Roberto A. Rumbaut

"The whole Monterray esperience ROCKED! I would have loved to have some angel Insurance company pick up the whole $$tab...but this was the best alternative if I had to pay for it myself. Rumbaut and his young assistant Dr. Gonzalez absolutely gave me all the time and attention I needed. Upscale all the way including the TOWN< The Hospital, the whole environment. They were kind to me as well as my DkindaH Don and so patient....absolutely NOT typical US Surgeon! The hospital he operates at is the University teaching hospital and it is State of the Art. My private suite was incredible, although I've heard just the private rooms themselves are nice. My Spanish is pretty hysterical I discovered when trying to talk! Fortunately I was so terrible at it, whether we were shopping or doing something medical, there seemed to always be someone around to come to my rescue! Regarding the Risks of surgery: When I explained to him that really explicit medical pix didn't bother me...he showed us 3 clinical examples of erosion ( a rare but real complication of banding) and described the circumstances. His depth of expirience is awesome. He has a web site and HAS A LAP BAND himself for over 5 years....Need I say more? I chose this doctor as the best in North America. Downers... mild but : What I would see as a negative is of course the language issues if you are hopelessly MONO lingual as me, but everyone is rather used to that. I also think the concept of getting follow up fills will be a bit of an issue, although I'm not had to deal with that yet. I think so little of US bariatric docs for the most part that I assume in my personal opinion they will be their usual money grubbing selves and extort additional $$ for fillings since they didn't get the Big Profit of the initial Surgery."
About Me
Eugene, OR
Surgery Date
Nov 18, 2004
Member Since
