The BEST Vitamins & Nutrients

Mar 08, 2011

Part of this journey for me is helping to build my independent business.  In the late fall of 2009 I became involved in a vitamin and nutritional supplement product called AdvoCare.  When the product was introduced to me initially to me I was completely resistant.  I had tried several different ways to improve my health, and I am not just talking about weight loss.  I was discouraged and frankly, did not think anything would ever happen.  But, I tried the products and I lost 70 lbs simply by using vitamin and nutrient supplements.  Obviously my weight loss/health issues were massive and ultimately I made the decision to have RNY.  I am pleased with my decision but I am also pleased the have the AdvoCare products in my corner.  I was an insulin dependent diabetic before AdvoCare.  I took for shots of day of a much more intense insulin called Humlin R, and I took a lot of it.  I remember going to the Mayo Clinic and the doctor being amazed I was still walking around with that much insulin on a daily basis, but with AdvoCare I came off of insulin completely. Because I lost weight with AdvoCare I came off the cpap for my sleep apnea.  It also took me off of two different blood pressure medications.  RNY was the added component to help me rid my self of diabetes completely.  The combination of these two have forever changed my life.  

In in earlier post I expressed my frustration about hitting a stall and having problems with constipation.  I thought seriously, this can happen in three months time.  Then I started remembering I had not resumed my AdvoCare program and I was missing my Ultra Probiotic Restore (I had stopped all products 2 months prior to surgery).  I immediately started back on product and I finally broke through that nasty little stall.  I have read several different questions in the forums where people are seeking out certain vitamins/nutrients/supplements.  My advice...AdvoCare.  My constipation issue has been resolved and I am dropping those pounds again.  The best part is my energy levels are great (and so is my blood work).  

If you are looking for a way to really get your body together on the inside, I can't think of a better way than AdvoCare.  If you want to learn more about the products explore my website:  You can read complete information about all of our products so you know exactly what you are putting in your body.  You will be impressed by the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board who develop the products, especially since one of our members is Dr. Stanley Dudrick (founder of the feeding tube).  There are no hidden substances and are products are heavily endorsed by a number of professional athletes for free...did I mention New Oreleans QB Drew Brees is our National Endorser.  You can see a complete list of endorsers on the website as well.  

I imagine some of you think this is a pretty gutsy move on my part, and I agree.  But seriously, why not promote what is near and dear to me.  We are all on this journey of self improvement.  I have first hand knowledge about a product that can help us all reach our goal successfully.  So, if you are looking for Weight Loss, Sugar Free Energy, Improving Athletic Performance, Wellness, or Financial Opportunity contact me!!!!  We can make it happen together.  Don't forget to visit the website: or email me for questions at [email protected].



Hide the Scale

Feb 10, 2011

I am three months post-op and hit the big S!  That is the STALL.  I put out the question to others because this just did not seem normal.  I am not supposed to stall yet.  I still have way to much weight to lose to hit my goal.  Every morning for the past two weeks I would get on the scale and realize there has been no movement.  My frustration would kick in and then I start feeling a little down.  But thanks to the good folks on this website I realized two major things (1) stalls suck and (2) what is happening to me is very normal, even if it is not appreciated.  Then a third revelation hit me, put that darn scale away.  Another blogger had written we should weigh ourselves everyday and I took that to heart.  Sometimes I stood on the scale 2-3 times a day.  I became obsessed with the movement of those numbers and it seemed my day would be a reflection of what that darn scale read.  Today I put the scale away.  My weigh in will only happen once a week and I will be okay with whatever number presents itself (as long as the numbers don't go up).  I will continue by very healthy, protein driven meals and I my workouts at the gym.  After all, my pounds may not have dropped recently but my inches have decreased!

