is via Yahoo messenger.. I hope all is going well on everyone else's journies....

01*29*05 -weight 195- Well in reviewing the denial I originally got I relized it was an exclusion to my preticular kind of Medicaid, so I've made steps to get that changed before I proceed with this. I have some new pictures up on my website if you'd like to go look at those.

01*08*04 -weight 195- I got my first denial letter today.. Matter of technicality, they want the PA request to come from my PCP not the surgeon... go figure..

12*14*04 -weight 204- Well I met with Dr Stephens today. He said that he's going to try to get a lower body lift approved through medicaid and just a regular tummy tuck. But we would have to take this one procedure at a time. I'm all for that, I'm scared to death as it is.

12*07*04 -weight 209- What a WONDERFUL way to spend my 3rd "birthday" I got my appt with my plastic surgeon scheduled today. I go consult with him Dec 14th in Ft Wayne. It's going to be Dr Alan Stephens w/ Summit PS Group. I am SO scared but SO ready for this now :)

11*30*04 -weight 209- remaining stable is a good thing eh? :) Well guess what!?!? I found a surgeon / actually a group of surgeons who're willing to take on trying to get my tummy tuck approved through medicaid!! I am supposed to hear back Thursday on which surgeon is going to do it but they are through the Summit Plastic Surgery group in Ft Wayne Indiana! Today I can go to sleep and know I've been blessed. I have been through so much hell with back pain lately it is just unreal! I just keep moving though.. I have been "working" for a local country band :) and they are truely a great bunch of guys! If you like country you should check them out sometime www.westernhaze.com they are traveling the Midwest and booking more new clubs every day! They have their first Studio CD coming out soon :) I have learned a lot about music / people and life with these guys. They've shown me things and introduced me to so many things / people , things that I would've never seen / people I would've never known at 513 lbs!

09*01*04 -weight 209- *down 304 lbs** Um, gee I guess it's been a while since I posted... I am having a lot of problems emotionally with "what I've done" I know I would have died without the surgery... but now I can't find happiness and peace in what's happened to my body. I would diet in a minute if I wasn't so scared of it not working and me regaining the weight.. UGH, not again! I haven't really gained or lost anything, except this 4 lbs that comes and goes almost every month...

However, Karma being what it is.. It WAS nice to "go home" (after 9 years of avoiding the place like the plague) and see some of my former high school tormentors weighing in the upper 200's+.. I wouldn't laugh at them, cause obesity's not funny, but I would hope that after seeing me (and one of them not even recognizing me till I talked to him...) it would teach them not to condone thier children to make mean to the little fat girl :)

04*30*04 -weight 213- *down 300 lbs** that says it all :)

04*24*04 -weight 219- I am loving the recent weight loss. Though I have to admit, when I think of a size 16 jeans, I know it doesn't sound like a "skinny" size but I don't think of ME being a size 16.. sounds too small for me, and then when I pick up 1 x clothes, and they fit... I know this is "normal" for a post op.. but sometimes, I stop and wonder what's wrong with me, why can't I enjoy my new body... but other times I feel like "all that and a bag of chips"

I seen Dr Rivera this week, and he seems to agree that I need to consult with my plastic surgeon.. Yeah well when I get the insurance I will... I can't wait to have the tummy tuck done.

Everyone, I met someone this week, just remember to be thankful if you're a post op, that you're no longer pre-op and going through the stuff you were before... and if you're pre-op.. PLEASE do your research... this surgery is NOT for everyone, it may seem like a better life, but if you're not prepaired, it could kill you emotionally LONG after you think the physical pain is gone...

03*24*04 -weight 224- I updated some pictures, but for some reason I can't access my "normal" website, so I just uploaded a bunch of pictures taken today to the new website listed here. Including a new set of before / after pictures. Hopefully, my old website will be available again soon...

