I saw this and thought it was Great

Apr 09, 2009

100 Reasons I Want WLS

1. Walk without pain in my feet, legs back and butt !
2. Sit in any chair I want
3. Eat without having everything drop on my chest
4. See my toes while standing upright
5. To ride a bike again Hmm - guess I've haven't tried
6. Go parasailing
7. To wear a swim suit on the beach without being humiliated
8. Cut my toenails without having to contort my body
9. Not have to pull my shirt over my gut everytime I get up
10. Walk into any store and buy clothes off the rack
11. Wear tight fitting jeans and a belt
12. Wear high heeled shoes
13. Sit in any car and not feel like a canned sardine
14. Walk up stairs without getting winded
15. Have no fear of having my picture taken
16. Have boundless amounts of energy
17. No longer feel like a slave to food or my weight
18. To avoid other health problems caused by obesity
19. To avoid early death caused by obesity - Hopefully
20. To not have to pull the legs of my shorts down every few steps.
21. To not have lawn chairs break because of the weight
22. To be able to walk any distance without having to look for a bench to sit
23. To not fear falling because my balance is always off. - Still is guess that is just me.
24. To not have intense leg cramps
25. To not be in bed by 8pm every night because I’m exhausted.
26. To not fear fitting in public seating.
27. To be proud of myself
28. To not have someone remark, "Look at what you did to yourself" - Means something else now!
29. To not have someone ask me, "How much do you weigh"? - Not a problem anymore.
30. To be able to take a real bath and submerge.
31. To sleep through the night without having to get up to pee.
32. To not be ashamed when children looked at me and giggle
33. To not have the constant roller coaster of dieting
34. To ease the pain in my joints
35. To not avoid mirrors
36. To be able to get up off the floor easily
37. To be able to fit into airplane seats without an extension
38. To not have bras cut into my chest, breasts and shoulders
39. To be able to cross my legs
40. To not push myself up with my arms and hands when rising from a chair
41. To ease the burden the extra weight is putting on my heart
42. To go to Valley Fair and ride all the roller coasters.
43. To be able to clean my home without it feeling like a punishment.
44. To not have restless legs every night.
45. To be able to turn over in bed without having to wake up first
46. To not have to put on a "happy" face for others
47. To not suffer from the summer heat and being miserable
48. To be more attractive
49. Try new things DONE!
50. Shop at Victoria's Secret
51. No more rashes
52. Try skydiving
53. Get rid of the double chins
54. Be able to wear skirts
55. So I won't think people are laughing or talking about me
56. To be able to tie my shoes
57. So my ankles won't swell
58. To be able to pick something up off the floor without my face turning red.
59.  Bungee jumping
60. Dance the whole night
61. To not think up some excuse for not doing something because of your weight
62. To not have my belly hit the steering wheel in the driver's seat
63. To not be afraid to step on the bathroom scale
64. To never be embarrassed about my size
65. To not count tying shoes as daily exercise
66. To not be more out of shape than my grandparents.
67. Be able to shave my legs completely.
68. To not be self-conscious about eating in front of others
69. To not be afraid to ask which hairstyle suits my face
70. To not have the fear of being rejected
71. One size fits all and it fits me (they fit now)
72. To go between cars in a parking lot and not dust it off with my belly/butt
73. To not be afraid to send pictures to family
74. To not take fat jokes personally
75. To be able to stand still, carrying nothing and still look poised
76. To cross your arms across your chest without them resting on your stomach
77. To have my feet get smaller
78. To not wonder if people are nice to me because they pity me.
79. To see my reflection in a mirror or store window without turning away
80. To not have check the weight limit on rides, chairs, exercise equipment or anything.
81. To stop hiding from the world
82. To look forward to shopping and just trying on clothes
83. Run for the bus and not be totally winded
84. Stand with my feet together
85. Read in bed by pulling my knees up and resting the book on my thighs
86. To not worry about rashes and sweating
87. To see my hip bones again
88. Have a bath towel or even pool towel fit around me
89. To wear stylish clothing
90. Be able to compete for better jobs
91. Be able to wear a necklace again
92. To wear nylons without them rolling down my stomach.
93. Eat an ice cream without being stared at
94. Try a snowboard without breaking it this time.
95. Look forward to dressing up when going to a party
96. Be able to scratch my back (and anywhere that itches)
97. Be able to use the vacuum cleaner without wanting a shower afterwards
98. Be able to run and jump
99. Live longer
100. I'M WORTH IT!

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About Me
Cornwall, Ontario,
Surgery Date
Feb 28, 2009
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