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Jan 15, 2007

I am a 35 yr old mother of 4. I've been heavy all my life. But of course it got worse with pregnancy. I have lost 60# 3 times in the last 10 yrs using phenteremine, unfortunately, when it comes back, it brings 20# with it. I don't want to climb aboard that yo-yo again. I now weigh 252 and am 5'5 1/2" tall. Thankfully I don't have any comorbidities,yet, but have a family history of heart disease and diabetes that start around age 40 (just around the corner). My husband Randy is 40, 5'9" and 315#. He has hypertension, sleep apnea, sugar problems and chronic arthritis. He's tried phenteremine, but actually gained weight on it. We've been thinking of WLS, and have done the research. Now it is time to pray and let God decide if this is right for us.

4-19-03 Today is the day that jump-started our WLS journey. We've thought about it, we've done the research, then we put it on the back burner. Today we saw a friend for the first time in two years. She had surgery in late 2001 (thought she was having a hysterectomy). When we worked together, we traded clothes, she now is in a size 8, while I am still a 22. I was soooo happy for her/jealous of her. When she told me about the WLS I knew it was an answer to our prayer, "should we have the surgery". Now what do we do.

Called the doc. 4-21-03 I started the paperwork on both of us. They had a positive attitude about insurance (Healthlink) and said we should hear something in 2-3 weeks. The waiting is already killing me and it's only been 4 hrs. I guess I'll just keep looking at the before and after pics and imagining what it will be like to be able to get up and do things.

4-24-03 Still waiting, but received a very informative tape from the New Start center. They make it sound like you'll be automatically approved if your BMI is 40 or higher, (my fingers and toes are crossed.
On a positive note, my mom is coming around. Talked to her again today and she is more supportive of the surgery than she has ever been, even wondering if it might work for her.
Pray that we hear from the insurance soon, we'd like to get the surgeries this summer since I teach school and don't want to have to take the time off work.

4-28-03 Called the doc to find out what we could do to facilitate process...talked to voice mail, more waiting to see if they'll call me back. On a happy note, I haven't had a cigarette since April 1st. Granted, I've gained 15 lbs, but hopefully the surgeon will take care of that. I'm using my cigarette money to buy lumber to build a deck. Next summer (after surgery) I want to have pool parties, I haven't been in a suit in public in 5 yrs.

5-19-03 I couldn't wait, I called again. It's a good thing, they've been trying to reach us since last Thurs. All we need is the psych and a thyroid level. Won't have to wait for the sleep study (7-29). I finally feel like something is happening.

5-24-03 God is working today. The hospital called and wanted to move my sleep study (scheduled 7-29-03) to this Wednesday. We also got our packets today. Tons of information, guess this is how I'll spend my Memorial Day holiday. Talked to my mom, she says she put me on my first diet at 11. That's so sad.

5-29-30 Sleep study last night, boy was that fun, NOT. Turns out I have mild apnea during REM, no wonder I'm so tired all the time. Randy and I will have dueling c-paps, should make romance interesting (insert mental picture here)Actually, I think the apnea's a good thing, I was borderline for approval with no co-morbidities. Mailed our paperwork to New Start yesterday and we see the psych next Tuesday, more info after.

6-3-03 Saw the psychologist today, and we're both sane, lol. She thinks we are both good candidates for surgery and said we should be proud of ourselves for taking this proactive step. I was amazed, was ready for an anti-WLS interview. On a not so great note, New Start has received our packets and we are actually in the database, but we have to do a seminar before Dr. Fabito will even look at our packet, let alone submit for insurance. Problem is, they are not currently scheduling seminars. The lady said we would get a call when they start scheduling. Wonder how long this will take. Oh well, at least I'm not crazy.

7-4-03 We went to our seminar last weekend, all the steps are finished, but we're still waiting for the psychologist to send her report to New Start. GRRRRR. I've gained 5 pounds in the last supper syndrome, but Randy has actually lost 5, weird how different ppl are. I'll update when I found out more. Oh, finally put up a picture.)

7-21-03 Talked to New Start (my weekly check-up) and we are in the review file. YEAH!!! We're slowly making our way to the operating table. Had my c-pap sleep test last night. I'm allergic to the new glue they use and have broken out all over my face.....I'm looking just lovely. I'll update more when I know more.

