Support Group - Accountability

Jul 23, 2009

Tonight Dr. S. talked about accountability, choices and change. I am in control of what goes in my mouth and to exercise. He really hit a note with me. Situations and people cannot force me to eat... I choose to deal with it that way. I need to learn to "deal" another way. There aren't any excuses for my overeating or eating fatty things....there is just responsibility. If I eat unhealthy and don't lose...then I have control over that and can make a change. It's my job, not anyone else's. He also spoke on the Glycemic (sp?) index and metabolism. I will have to do more research on that. But it was very eye opening. As always he encouraged us at the end to use the band effectively, measure, eat slow and not to overeat. He said he has a new book, cook book, video and pod casts coming out soon. I love to go online and listen to him when I'm struggling and wanting to eat. Their scale is lighter than mine, but I was happy to see the numbers.
246.5lbs :-)


About Me
Chandler, AZ
Surgery Date
Aug 26, 2008
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