03*23*04 -weight 224- Losing some more weight, but stress will do that to you. I will have some new pictures on my website tomorrow night :) I'll make sure to update my before / after here too. But keep your heads up journeying friends. I'm dealing with feelings of low self esteem and self image lately. Regressing to seeing myself at 513 lbs. My eatting habbits have slipped back to 6 times a day, but I can't eat that much at once, so it's not all that bad.. and it seems to be working for the weight loss. I actually had to confess to friends lately that I feel downright ugly... I don't know if it's because I've never liked "skinnier" women or what.. but.. it wasn't a life curve I was expecting..

02*28*04 -weight 230- Well I had a small weight loss. 3 lbs. But I went to WalMart and actually fit my "fat butt" into a size 16 jeans. I was SO happy :)

02*10*04 -weight 233- ok so I don't have a loss to report, but I do have a major ... update? I went out this weekend and bought an "above the knee" skirt.. and actually wore it out socially.. If there was ever something for an ego boost that was it. Big deal? Well I haven't had one in 16 years that I've worn out socially on purpose.. so yeah, it's a big deal. And I liked it, which was a major bonus, felt good about myself, and realized I wasn't really worried what the "toothpick chasers" were saying.. Keep your heads up :) It's worth it :)

01*25*04 -weight 233- No recent losses, but no recent gains either. Just wanted to say Hi and keep your heads up to my WLS family. Again just letting everyone know I haven't abandoned you ;)

10*22*03 -weight 233- No recent losses, but just wanted to report that I actually get to dress up for Halloween this year... I know, no big news to some, but last year at this time, I couldn't find a costume to fit me :) Now me and my daughter get to be Midevil princesses :) And I can't wait...

I have hit a hard brick wall in the case of Medicaid and skin removal though, so if anyone has any clues on where to start THIS battle, let me know.

09*13*03 -weight 233- Lost 6 lbs recently... I think just because I'm up and active and out since I got a new job. I also haven't had the time to sit at home and eat junk food (no, I do that at work now.... :p ) -just joking-

I have updated my homepage with a complete walking journal of all the pics that I've taken since I started this weight loss proccess.. feel free to go look around.

08*03*03 -weight 239- Well I haven't written in a while and I just thought I'd post to keep people from thinking I'd abandoned my profile... I have way too much invested in it for that. Recent news would be I'm maintaining my loss, which is cool. I'm deffinately NOT complaining about not losing anymore, I've become quite content with my size .. I did just get a new job! -FINALLY- and am looking for professional clothes in a size 22 / 24, so I've been spending a lot of time on ebay :) Good luck in your Journeys!

05*25*03 -weight 239- Still losing weight, which is a cool thing. The divorce is now final, and I am deffinately noticing the men noticing me. It is a wonderful feeling after so many years of being self consious that I was "to big to be noticed". I guess here is where I have to keep my head on straight and not try to reclaim all the years I've lost to obesity... It wouldn't be fair to my children, or myself.. but yet there's a balance where I have to learn to appreciate the fact that I've lost this weight and people are taking notice, and it's ok for me to be "proud" of it.. Good luck on your journeys :) And don't forget to look around my website for new pictures of me :)

05*05*03 -weight 246- That's right, I'm still here, and down past that darn 250 lbs mark :) Something I would've never in my wildest dreams have thought I'd see... I do have some new pics on my sight, but they don't show the true affect of surgery, just out of the clothes I'm wearing, but I'm wearing short alls, when before I couldn't wear overalls less not shorts... :) so it's all good to me :) I'm not down to a true size 22 which is a wonderful feeling :) I'm still looking for a job, but it's proven interesting ... as the job market is hard for anyone right now.. less not someone who hasn't worked in 5 years.. The divorce is almost final.. so I'm in a crunch, but it will all work out in the end I suppose :) Good luck on your journeys :)

04*03*03 -weight 256- I am OFFICIALLY half the person I used to be, to the pound (I'm not going to get picky on ounces ;) ) Almost 16 months out, what a difference that time can make. Good luck on your journeys :) Wish me luck, I'm looking for a job now :)

03*17*03 -weight 264- Just a weight loss update, I'm getting excited, just 8 more lbs and I'm half the person I used to be :) I've become a statistic of surgery though, and I'm sorry to say I've lost the battle with trying to make my marriage work after having surgery and making personal changes. It has nothing to do with the physical aspects of the weight loss, but personality and emotionally I've become a different person, and it's not a personality that my husband's very compatable with.

