05/02 Surgery was scheduled for April 30, 2002, but Dr. cancelled two days prior. I tried to reschedule but he had one excuse after another and strung me along for two months. I have another appt with a new surgeon on August 26, I've had all my pre-testing done so I"m hoping that it won't be a long wait to reschedule surgery. I am 41 5'7" and 297-lbs. I am married (17 yrs) with 2 boys (18 & 11). Looking foreward to being on the other side soon.

11/13/02 Wed. Had the RNY LAP surgery today. My pre-surgery weight was 286-lbs. I had lost 11-lbs prior to surgery. Recovery went well. I went back to work in 2 weeks. Feel better already just to be on the "Other Side". Food is difficult to eat. Very small amounts. So far so good. No complications or problems.

03/26/03 Wed. Well I am down 76-lbs, I am currently 210-lbs. I went from wearing size 26/28 prior to surgery to a size 16 at the present time. I feel like the weight is just falling off me. The hardest part of this whole experience is learning to adjust the amount of food I THINK I need to fill me up. I'm still working on that. Food does not have the same pleasure as it did prior to surgery. For that I am grateful!!! I started walking 1 mile every day, and I'm feeling more energetic lately. I have not had any problems physically with the surgery or post op. I pretty much eat what I want, just really small amounts. I don't feel like I'm on a DIET any longer I feel that this is a way of life for me now. If I had to go through it again I would in a heartbeat. For any considering surgery...
"GO FOR IT" I know that it feels scary to give up the familiarity of living life as a "Fat" person and giving up the quanity of food but it's well worth it in the end. The adjustment process to this new way of life is freeing and not as scary when you are going through it. Go to support meetings, talk to people online who have had the surgery, but most of all, even if you don't think your worth it, do it for yourself, it's the best gift of all!!!
07/03-WOW It's been awhile since I last wrote. I am down 100-lbs now. I currently weigh 186-lbs. I am wearing a size 12. I can't believe how the weight is just falling off, when I least expect it I drop a few more pounds. The weight is coming off slow now, but I don't mind. I would like to drop another 40-lbs. but I am happy to be where I am now. Emotionally it's been difficult without hiding in the food. I still want to go to the food first to numb myself, but I have been working real hard on a healthier alternative like writing. I started to keep a writing journal which has helped to take away the emotional binge eating behavior that I had used in the past. I decided to start talk therapy with a professional. All this emotional stuff started to hit me around the sixth month. I have found that the food now doesn't have the same appeal it had in the past. Even if I do overeat (Just a little now) I don't get that emotional satisifaction from it like I got before the surgery. "THANK GOODNESS" I have found the last two months that I can eat just a little bit more than I have since recovering from surgery. I have heard that this is normal so I don't worry since I am still losing weight. I am much more active now, I WANT to live life now and not just watch life pass me by. I feel healthier, look healthier and I still would do it all over again if I had too. Good Luck to all considering this surgery.


April 2002


Surgeon Info:
Surgeon: Arif Ahmad, M.D.
I had my surgery scheduled with a previous surgeon, but 2 days before surgery he cancelled. I had to start the whole process over again which took a few more months, but was well worth the wait when I got to meet my new surgeon. Dr. Ahmed/Stony Brook, NY. WOW!! What a great guy, fantastic bedside manner, thoroughly explained everything to my husband and myself, was very patient and a pleasure to be at my bedside. He greeted us with a smile and that smile was present every time I met with him. I felt very comfortable with him as my surgeon due to the amount of experience he had.

About Me
Islip, NY
Apr 24, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
April 2002
