Arm Lift

Jun 17, 2016

Arm lift done 6/10/16. Everything went very well. 


Lower Body Lift and lipo

Jun 18, 2015

On 6/11/15, I had a lower body lift and lipo of flanks and back by Dr. Fara Movahangia in Atlanta, Ga.  He removed 4 pounds of skin on the front and 2 pounds in the back.  It was a painful procedure.  However, my body looks so much better. I am on day 7 of recovery and doing better. My body is still sore all over from the procedure.  My abdomen is still swollen but better.  It will be a long recovery. My waist as it is swollen is measuring at 33 1/2 inches - this is 5 inches less than my normal (38 1/2)  and hips which are also swollen are  41 inches- before surgery hips were 42 inches.   

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VSG - 3 year WLS Anniversary! 162lbs

Jun 28, 2014

I am now three years post op. My weight before surgery was 247lbs and my current weight is 162lbs.  My lowest weight was 147lbs.  My average weight is 152lbs. So my weight fluctuates between 150lbs to 163lbs. It just depends on how much exercise and what I eat.  I really don't do a lot of exercise but I plan to get better with that part of my life. Lately, for the past three months I have been at 160-162lbs.  I am 5, 6' and look really great. I am ok with the 10lb weight gain but I plan to get back down to 150lbs because I don't want it to get out of control.  Overall, my restriction is still good if I eat the right kinds of foods.  If I snack on things like chips or cheese puffs, I don't really feel a lot of restriction and can eat a ton! So it is very important to stay away from water soluble foods (slider foods) like chips.  I am very healthy and have lots of energy.  I had a baby year 2 after my surgery and she is doing very well. I only gained 17 lbs during my pregnancy.   I don't have any major medical issues.  Occassionally I may have acid reflux symptoms when I eat and then lay down but I had GERD before I had surgery so this may not be the case with everyone.  I would recommend VSG to anyone. I am very pleased with my surgery.



2 year WLS anniversary! 148 LBS

Jun 28, 2013

I can't believe it has been two years since my VSG surgery! My starting weight was 247 lbs.  My current weight is 148 lbs.  Therefore, since my surgery, I have lost a total of 99 lbs.  I have surpassed my goal of 150 lbs!  It all went so fast!  I am doing great and still losing weight. I also had a baby. My baby is currently 3 1/2  months old and healthy.  I only gained 17 lbs during my pregnancy. I was all baby.  After baby I actually lost all the baby weight plus 3 additional pounds.  I weighed 151 prior to getting pregnant and now I weigh 148!  It must be all of the breastfeeding that I am doing.  The weight came off pretty fast without any effort whatsoever!  I pretty much eat what I want to eat, I just don't eat a lot b/c I can't, lol.  One thing that I can say is that most of the foods that I eat are pretty healthy like fruits, vegetables, shrimp and broil chicken because that is what feels good when I eat it.  If I eat something too dense or greasy, it literally makes me feel physically uncomfortable and almost sick to my stomach so I avoid it all together.  Soda's give me too much heart burn so I definitely avoid them. VSG will drastically change your behavior and your thoughts about food. Simply put, the surgery retrained my brain by altering my behavior by making me physically uncomfortable with foods that made me gain weight. So now I don't even desire those foods b/c they are associated with too much physical pain - classical conditioning basically.  Foods like bread, fried greasy stuff, thick meats - I don't eat because they make me feel seriously bloated and sick so I don't eat them. Fruit, veggies, lean thin slices of chicken, turkey or shrimp, I can have without any side affects so I eat them and don't gain weight.   I am enjoying life!






Weight has stabilized at 151.5! Great for me!

Jul 29, 2012

My weight has stabilized at 151.5 lbs! This is great for me compared to my original weight.  I am happy with this size. I lot of people say that I "look too skinny."   I don't really care about what other people say. When your fat, they say you are too fat and now that I am slim they say I am too skinny, whatever!   I think 151.5  is great for me, especially since I have not excercised at all. I eat whatever I want and most of what I want are fruits, vegetables, fish  and chicken.   If I excercise, I am sure that it will drop below 150 easily.  When I did a field trip recently with my daughter, we had to walk for an hour in the heat.  I weighed myself the next morning, I had lost 3lbs. Although I kept my water bottle on me the whole time and stayed hydrated, I believe the weight was probably due to water loss. Overall I am feeling great!

Down to 156 pounds!

May 29, 2012

I am down to 156 pounds and still feeling great!

Goal 2 : Weigh 175 pounds.. Achieved!

Jan 08, 2012

Goal 2 : Weigh 175 pounds.. Achieved! I am progressing slow and steady but happy with my progress. 

P.S. I wanted to also mention one of my favorite foods.  I am seriously enjoying Kellogs Fiber Plus cereal.  It is excellent for my digestive processes! LOL.  It has lots of fiber and keeps me nice and regular.  Love it.

Losing slowly and steadily! 177.5 lbs

Dec 30, 2011

I am doing very well.  I have lost 69.5 pounds in 6 months (14 pre-op diet + 55.5 post op= 69.5)!   I have 27.5 pounds to go to reach my goal of weighing 150 pounds.  I have not been exercising that much, hardly any because I don't have time but I have been losing steadily around 6 pounds per month. My losing trend has slowed down but I am still happy with the rate that I am losing. 
month 1 - 14.5
month 2 - 10
month 3 - 11
month 4 - 8
month 5 - 6
month 6 - 6

It is so strange how I lose weight sometimes it just happens all in a matter of days. Sometimes I will lose 3 pounds in three days then maybe four days pass with no weight loss then I would lose three more pounds; then I will not lose anymore for the rest of the month - strange. I plan to start exercising a little beginning at the start of the new year. 


50 pounds down and feeling great! Weight 197 Lbs

Oct 06, 2011

It is a little over week 16 for me and I am down 50 pounds. I feel great! I am down from a size 22-24 to a size 17-18. this is all without any exercise.  I am sure if I exercise I would lose more rapidly.  I am feeling energized and ready to begin exercising.


Down 30 pounds! 217 Lbs

Aug 07, 2011

As of today, I have lost 30 pounds!  My clothes are loose and I feel great.  I feel energized and full of life!  I feel so blessed!  Before I had the surgery, I felt like I was dying slowly but now I feel like I have a second chance at life. The surgery risks were great but after I weighed the options, it was the best choice I could have ever made for myself.  I am so glad that I decided to do this surgery. It has truly been life changing. 