My Angel

Jan 17, 2011

Size 16!!!!  What???  I have not seen that size since I was in high school.  It was such a crazy and amazing feeling to slide that pair of jeans up my legs and have no problem whatsoever getting them buttoned.  Is this really me?  The answer is yes!  Even in the most of difficult of times, and my time since surgery has been tested on every emotional level, I am doing remarkably well with my weight loss.  To fully understand my obstacles I have to explain that I have always been an stress eater.  You could always tell when I was stressed because I would likely have the bag of chips and some other unhealthy foods near by.  My father passed away a little over a week ago and the days leading up to his passing were very difficult.  I did not always have healthy food choices around me but I worked hard at staying focused and making sure I had something in me.  Did I always do the right thing right?  Absolutely not, but that is what this personal journey is about.  I don't want to just lose weight, I want to change my eating patterns and how I handle stress.  I need to know in times of stress there are other alternatives then the bag of chips.  Proteins keep me nourished and full but most importantly they provide my alternative to the bag of Lay's.  Prior to my father's passing he would look at me and say, "I can't believe how much weight you lost."  His eyes would shine and I could see how proud he was in his eyes.  My father was always my biggest cheerleader and she never expressed disappointment in me or my wight gain.  He just wanted me to be healthy.  I am glad he as able to take part in my success.  He knew that I no longer had to take diabetes or cholesterol medication.  He knew I no longer had to use my cpap.  My father has been my personal angel, and the fact he saw me a in a size 16 is alright by me! 


Dec 20, 2010

Today most people are dealing with the stress of the upcoming holiday.  Me, I am dealing with the stress of a very ill parent who I adore more than anything on this earth.  Only being a month and a half out of surgery I know I have been tested beyond limits.  I admit I have not been compliant to the diet and the stress has me wanting to eat an entire red velvet cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.  I am surprised I have managed to avoid that particular excursion.  The thing I need to most remind myself is I have to take care of me in order to be of any good to anyone else.  The past two weeks have seen little sleep and little protein.  Today I have changed my schedule to work harder at including the two.  Protein shakes will resume their position as my best friend.  In addition I have added protein whey shots.  As for the other stuff, all I can do is leave it in God's hands.  After all, I have no control His decision making process. 

For any of you out there dealing with stress, of any kind, know we can make it through.  Sometimes there are set backs and that red velvet cheesecake seems like a great solution.  But, in truth, that is the pesky part of the brain that has kept us from great health in the first place.  If you fall, pick yourself out and brush yourself off.  We can do this! 


Dec 09, 2010

I am not an emotional eater but I am a stress eater.  So far I have experienced great success with my weight loss journey since surgery, but now I am truly being tested.  I am five weeks into my surgery and dealing with a family crisis.  It is the type of crisis to change your life forever, and make you crawl in a hole.  I am finding during this time I desire all the foods I can not have, nor should ever eat again.  I have to keep telling my brain NO!  No, I can not have the popcorn, no the Snicker bar will not be healthy, no to the big bowl of noodles that exceed my dietary limitations.  This has not been easy and I am the first to admit I have slipped up.  The important thing is getting back on track. 

We will all have moments in our life like I am having now.  Those life changing movements that make you ask, "what is it all for?"  Well I know what it is all for!  It is about living my life in great health and prolonging my life span.  It is about being able to like who I am as a person and being satisfied I have done all I can to make positive choices from this moment forward.  So, for any of you who come across moments like I am experiencing now, DON'T GIVE IN AND DON'T GIVE UP!  This to shall pass! 

~For I know the plans I have for you~ Jeremiah 29:11

Onward & Upward

Nov 29, 2010

I saw my endocrinologist today.  First time since three months before my surgery.  He was absolutely amazed at how well I have been doing and the amount of weight I lost in three weeks (23 lbs).  He actually told me since my diabetes is no longer an issue I will not have to see him anymore.  I was stunned.  I expected less visits but to eliminate a Specialist out of my life has been blessing.   One less $40 co-pay and my care will be managed by my primary physician. 

I have noticed my energy levels have been a little low and for an instant I was worried.  Then I remembered it has only been three weeks since my surgery and this is to be expected.  I am grateful for the literature I received from the surgeons office.  When in doubt I go back to my reading and relax my mind.  This new me is going to be just fine!  After all, she has been waiting for years to emerge so a little extra healing time won't matter a bit!