Good luck to the rest of the members :)

02*10*03 -weight 278 lbs- Just an update that I've lost some more weight and my PCP has given me the go ahead to start working on insurance approval for my reconstruction, which is promised to be another uphill battle. There are new updated before / after pictures on my website, click the link above and take a look around. :)

I'm also pleased to report that I'm into a size 24 jeans (started somewhere around a 34) and I had to buy the first belt I've owned for a LONG time (like since I was in the single didget ages) last night and was able to buy it at WalMart, and didn't have to get the biggest size they had. While this isn't wonderful news for some, and may make the surgery sound unsuccessful cause I'm still a 24 a year later, I couldn't have asked for more elation to be able to walk in a store like WalMart (not a "fat women's store") and buy pants and a belt and not have to buy the biggest size they had.

11*25*02 -weight 292 lbs -
**********************221 LBS down************************** *********************I broke the 300s***********************
kinda happy about those things, can ya tell ;). Went to see Dr. Rivera today and we reflected how much has changed in this last year. How much more of a life I have now, and how I pleaded for just that a year ago. He tells me that I'm still one of the largest patients he's ever operated on, and he was really concerned to go in such a large patient. I heard these things a year ago, and it's amazing that I just didn't care about what could have become because I really had nothing to lose. That a year ago... I could have cared less wether I lived or died because what I was doing, wasn't living. So in this Holiday season, looking for reason for hope, and giving thanks and praise, Dr. Rivera deserves it, cause I may not have had this Holiday season had God not sent me to him and gave him the courage, and caring, to take the risk on me. :) Good luck in your journeys!

10*26*02 -weight 306 lbs - Guess I haven't been here in a while to update. I didn't lose that much the last couple months, and I'm ok with that I know I'm shrinking in inches, so that's wonderful. I'm fitting clothes now and the idea of being able to shop for my clothes in the store instead of the catalogs.

They figured out why I'm passing out. It's been caused by tension headaches and the lack of oxygen to the brain when I have them. Too much stress in my life, and I'm ok with that.

I admit now, I hit a major low the last couple months. I finally had a doctor who took the time to look at something and for all this time that I've been being treated for depression, anxiety and a number of other psychosis, I end up having Bi-polar disorder. I'm now on medication for that and seem to be doing 1000% better.

I'm dealing with a lot of disappointment lately in the idea that I can't get a good self image of myself, and that I still see myself being 513 lbs, worse, that I keep trying to fit clothes that the 513 lbs woman should be wearing .... My body says 26/28 my mind says 36/38.... **UGH** one more bridge to cross..

09*18*02 - I just done my new pics... GO TAKE A LOOK!!! I'm going to get them up on the site soon ;) Good luck in your journey

09*06*02 - current weight 309 lbs - I had to go back to the Dr. today, I passed out yesterday and ended up in the hospital. Well what do ya know I've lost another few pounds. I've lost now over 200 lbs. I wish I could celebrate, but don't have it in me. -shrugs- Good luck to the rest of you :)

09*04*02 - Ok so I went to the Dr. today and I've lost 14 lbs since the last post. My Dr. is throwing major fits, but what can I say I didn't do it on purpose, honest. I've been sick this week so I think that has something to do with it, but hey that's 14 lbs none the less. :)

09*01*02 - Again I'm at the I haven't lost any weight this month.. though I have taken off inches, I did FINALLY check those, these last three months that I haven't lost anything I've lost over 40 inches off the body for a total of 117 inches. So I'm getting smaller.. but classic case of the scale doesn't tell all tales.

