RhondaRoo 16 years, 3 months ago

Hope and pray you have a very uneventful surgery and speedy recovery! RhondaRoo

QwnBee2007 16 years, 3 months ago

Congrats on your big day tomorrow! Wishing you a speedy recovery! ~SB~

Amy Williams 16 years, 11 months ago

I wanted to take a moment and tell you about the local support group we have for Obesityhelp.com We meet monthly and we would love you have you join us. For more information on dates and times please check out. www.augustaobesityhelp.com We hope to see you at our next meeting!
About Me
Augusta, GA
May 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 16
It's been awhile......
Back on track.....
Going Good.....
Starting things to early.....
Doctor's visit.....
Today is going along.....
IT's post-op day 6....
Everything is a GO!!!!!!!
Received call....
2 weeks out....
