On the list!

Jul 16, 2016

Made it to the OH 'upcoming surgeries' list!  Clock is ticking and I am ready!

Starting Day 4 of the preop -- down 6.3lbs so far.  I'll take it for sure 

Today's plan is:

  1. Hoe out the closet and organize the contents by size
  2. Re-read all the docs I was given at the NUT and pre-op consult last week.
  3. Put together the grocery list for next week so I have NO opportunity to stray!
  4. Take the pups for a walk
  5. Test some new crochet patterns for the next baby blanket

All things I need and want to do!  Should be a good day!

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Pre-op Day 1 - on the road

Jul 13, 2016

First day on the 2 week pre-op - with the added adventure of being on a business trip in a state that is 1 hour behind my usual time.  I brought my shakes and bars which are actually not too bad.  We were super engaged in plant tours and process discussions which helped to keep me focused on anything other than may growling stomach.  

Ordered a romaine salad with chicken for lunch - no dressing.  Meanwhile, there were 6 pizzas delivered for the rest of the team.  SIX!!  And each of the other 10 people had to recite what was on each one at least 12 times each! Pepperoni, cheese, Hawaiian, Supreme, Veggie, meat lovers.  As a former (before today) pizza addict -- I about wanted to stab myself in the face every time the menu was re-stated! But I survived without drawing any blood OR submitting to temptation.  YEAH for ME!  I stayed true to the plan!  I have to believe that each day will be easier.


Big box checked ... planning ahead!

Jun 28, 2016

So... I got 2 notices from the insurance this week. First one said they needed more information from the Dr in order to complete their review.  The one a day later said I have been approved!!  HUGE BOX --- Checked!  Surgery scheduled for 7/26

The NUT appt for the details on the pre-op diet is on July 12.  Later that day, I am traveling for business.  Going all in on this one - this will be the first big test of my discipline.  I CAN DO THIS!!  

I am expecting the pre op will be protein shakes and likely 1 balanced meal per day.  I have been trying samples of various shakes (thank you Nashua Nutrition) for a couple weeks. (loving the Chike brand)

The plan is to go from my NUT appt to the NUT store and get what I need.  I can package individual servings in ziploc bags and pack them in my luggage.  Managed Breakfast and Lunch and dinner can be easily portioned.  The hotel has a nice gym so I can get my steps in too.  

First food challenge is planned to be successful!  

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Start the next countdown!!

Jun 15, 2016

Big day today!!!  Met with the surgeon and have a date of July 26th!! It's been a long road but an even longer one is ahead.  Sort of like delivery is the end of pregnancy but the beginning of life! So now i have a new set of boxes to check off to get to the next start as a loser!  More proof that every new beginning is another beginning's end.

Meet with the NUT and Anesthesia on 7/12.  That officially starts the pre-op diet. (but i have plans to start before that)

Appointment with the Surgeon on 7/21 to go through the final eval, pre op results, sign consent forms and get Rx for post op meds.

My to-do list includes ---

  1. Empty my closet and organize this massive clothing collection by size.  Expect to be putting togeher lots of donation bags. 
  2. Check out protein samples at Nashua Nutrition and A Market. There has to be something that will fit the bill without artificial sweetners and crazy chemicals.
  3. Start an exercise schedule.  Recumbant bike and work-time walks. Buy new sneakers.  Look for opportunities to step it up!
  4. Consistently track food log on MFP.  
  5. Drink water - Drink water -- DRINK WATER!!!  This is a good time to make this a habit.
  6. Buy baby spoons and forks and a popsicle mold -- and start using them now!

Sure I will be adding to this but at least its a starting point! 



Slow, Slow, Month

May 21, 2016

May feels like it has taken FOREVER to pass.  I had such a busy March and April - finishing classes,weigh in and psych appointments, support groups, CPAP trials and tribulations -- May just feels like a stall.  I finally have 2 appts this week - one for exercise and one for an EKG.  Next week is the long awaited appointment with the pre-surgical coordinator.  My understanding is that she makes sure all the boxes are checked and gives clearance to set up an appt with the surgeon.  I want to believe I am getting closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. 


Tell me why again??

Apr 18, 2016

In case I forget, here's a list of reasons why WLS is important to me ---

Sick of the diet yo-yo - WW, Nutrisystem, Medifast, Atkins, Paleo -- you name it, I've done it.  Lose 15 lbs and gain back 20. 

Sick of Meds - ALL MEDS! for all things including depression, diabetes, high BP, cholesterol.

Sick of Med Side Affects - all of them.  I only encounter the unpleasant ones like loose stools and headaches gggrrrr....

Sick of Joint Pain - Knees, ankles, hips, feet - all the parts that need to be put in place to stand, sit or move.

Sick of being out of breath -- one flight of stairs and I am huffing and puffing!

Sick of not being able to put my socks on - I huff and puff and twist and turn and pull them every which way.  Its exhausting!

Sick of having no clothes that fit - I have a closet full in every size from 10 to 22W but nothing fits -- YET!

Sick of having no energy!  I do not sleep well and never feel rested.

Sick of not being able to reach far enough to wipe my ass ---  That one kind of speaks for itself.  uugghhhh

Sick of not being able to see my girl parts - I mean I know they are still there but sometimes I just wanna see them.

So that's my Sick list.  Getting closer to working on my Wanna-Do list!  


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About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2016
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