kylakae 22 years, 2 months ago

Carol, congratulations on your latest success! You are doing awesome!

GallopingAngels 22 years, 4 months ago

Hello everyone!! I really am bad about not posting here all the time!! And when I do come back I have no idea what anyone is talking about!!! So... again.. I'm trying to get back into the habit of checking here once a day!! As for my life and it's "goings on"... things are going pretty well! So many people are now saying things about the weight loss (60 lbs!) - it really is great!! I feel so good about myself! I still do worry that I'll mess it up and that I'll end up back into my old habits but am trying very hard to make sure I don't!!! As for my court case... we're still fighting that. At this point we're waiting for the court appointed attorney to make a determination. She is very thorough and strikes me as very fair! Still hoping for your prayers in that area (if you aren't sure what I'm talking about - read my profile... it's a horribly long story!)!! Hope all of you are doing wonderful... whatever stage in this journey you may be!!! Take Care! Carol

GallopingAngels 22 years, 4 months ago

Hey all - it's me again!! Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still around once and a while! Work has been pretty hectic - as has my life in general!!! I'm down to 205 lbs (depending on the scale) now - making my weight loss 60 lbs since 29 Oct 01!!! Anyway... hope everyone is doing well!! Take Care! Carol

GallopingAngels 22 years, 5 months ago

10 Jan 02!! Hello Everyone... sorry I haven't posted here for so long!! I heard that some people were looking for me (I searched the site and couldn't find any reference to me though)! That is soooo sweet! I didn't think anyone would miss my big mouth!!! Please don't let the person looking for me be my ex husband (look at my profile if you haven't heard the story about that)! Anyway... Life is going awesome!!! I've lost (drum roll please) 50 lbs!!! My surgery was 29 Oct 01 - just a little over 2 months ago!!! I feel so wonderful... I tell you I have been blessed!!!! Anyway... hope all is well with everyone here... things have been pretty hectic with me so if you don't see me here... drop me an e-mail.. we'll talk!!! [email protected]!! Take Care! Beaqumidine aka Carol B.

GallopingAngels 22 years, 6 months ago

17 Dec 01: You betcha! Had to go with this crazy new name! No Jane Doe or the likes for me. I'm not sure if the ex will find me as "Beaumidine". I think he was searching for my name, not reading all the message board entries... but either way the only thing anyone, who read my profile, could find that is derogatory is that I use my real name... now anyone searching for my name won't be able to find me. So.... I now have my alias an dark sunglasses to hide me!!! LOL!! Gotta keep that sense of humor no matter what!!! If things keep going so well in my life I may change my name to Cindy Rella or something though!!!! Well... today was another great day. Went to return some pants that still had the tags on them but were too large... found out I'm now in a 17/18 (instead of 20/22) and that means I no longer have to shop in the WOMENS sizes!! Yahoo!!! Life IS good... even though there are times when it doesn't feel so great! Good luck to all!!! May lifes blessings touch your heart as well! Beuamidine ; )

GallopingAngels 22 years, 6 months ago

16 Dec 01: I'm wondering why we don't all post on update pages once we've had our surgery... that way it posts on our profile AND on the message board... anyway... that's what I'm going to do now. I try to keep my profile current as a sort of "diary" for myself. I had a really wonderful evening Friday night : ) Was my squadron Christmas party... I bought a new dress (was going to wear a different outfit but decided to go "all out")... it's black lycra that looks like velvet, falls almost to my ankles and has a slit up the side. I had my hair done and it was "big"! Bought it at Burlington Coat factory for next to nothing... amazing that I found anything I like... and anything that FIT!!! Anyway... When I got to the party there were people (that I work with) coming up and introducing themselves... they didn't recognize me!!! I know we look different out of uniform but I had kids telling me that they wanted me to dress like that for work every day!!! I even had one kid "grind" on me (on the dance floor) ... he asked my friend to introduce is... I said, "I'm your Dorm Manager you idiot!" and he said, "NO WAY!!" Everyone started laughing and telling him it was true... he was so embarrassed... he said, "I'm so embarrassed... I just grinded my Dorm Manager!" Then he kept coming up to me and apologizing (I'm a TSgt/E-6 and he's an A1C/E-3)... no matter how I tried to convince him that it was OK... poor kid!!! I even had this guy from work, that I have a crush on, keep coming by and putting his arm around my waist... while he was passing by (he was actually working - part time job at the club we were at). I kept feeling like he was staring at me (kept catching his eye)... it was all so awesome. For so long I've felt like NOTHING.... invisible... ugly.... well you all KNOW what I mean.... and for one night I felt like Cinderella!!! I was afraid to go to sleep in case it all was a dream... all of a sudden I was beautiful... I've lost 37 lbs and still have 93 lbs to goal... but I'm already feeling like a new person.... what will the loss of 93 lbs bring? The love of my life? I haven't dared to look for so long... and really that isn't as important as my own self respect, good health, and pure happiness! Anyway... maybe there will be more "Cinderella nights " ahead for me... and you all!

Tracy L. 22 years, 6 months ago

Carol---I have to say that I don't see a single thing damaging about your profile. They are probably just trying to scare you into cooperating. In fact, I think your profile is insightful and shows things about yourself which should be good in a custody hearing. You say you were celibate for a year (obviously not sleeping around in front of the kids), you say you go out to a bar (only drinking water). Yes you notice "gorgeous" guys and yes you are going through ups and downs with the surgery....but that is nothing if not normal. The only thing damaging I can see from your profile is as it applies to your ex. Obviously HE is maligned by this profile, as it points out his cruelty to you, his infidelity, lies, and abuse of your son. Would he really submit this to a court?? Or does he show no compunction lying face to face with a judge by saying you made it all up? Well...the ONLY way I could see them using this as a "negative" against you is by showing how you talk negatively about your ex and by trying to say that you do this in front of the kids too. If you don't, then I don't think you have anything to worry about girl! Best of luck with all your battles.

Kristi C. 22 years, 6 months ago

Hi Carol, I'd e-mail you but I caught a virus, sorry if it got to you. So until I get rid of it I'm quarenteening myself. Glad to hear you're doing so well. Kristi

Karen G. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dear Carol, I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well, keep up the good work! Nordic

GallopingAngels 22 years, 7 months ago

Hey everyone! I'm out of the hospital! I feel like I'm healing really well although I have to laugh a tiny laugh instead of a big one!!! I feel pretty similar to when I had my son (33 hrs) and was trying to heal!! I walk really slowly but try to walk every time I wake up! I've been waking up at this time in the morning and thought I'd finally get to read how everyone is doing here!! Will probably post more after I've gotten caught up on the board!!!! Thank-you to all of your kind words and especially for Nin (my sister), my Mom and Kristi (my angel) for calling me every day to keep my attitude up and running!!! Love all yer guts (mine are pretty sore though)!! Carol
About Me
Spokane, WA
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This picture was taken at my 40th birthday party!!
