Edi P.
Barb's Big Night!
Oct 25, 2007
Thank you Lord, I'm mirely OVERWEIGHT!
Oct 24, 2007
Sometimes I can hardly believe the good fortune in my life, and then there are days like these past couple that reinforce the love that I have around me. First, God loves me! He's really pulled me through some really hard times lately. Thank you so much Jesus and thank you Steven and Joe. Second, God loves me!! Without faith in Him, I wouldn't be able to take this journey to a healthier life. The past couple months, I haven't lost much weight....a pound here and there, and then I'd gain it, and then lose it. This past week, I've been losing, and today, when I stepped on the scale....I was below 180....179.8 to be exact. Do you realize what this means????? My BMI is now BELOW 30!! I'm no longer Obese!! I'm mirely Overweight!! I've been crying all morning....it could qualify me for a Kleenex commercial I think! But they are tears of graditude and humility. Without God, I wouldn't have been able to do this. He has faith in me and I have faith and love for Him. Then, there's my family and friends. Without their love and support, it would have been much harder to realize I could take this journey. I've been in the dumps...again....and a visit with Gwen lifted my spirits again. Not only does she have the most precious twins and "big boy", but she has faith and love of Jesus Christ and shares it so well with me. Thank you Gwen for your prayers and friendship. I also visited my friend Sue, she has faced the grim reaper three times in the past two years, and God has granted her life. She's stronger than she knows and she's an inspiration to me. Then the friends that I've made on OH and through support groups....what would I do without them!! They are a constant source of laughter, love, and inspiration! They are a treasure. Can you imagine, we're all going through this together, even though it's an individual journey? Does that make sense? This journey is life, we each have to make our own way...our own choices, but we have wonderful friends and family to give us a hand when we need it, or even a kick when we ask for it! I love them all! And family, what would I do without my family. Well, one thing....I wouldn't have anyone to take pictures with to help me "see" myself. It's hard to "see" ourselves, so my way is to take pictures next to people who I consider a normal size. The more I see myself in comparison to them, the more my minds eye can see me....and I'm beginning to see a normal person too and not a huge morbidly obese person. That's why I love the pictures of myself with my cousin and sister....I look normal! And I'm feeling normal too.
So thank you friends, thank you family, and thank you God...for this miracle journey that I'm on.
St Paul & North 'burbs Coffee Group
Jun 11, 2007

1 year surgi-versary!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 11, 2007
I had my one year appointment with Barb and it was so positive. My labs were really good, except the iron. I'm lacking iron, so I've started taking an iron supplement. Other than that, I'm on track!!
Hey, let's talk numbers!! I've lost 154 pounds! Woo Hoo!! We set a goal weight of 160, but as long as I get under a BMI of 30, PNC will be happy. I'm happy already, but I know I can continue. I set my goal of 180 by my nephews wedding in September and to reach 160 by New Years. Now, more numbers. Here's the break down of inches lost...
Head 1"
Neck 3.5 "
Upper Arms 7"
Chest 15"
Bust 12"
Waist 12"
Wrists 2.75"
Hips 18"
Thighs 16"
Calves 9.25"
Ankles 2"
Shoe size 11W to 10.5M
A total of 97.5 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a journey it's been this past year!! I want to thank my friends, my family, my angel, my nurse, my doctor, and most all my WLS friends at the PNC support groups and the coffee groups....you've made a difference in my life and I couldn't have done it so well without your positive support and friendships..........I love you all!!!
Realizing a Dream
Apr 19, 2007
Another wonder event happened that evening. My cousin Catherine came to surprise her brother. It was a surprise for a lot of us to see her after so many years. She was my babysitter and my sponsor for my confirmation. I really looked up to her like a big sister, since I only had older brothers. Our age difference really put us in difference social circles and she was off to nursing school and then to Washington. Her mother was my aunt and godmother and when she smiles, I see my Aunt Helen smile. There was just one thing...did she get shorter!!!???? Or was I really that little at one time!!
I was anticipating one dream coming true that night, but two dreams were realized....a renewed friendship with my cousin and MAN! CAN I DANCE OR WHAT!!!
Disclaimer....apparently, I can't dance a waltz, but I can polka and THAT'S what matters!
9 Months follow up appointment
Mar 23, 2007
Here's some stats...
Starting weight 349
Current weight 211.8
Weight Lost in 9 months... 137.2
Starting 58.1
Current ... 35.1
Total inches lost.......83.5 overall!!!
I forgot to tell you!!!!!
Jan 11, 2007
Yeeee Haaaaa!
Happy New Year and 6 Month Follow up
Jan 11, 2007
Hi Everyone!
December 22nd I had my six month follow up with Barb. I'm normal, or how Barb puts it....my LABS are normal, the jury is out on if I'M normal!
Here are some quick stats....I'm no longer super morbidly obese!! I'm only obese! My BMI as of today is 37.9. I'm down 121 pounds. I'll have to take my measurements soon but it seems I just did that. I'm wearing a size 18 pants and some of my shirts are 1X...or in some stores, that would be an extra large, most are 2X. Beats the 5X's I got rid of!
How do I feel??? Physically, GREAT! I enjoy walking more, I'm not out of breath, I don't ache so much when walking stairs....I actually TAKE the stairs!! I haven't had a migraine since pre-surgery or have a needed to take a sick day! Now, the mental part...I'm SAD. I've been diagnosed with Seasonal Anxiety Disorder. It's not really a surprise, I've had problems with this in the past. This year I've experienced the "Perfect Storm". Combine SAD, with the stress of a new system at work (which has nothing but complications), the fact that I don't absorb my depression meds like I used to, and not being able to fall back on comfort food like I did in the past; well let me tell you....I'm a freakin mess! I'm going to fight it with more day light by taking a walk at lunchtime, get back to my pre-holiday exercise routine, and take time for myself. I might get a light too. I know this is temporary, so I see the "light" at the end of the tunnel, but right now, I need some help. Speaking of help...duty calls (yes, I'm typing this at work.)
Peace and love!
Nov 17th - Primary Dr visit
Nov 17, 2006
Hi folks,
Just thought I'd quickly post some results from my blood work test done at my annual physical...
Cholestral: 2004 = 269 (no meds) 2005 = 197 (meds) 2006 = 163 (no meds)
Triglycrides: 2005 = 245 2006 = 70!!!
Those were my two risk areas, everything else was pretty normal. How about those sugars!!! WooHoo!!
Nov 6, 2006 - Reached 101 down on Saturday!!!
Nov 06, 2006
I felt like dancing in the streets and shouting "ONE OH ONE". But I didn't. Instead, I emailed everyone in my contacts list and posted on the OH MN board.
I did buy myself a little sumpin` sumpin`. :-) I found a lovely Peridot ring at Hoff Jewelers with a promise that I could have it sized down in the future. I'm so good to myself.
Only 80 more to go.
p.s. BMI is now 41.3