I start school a week ago, and it's been WONDERFUL!! Just to know I can :)

08*06*02 - Just a late update, didn't rush to post this one, it's kind of frustrating. I didn't lose anything this month as far as the scale knows. (I haven't checked my inches in a while... bad me) But I took a big leap of pounds off recently so my body may be catching up again. I had to have my PCP disolve a golf ball of hardened fat that had developed right under my rib cage, and that HURT. Though that doesn't ness. have to do with the surgery. Don't forget to take a look at my photojournal on my home webpage...

07*14*02 - Just an update there are brand new pics of me at my website, befores / afters on the WLS page, and in general on the index, and photoalbum page.

07*09/02 - 332 - More down :) MINUS *181* pounds.. Went in today, my labs are all straight down the middle of absolutely normal :) Yeay! Got my B12 shot, I'm on that natural high... Good luck on the journey of our members!

07*01*02 - 344 - I did it! I went in today to see my Dr and was able to step on his scale and weigh myself !!! His scale goes up to 350 so I just barely made it :) but it's a good day ... The reason I went in scares the heck out of me, I've been fainting and had some horrable headaches, that I can't blame on the heat unfortunately because I've been inside most of the last week, sick.. My Dr pulled my labs and has me trying a holtar blood pressure reader... I can't wait to see what the results ultimately are.. I fear it pro

bably boils down to malnutrition, because I still can't seem to eat right... We'll see..

6*3*02 - 370 - Down another 21 lbs. Getting disappointed at the slow weight loss again. While I'm thrilled to death to be down 143 lbs. There's the other half of me that can't wait to see what will become in the future..... and the other part still yet that's scared the surgery isn't going to work....

4*14*02 - 391 - I weighed myself while at the hospital today and I just about cried some real tears of joy.. I have broke the 400 lbs barrier, and down to my 300s.. :) (even if it is 391!!!) This is down 122 lbs since surgery... and 12 more lbs in just one week, which no one should be dissappointed with :) And on this note... I'm SO mad, I just bought some jeans while I was in my slow weight loss kick, thinking they'd fit a little while.. and now, I've lost 40 lbs since I ordered them and they don't fit right anymore!!

4*7*02 - 403.1 - I went to the hospital today to get weighed... I am now down ONE HUNDRED and TEN pounds... exactly 4 months out!!! -Does a happy dance- I've been eatting better these last couple weeks, but am deffinately finding more and more food that I can't stand anymore, minus the ones that just gross me out and make me void. It may be slow, but I'm doing it ! yeay!!!!

03*28*02 - 415.6 - I'm still losing slow, disappointed in a way.. But I went with a friend to the surgeon today and I've lost another 10 lbs. I'm 2 lbs from 100, with a loss of 98 lbs!

03*15*02 - 425.5 - I have my before and after pictures posted on the WLS part of my home page, I can't seem to link them here yet.. so feel free to click on my homepage link. I just took my measurements and I've lost another 6 inches this month. Not that good but, any progress is better than nothing and I've been suffering from edema these last two weeks, that might have something to do with it.. Good luck to everyone else trying this journey :)

03*10*02 - 425.5 - My appitite is slightly back to normal now.. I have managed to eat food today, keep it down and combine it with my liquid diet. I actually seen my first set of before and after pictures from pre-op to three months, and WOW! I'll post them soon this week, I have to scan them in :)

03*09*02 - 425.5 - A couple days on the liquid diet just kick started my appitite.. and unfortunately, I now feel like I'm eatting myself out of house and home one ounce at a time...

03*05*02 - 425.5 - Ok because of food intollerances and the lack of food I'm eatting my surgeon put me back on the liquid diet... Yippee skippy... But he said I'm not losing because of the lack of food I'm eatting, my body's holding on to it..

