Have you ever noticed whether or not you're fat in your dreams. When I dream I'm always skinny (and sometimes naked but that's another story). Every morning I'm shocked when I look in the mirror. I really want my dreams to match my reality!
My weight has yoyo-d many times. In 1996 I lost 75 pounds, it all came back and it brought friends. In 2000, I lost 104 pounds and gained it back. I'm not back to my heaviest weight ever but getting close.
I want to be able to sing and not worry about people saying "Oh, is the opera over?"
I want to be able to go to a festival or hell, wal-mart, and not be in pain because walking puts so much strain on my hips and lower back. I want to live old enough to enjoy grandkids someday!

About Me
Jun 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 3
