
Apr 12, 2012

So I've been trying to be very patient while waiting for our Insurance to review everything and find out yesterday by phone that the insurance denied me for the surgery.  I feel devastated and so out of sorts about it all as I thought I was on top of everything in this process. 

I called my surgeon and they advise that they will call me when they get the official letter and then once they review it, we can go through the next steps towards approval.

More to come.


Ok......update, paperwork is submitted!

Mar 22, 2012

I've been going so crazy the past week as I had my consult with my surgeon last week and the paperwork for approval was just submitted today.  A little nerve racking as I expected it to be sent next day but my coordinator was on vacation so understandable.

My husband knows me all too well and because he rocks my world on a daily basis, he gave me some news today that he called our insurance to inquire about the status of my approval and they confirmed that they did in fact receive the paperwork today and that the approval process will take about 2 weeks.

And now..............we wait some more!!!

Waiting waiting waiting

Mar 13, 2012

It's been a month since my last post and i'm feeling more anxious than ever.

I've completed all my pre-work and have clearances from all my doctors and tomorrow, I go for a consult with the surgeon, sign off on the consent and then paperwork is sent to the insurance. 

Tomorrow is a big day.  I'd love the surgeon to just give me a date but know that we have to get approval from my insurance first. 

I'm feeling as I just want to get the journey going already. 

More to come! 

Insert approval here ______

Feb 15, 2012

Well, I am proud to say that I've finished all my testing requirements and am now in the waiting game.

This week I completed my stress test, echocardiogram and endoscopy.  I'm happy to say that preliminary results show that I'm cleared for surgery as all my tests came back normal (thank you God!).

Now, we wait.  All the releases need to be submitted and then the next steps are to get approval from my insurance and then off to the surgeon again to get a date!!!! 

Wish me luck and if anyone can tell me how they got through this stage without drinking heavily or pulling their hair out, i'd really appreciate it!  :) 


Get~er Done!!!!

Jan 27, 2012

Hello all! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted but it's been a very intense week WLS wise.

This week was a power play of manipulation with time and scheduling.

Initial consults with my cardiologist, pulminary, and GI doctors..........Check! 
Abdominal Ultrasound......Check!
Sonnogram lower extreminites for DVT ........Check! 
Stress Test and Echocardiogram scheduled .......Check!
Endoscopy scheduled.........Check!!!!
2 support group sessions attended............ChecK! 
Blood work.............Check Check Check Check and oh..............CHECK! 

You know the old expression "Put a fork in me, I'm done"?  Well there couldn't be a better wrap up of the week. 

I feel very good though that I've accomplished so much.  Each day I get closer to a date.  This is going to be a great year.

Tests came back clear except for me being terribly deficient with Vitamin D, i've got a script to take for 8 weeks.
Also, they found a small gallstone which I am told should be taken out at time of the surgery.  I'll speak to my surgeon on that.
DVT Tests came out clear! 
Now all we have to do is get the trifecta of test done and God willing, all will be clear.

Until next time! 



Jan 20, 2012

So since my last post I've been really getting organized and getting through my check list for surgery.

Last week was consult with my family doctor and then I took the morning on Saturday to get all my bloodwork done.

This week, I met with my nutritionist, Laura, who I found to be so lovely.  She was on point too.  Knew her stuff and gave me some great insite into what steps I had to take nutritionally.   

Last night I ended the week with a support group (my first of the two required). 
I found it very interesting and informative in terms of what other patients are going through. 

It also gave me great perspective on how I need to tackle the process behaviorally.  

I want to succeed at this and realized that the only way I will is if I keep positive, keep researching and talking to others, learn new tips, and most importantly, pay attention to my body and it's new found nutrition. 

That's all I got! 

Step one.....

Jan 17, 2012

Ok, so on January 9th, I took a deep breath, grabbed my husband and my courage over to Staten Island to my first visit to meet my surgeon, who would be Dr. George Ferzli, who I thought was a gentleman, very professional and very warm.  His staff was so courteous and I met Karen, our coordinator, who was honest, straight forward, detailed, and kind all at the same time.

Now to business.
I've made appointments for consults with the Nutritionist, Cardiologist, Pulmonologist and Gastroentologist. I will also be attending two support groups required by the Sugeons group.  All in January.  Then from there we'll schedule Stress tests, echocardiograms, and (gulp)an  endoscopy. 

I also set up this site as a way to keep me on track under the recommendation of a family member who told me about the site this week (thank you Bernadette).  

And the journey begins! 



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Jan 17, 2012
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