
May 06, 2011

Well life is going great! I have lost from 566 down to 344. I still have about 96 lbs to go to get to my goal but life has changed so much. All my health problems have gone away, no high b/p, no diabeties, and no more cpap... Thank you God for making this surgery available to me. In the past 2 months I have experienced gout but gladly deal with that over my past health problems.
Looking forward to every day.... Bring it!


Mar 07, 2011

Alot has gone on in the past few months. There are alot of changes to my body and the weight is coming off fast. I still have issues with eating and when they tested my blood my potassium was low. All in all a very good trade.
To date I have lost 203 lbs since my journey began. I only drink water now and must force myself to eat, when I can....
I hope everyone is doing well, take care and be safe....

I am home...

Dec 02, 2010

My surgery was Monday Nov 29th and I came home yesterday evening from the hospital. Everything went great, the hospital staff was very helpful and polite. My stay was good, other than me not wanting to drink enough, ugh... I stayed in a extra day because of it. But now I know and just have to work at it.
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I have a date :)

Jan 26, 2010

Things are happening fast. I have completed all requirements, have lost 79 lbs, completed my educational classes, and met with my surgeon today. I will have my egd next monday and my surgery on the 29th....
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1st Appointment

Dec 22, 2009

I now have an appointment for January 7th! I am looking forward to this appoinment and getting the process underway...

It starts here!

Dec 18, 2009

Last night I attended a WLS seminar at CMMC in Jackson, MS. Dr Cummins eased alot of my fears and I am now awaiting a phone call to tell me when my first appointment will be.

About Me
Wesson, MS
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2009
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 6