02*27*02 - 425.6 - I'm down EIGHTY EIGHT pounds... and I can't be happy about it... I've not lost nearly what the surgeon and my PCP expected me to.. My PCP says he's happy with the weight loss and I couldn't have lost that kind of weight on any other diet, which is true.. but .. There's always the "failure factor" that concerns me..

02*24*02 - Incoming again to update my email address (sigh)more updates coming on the 5th of March :)

02*14*02 - Happy Valentines Day! I took my measurements last night and was beyond overjoyed to find out that I've lost FORTY FIVE and a QUARTER (45.25) inches off my body... SIXTEEN of them being off my waist! yeay!

02*08*02 - Incoming to update my email address.. I went out today and going out some more tonight (favorite local band is playing at a local bar) .. I got another new tatoo today (which for those who don't know me... is my favorite thing to do) I'm trying to keep them where my skin won't shrink much (my wrists and ankles, they're already pretty small) Amie went with me and got her second tatoo and didn't even shed a tear this time, really proud of her :) So what does this have to do with surgery... absolutely nothing.. it has to do with the fact that my life doesn't revolve around my chair anymore :)

443.6 - 02*05*02 Down 70 lbs today.. YEAY!!! I talked with Dr. Rivera today and he's content with my diet and weight loss this month. I actually parked AWAY from the hospital and had the energy after seeing him to go to the school and WALK to do my readmissions process and to go to a friends house and stand up and help her with a baby... Energy is my word for the day and it feels Wonderful!

463.3 (?) - 01*23*02 I had an appointment with my PCP yesterday and I am feeling SO much better. I have been on solids for about a week now, eatting a lot of chicken and turkey and last night I had a pork chop (well what I could eat of it) made on my Forman's Grill. That is just the best thing we could have purchased. I'm also suplimenting my protien with a morning protien drink, Carb Solutions chocolate flavor (add a 1/2 banana.. trust me..)

463.3 - 01*15*02 I'm at 50 lbs down!!! I can't believe it!

468.3 - 01*03*02 Well I had a post - op visit with Dr. Rivera today who explained to me that I'd lost too much weight and that I needed to eat more, both things which I'd never thought I'd hear in my fat life time.. but hey... I guess it's nice to hear :) Lost to much :) 45.3 lbs down today according to the hospital scale where I first weighed in... so YEAY me ! if I've lost to much, more power to me :)

470.3 - 01*01*02 Happy New Year! To all and to me! :) As you can see I'm now 43.3 lbs down at 3 weeks out! YEAY!

490.1 (?) - 12*24*01 Well I got the last of my staples out today, my PCP had to do it, snow kept me from seeing Dr. Rivera and I feel 100% better. I came home and ate less than a quarter of a balogna and cheese sandwhich but it tasted rather heavenly.. (keeping in mind I really hate balogna) I tolerated it well.. I'm looking forward to tomorrow Christmas day , I get to see my mother for the first time since surgery... I persuaded her to buy me my first "thinner" underpants for Christmas since I'm "outgrowing" mine.. I find it hard to say they're getting to big, it's not something I've dealt with too often in my life :) I do my next weigh in on Saturday with Dr. Rivera and I am anxious to see how much I've lost...

It's AMAZING, I'm noticing that my hips are getting smaller, I'm fitting in chairs a little bit better, all in the very few pounds I've lost these couple weeks, who'dathunkit :)

490.1 (?) - 12*20*01 Well I would say anyone with bad suggestives to commericials and advertisements..... rent movies when you come home. The commercials have been the worst for my head hunger and cravings. I started myself on some soft foods, but I'm still mainly on my liquid diet. I wasn't supposed to move to soft foods until next wednesday - but I needed some taste, thankfully I'm keeping everything down.. but taking it real slow..

490.1 - 12*18*01 11 days post-op... I feel WONDERFUL! I got half of my staples out today and I am down *23.5* lbs !!! YEAY

513.6 Starting weight - 12*12*01 YEAY! I'm home from my journey to the other side! -whispers- I feel really run over but I'm home! Starting Weight :

11=27=01 Ok I went to see Dr. Rivera today I have a surgery date of december 7th. Bad news was I have low blood counts and have to have a blood transfusion first.. But whatever it takes to get things done.. Pray for me, think of me or cross your fingers for my well being =) see you on the other side..!

