After 2 fills I am still not skinny... What was I thinking?!?!

Mar 09, 2009

Two fills out, and 28 lbs down, I think the hunger is definitely easier to handle at this point. Loss has been slow going but I think I might be getting closer to that sweet spot. I am down from a size 20 to a 14-16. I feel really great, sleeping better, no sore knees or back. Working out is so much more enjoyable already. The biggest issue I face is mental. Somehow I just cannot get it through my head that I CAN get under the 200 mark and I think it's making me sabotage myself. I am working hard at it and have stopped weighing myself daily, once a week is a little more helpful. Everyone has made it really clear that I am just too impatient and once I get it through my thick skull that I am going to be successful this time, that this is not like weight watchers or Jenny Craig or anything else, things will really start to work for me. It won't be easy but it WILL happen.  At this point, my main goal is to get my Wii Fit to stop calling me obese! My hubby is really excited for me, he can't get over how... perky... everything is. I am going to make a commitment o myself to just focus on the amazing positives that I have experienced so far and continue down this path, knowing that some day I will get there, even if I am taking a longer way around.

First Post-Op Visit

Jan 20, 2009

Alright, visit one is done. No fill, just a pat on the back, a "good job" and sorry you are so hungry you can't get a fill for another two weeks. Grrrr. The great news is that my scars have healed so quickly you can hardly tell where the incisions wre and I am going to be totally scar free by bikini season, I hope. I have one more frustration and that is, why won't my hubby realize that it is kind of rude to eat yummy bread, diet coke and sweets around me? Gosh. I sure wish he would be willing to just join me on my diet journey here, I know it is a lot to ask but he could stand to lose a few pounds himself. I am sure I am just being too sensitive and I will get over it. Sigh... This is my burden and trial and I need to really face it with a little more responsibility to myself and not find a way to blame someone else.  
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Jan 09, 2009
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