9-5-03 Alot has happened since I last updated, so let me apologize in advance for a long post. Unfortunately all that's happened has been in the last week and a half. We had been waiting, quite impatiently to be reviewed by Dr. Fabito. I called New Start faithfully once a week (didn't want to be a huge pest, but wanted to be persistent). Finally, about 2 weeks ago, I shared my concerns that if I didn't have surgery before the end of Sept. I would have to wait until Christmas (because of my craft business). The receptionist suggested that I contact Dr. Fabito's nurse as she was the only one who could request that files be reviewed out of order. After being left on hold for 20 min. and calling back, I finally talked to the nurse and explained my situation. She said that they were currently scheduling for Oct. and that Dr was retiring Dec. 15th. I was just a little bit irked (I'm a red-head). Anyway, I immediately called New Start to find out why the &*()_ I hadn't been told this in July when I first went into the review file. I was transferred to the director, and it was the best thing that ever happened. We talked for over a 1/2 hour. She helped me choose a new Doctor. So now I'm waiting for Dr. Scott, who will be doing the surgery Lap......but, I now have to have a letter of medical necessity from my PCP. I got on this wonderful site and Patti sent me 3 sample letters. I typed one up for both Randy and I and sent them to the PCP. I figured it would either save time or royally piss him off. Well, didn't hear anything over the holiday weekend, was tossing my socks from bad potato salad on Tues., finally called on Wed. and receptionist said, come pick them up. I faxed them to New Start yesterday, and last night I got a call................ Dr. Scott has reviewed our file, and everything was sent to insurance. Finally I've leapt the second to last hurdle (okay, more like waddled around it). More when I hear from the insurance. For those people who read this in the future. (when I'm a size 8 and on the before and after page, lol) It's been 4 months, and 2 weeks to get to this stage.

Who says pestering doesn't work. I've called the insurance company every 3 or so days to find out where my paperwork is. Guess what, they didn't know. Monday, I finally got a fax number and asked New Start to refax the information (very important for those of you in waiting mode). Faxes get there much faster, lol. Anyway, insurance received the paperwork Tuesday morning, called today (Thurs) and WE'RE APPROVED. They sent the official letter yesterday. As soon as New Start receives it, Randy should get his date. More when we know when.
~~ Jumping up and down, doing the happy dance. :)~~~

We met with Dr. Scott today. We'll get our surgery dates within the next 2 days. Chris from New Start was in the office and answered most of our questions since dr was held up in surgery. When we saw him he gave us some information....I didn't know that 6 out of 7 morbidly obese people die young. It really is a terminal disease. Anyway, he showed us where our 5 little incisions will be and said goodbye. Best part of the visit is that we got to meet 2 one-week posties who were full of energy and not in any pain. Just the way I hope to me since my surgery will probably be the week before Christmas. Anyway, I'm rambling. Just thrilled to death to have finally met the surgeon. I think this is going to happen.

Oct. 30, 2003
We Have Dates!!!!! Randy will be having surgery on Dec. 3rd and I will have mine on Dec. 17th. We see the dietician and do all Randy's pre-op on Nov. 10th. I'll do my pre-op on Dec. 4th since I'll be at the hospital with Randy anyway. I'm started to get nervous....but still very excited. Now I just have to finish my Christmas shopping. LOL :)

Nov. 15, 2003
Randy had all his pre-op testing today. We both had our interview with the anesthesiologist and with the dietician. Dr. Scott seems to have a strict after surgery diet, but his patients rarely have vomiting after surgery, so maybe he's on the right track. The dietician gave us both the obesity help website url as well as the address for the vitalady. We ran into Janice from our support group and she gave us her protein shake samples that she didn't use. She's down 65 lbs and looks fantastic. I'm rambling, so I should sign off. Surgery is around the corner. Dietician said I could make my Christmas dinner on clear liquids, just drink turkey broth and cranberry juice. :P More later.

Randy had his surgery on the 3rd and is doing amazingly well. He is off all his pain meds and his blood pressure is already lower (still on meds). He is off all the meds for his hypoglycemia. This surgery is amazing. The nurses at St. Alexius were all fantastic and sooo helpful. The nurse manager gave me her cell number so that I can call the day before my surgery, and they will order stage 3 meals for Randy to have in my room. How great is that. I thought I would have to pack him a cooler. I'm headed for bed now, he still isn't sleeping all night and of course he wants me awake to keep him company. He's actually planning to go to church tomorrow night. I'm just so amazed at his recovery.