10=12=01 Ok I'm BEYOND depressed... I just talked to Dr. Rivera and he said they had to cancel my surgery for Monday.. It will be at least 6 - 8 weeks before he can get back to me about rescheduling IF he can, because of new hospital policies under review.. I called the group in Indianapolis and unfortunately for me, they don't accept Indiana Medicaid.. So I don't know what to do... I guess I'm stuck waiting ANOTHER 2 - 3 months... only to have to do ALL my pre-op tests over.. UGH!

11=01=01 I spoke with Dr. Rivera today. He wants to wait until the begining of next month to do my surgery. I was scolded for the coritzone shots I had earlier on in this process, my last was back in May but I need them to move. I haven't had one lately in anticipation of surgery and can barely move, but he wants me to exercise every day and see if I can take off 20 - 30 pounds before surgery... If that were possable I wouldn't need surgery and he doesn't seem to understand that. He doesn't seem to think the possable complication of the cortizone overwrites the neccessity for me to do the exercise, so go figure... I was scolded told that most other bariatrich surgeon's wouldn't do my surgery because of my size and I had to understand his reserve.. At this point I feel that if he didn't want to do the surgery he shouldn't have taken the case when this all started.. But at this point, all I can do is wait and hope ..

09=03=01 - Well here I am again, still waiting for my answer. I'm suspended stil and going through the motions of getting my insurance approval. They're wanting a Psych eval and I have no idea why they didn't like the one I had , even though the Psych cleared me... -shrug-.....

On that note though, had something really interesting in my mail box this morning... I stay around here for all of the support I get and can hopefully offer to people through my own quest, research and Amie's experience (which I've been by her side since DAY 1! before she even consulted her surgeon, *I* contacted her insurance)... I got my first hate mail -rant on- -woowhoo telling me that my husband doesn't really love me, and that I have no right raising children when I can't physically do for them all the time... yeah well... I love my kids, and they are in no way neglected, my husband loves me - for me - you do Weight Watchers, I'm going for the solution that will work for me.. ok -rant off-

09=19=01 - I'm approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go in Tuesday to Dr. Rivera to discuss the surgery date... He's now requiring I see a pulmonologist... Which is peachy by me.. whatever it takes... 9 months comes to a close now and I'm looking forward to the rest of my life...

09=25=01 - I went today to see Dr. Rivera and we scheduled my surgery. He gave me an EKG and chest X-ray. He sent me to a pulmonologist. I have to go back on the 9th of October for more blood work but I'm all set... October 15th is the day!

Ok... I started a huge profile here starting January 1st of 2001 ... This struggle has been the bane of my existence since then trying to get my insurance to approve my surgery.

I was refiling out some information and well I don't know how I messed up my own profile, but I did and I guess now I'll play catch up here and start all over again...

1=11=01 - I seen Dr. Rivera for a first consultation on this day. He doesn't have high hopes for getting me approved with medicaid, but we'll see. He seems like a very serious man, but ... well since then I know he's serious... but real... and I couldn't ask for much more than that..

03=09=01 - My girl friend had the surgery on this day <-- and I spent almost every day in the hospital with her. Her name is Amie Vardaman (Colt), and she has a profile too, go read it... =)

03=12=01 - Somewhere in this time span I received my first denial letter, lost it, got depressed didn't care, and had hope that my doctor would help me with an appeal...

06=05=01 - Somewhere in here I found out that my paperwork was never sent in and well , no paperwork , no appeal....

06=11=01 - This starts the second leg of my trip, we're re-applying now and I'm really hopeful..

About Me
South Bend, IN
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Before 513, post-op 189
Before 513, post-op 189

Friends 6

Latest Blog 1
My Truths