The Holiday

Nov 24, 2010

Ahhh....the day before Thanksgiving!  This is a day in my family usually filled with fun, food, and laughter!  A lot of food prep going on in the kitchen and constant bites of this and nibbles of that as the day progresses.  You know what, I am not missing any of it right now.  I am so pleased with my decision to have this surgery I welcome Turkey day as a challenge.  I have conquered the grocery store and seen all the lovely little treats people have placed in their baskets.  I just smiled and carried on to the items suitable for my body.  Mind over matter!  I have made a commitment to myself to follow the recommendations and get through the first few months of post-op with no complications.  So far I have done well.  The only thing I backed away from was a trip to the movie theater because I was not ready to smell the zillion calorie movie theater popcorn.  I am human and I have my limits, we all do so it is important to know what, where, and when they may strike. 

As you go through Thanksgiving remember it is about so much more than food.  It is about being thankful for the opportunity to potentially save our lives by reducing our weight and all the complications that come with that weight.  It is about our family and friends who are sticking by us and being our personal cheerleaders!  It is about us! It is about life!

Happy Thanksgiving To You All!


Two Weeks Down

Nov 20, 2010

I am almost two weeks post surgery and I am amazed at how much I have progressed since being released from the hospital.  I have little pain, and only some soreness.   I am walking like crazy and I have even incorporated light weights to keep myself toned.  My energy levels are great and my diet has been so much easier to accept than I thought it would be.  Last Sunday was the first time I felt hungry, but it did not last longer.  It was near time for my protein shake and once I had the shake the hunger disappeared. 

The compliments I have received from family and friends are so encouraging.  Having a supportive network has been absolutely wonderful. 

The only issue I am having is my stomach is still very swollen and bruised but it is working itself out.  My mom suggest I wear a girdle to keep the tummy tight so I am going to try it.  Other than that, no complaints.  Helpful hint:  read, read, read, so you will really understand the ins/outs of your journey. 

Stay Strong!

Week 1

Nov 14, 2010

I am 6 days post-op and 11 lbs down. I am also completely off diabetes medication!!  The first few days were rough but I turned the corner on Saturday.  I openly admit to being a little frustrated but then I remembered, I did just have major surgery and it takes patience and time to heal.  In my head I thought I would be released from the hospital and ready to run a 5K....note to self, you were just on the operating table and the bionic woman you are not!!! 

For those of you wondering, there is pain involved but it is very well handled and under control.  My stomach is bruised but I know those bruised will go away soon.  if you haven't been reading the information you received from your surgeon you will be at a disadvantage.  I have been reading my post op and nutrition information like crazy, often several times a day. In addition I just ordered a book to help me through the long haul of this life change.  The most important advice I can give you is never be afraid to ask for help!!!  I am a pretty strong and independent woman but I very much need someone to help me through those first few days of post-op.  Pride gets set aside and you are not nearly as concerned about saving face.  A good support network is everything.  Sometimes support comes from those you least expect.

I return to the doctor on 11/16/10 and I am excited to hear about my progress and my next steps (not to mention getting those staples out). 

My beginnings had me looking towards the sky, but week 1 as me heading to the stars!
1 comment


Nov 14, 2010

I have been overweight for most of my life and considered morbidly obese for a last 20 years.  It has been a life struggle complicated by health issues and depression.  I struggled with my decision to take this journey of weight loss.  I had become comfortable in my turtle shell and it was so much easier to blame my lack of life and excitement on the weight.  When I first started looking into weight loss surgery I was plagued with diabetes, high blood pressure, polysystic ovarian syndrome, pituitary disorder, thyroid disorder, high cholesterol, and whatever else you might think a person can endure.  I was single, with no significant relationships in my life, and no children (forgot to mention I was infertile).  I honestly didn't know what to do, so I started my research into weight loss surgery.  This was about four years ago and unfortunately my insurance would not cover the procedure.  So, feeling hopeless I descended back into my world of loneliness.  I understand many of you have not had the same issues, but remember this is my journey and sorry beginnings. 

My beginnings used to be a much longer story but I learned to put out the condensed version.  Why you may ask?  The best think about beginnings, is you can start them over at any time....and my new beginning started on November 8, 2010!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2010
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 10