I'm home from the hospital and still don't have loads of energy so this will be brief. First an update on Randy; He's down 33 lbs. (yes, in 2 1/2 weeks, men are aliens). Everything is baggy on him and he feels great. Last night he had his first dumping episode on some tylenol w/ codeine. The pharmacist mixed it in a sugared elixer. Be careful with everything you put in your mouth. I am feeling good. Totally off pain meds. I put the turkey in this morning for Christmas (I precook then freeze, then warm xmas day.) But after the turkey I had to take a nap. My kids are amazing little elves helping with the wrapping, etc. I'm not going into surgery details, as nothing exciting or different happened in my case. I was the fastest lap ever done by my surgeon, finished in 40 min. (I guess if you have to be best at something, lol). No complications to speak of and a standard recovery. I'm looking forward to drain removal and protein shakes for energy. (12-23). I've lost 7 lbs, but at this point it doesn't seem like much as I'm still bloated from the surgical gasses. That's all for now. I'll update as things happen.

I was looking over my profile and realized how long it's been since I updated. Randy and I are doing great. We both have finally found a protein drink we like (2 dif. ones, of course). Randy is down 55 lbs and 6 pants sizes, we love good will. I've lost 31 lbs and am down from a 22/24 to an 18, I'm set for clothes til size 16, then we're in uncharted territory. We went out to dinner and the symphony last night. We ate at cracker barrell, Randy had a 1/2 a side of chicken and dumplings and I had 1/2 a bowl of vegetable soup. We shared a piece of sf apple pie (about 3 bites each). Our relationship has become amazingly more close....I guess it's because we both already feel better about ourselves.

Wow, It's been forever since I updated. We are living life to the fullest, we're both working out and have tons more energy. We're keeping ourselves in clothes through the kindness of friends and family and of course Goodwill. Randy has dropped 85 pounds and has gone from a size 56 pant to a loose 38. I have lost 62 pounds to date and went from a 24 to a solid 16 and some "generously" cut 14s. It has been an amazing journey. We both feel good, our comorbities are disappearing, and thankfully neither of us gets sick as long as we watch what we eat. More later....

Once again, it has been a long time since I updated. Life is busy with two teenagers and an eight year old's activities. We are going to be grandparents in December. Our oldest daughter, 22, is expecting and that has us all excited. Randy and I continue to do well with our weight loss. Randy is at 195 and I am at 176, if he doesn't slow down, he's going to catch me. Neither of us has had any major problems and we continue to feel blessed by this surgery every day. Body dismorphia is plaguing me, I know that I am wearing 12's, but I still see the 24's in the mirror. Hopefully one day my self-image will catch up to reality, but I'm not holding my breath.

I finally hit the century club. Exactly 8 months out and down to 160 from 260 (still have 25 pounds to goal). Doing great, no health problems. Lost my gall bladder on July 30th. DH, Randy, is down 195 lbs from his highest,353, he is below goal at 167 (8 1/2 months out) and trying to gain weight. He lost his gall bladder 5 weeks ago. I am wearing mediums and size 8/10. Randy is in large shirts and size 32 pants. We are both so thankful for this surgery. It has been a fantastic thing for both of us.

Sorry it's been so long since I updated. Life has been busy! Randy and I had our first grandbaby Friday....needless to say, we're walking on air. I've only lost 10 lbs in the last 3 months, down to 150, but I'm in a size 6/8 so I'm happy. Randy is down to 160 and has to set his watch alarm to remind him to eat. I doubt either of us will lose much more. Randy is completely off of his cane which is the biggest answer to prayer from the whole surgery.

Wow, it's been almost a year. We're both doing great. I've gained back the "dreaded" 10 pounds, but I'm happy at 160 and size 8/10. Randy is at a solid 165. Randy had an internal hernia repaired in May, really the only problem either of us have experienced. We went to my 20th class reunion last month. It was fantastic to go and see everyone. Good friends didn't recognize Randy. His change has been drastic to say the least. We're enjoying life and each other, and stay busy with many different activities. We still consider surgery the best thing we've ever done.

About Me
Harrisburg, IL
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2003
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