
A good week

May 17, 2009

It was a whrlwind weekend.  I volunteered at my daughter's school on Friday.  A whopping 13  hours on my feet!  But I lost 3 pounds.  I guess If I just worked out 13 hours every day, I'd be down to my goal weight in just a few weeks...

I lost 5.5 pounds last week which was a great relief after a few weeks of plateau and only a pound lost here or there.  And I bought a size 12 jeans over the weekend.  It's amazing to believe that I can fit into a 12 after only 2 and a half months when I was barely squeezing into my 16s before the surgery.

Another funny thing that happened to me this weekend.  A couple of times I caught myself thinking "I have to get some exercise in today."  Then when I thought about it, I realized I had already exercised.  That NEVER would have happened to me before.  I love these little, unexpected changes I'm seeing.

I'm down 53 pounds in total and 43 pounds since the day of surgery - only 10 weeks out.  Unbelievable.

Here's to another great week!...  (and starting my Personal Trainer appointments on Wednesday.)

Hiked today

Mar 29, 2009

I went on a hike today with my girls, ages 8 and 6.  It was beautiful.  The weather was perfect once we got moving and the best part about it...No Bugs!  If anyone reads this who lives in the Twin Cities area, I can't recommend this trail enough.  It is in Victoria right off of Hwy 5 and it's called Lowry Nature Center.  It is super private and you feel like you're up north only minutes out of the city.  There are about 5 lakes - some unnamed.  The trails are beautiful and we encountered a bald eagle flying straight overhead.  I can only imagine how beautiful this will be once the trees get leaves and everything turns green.

Weekends are great.  I wish I had time to search out walks like this during the week.  It would make my weight loss go so much easier!  At any rate, I'm hoping our little adventure today helps me lose an extra half pound tomorrow as I've been pretty steady at a half pound a day for the past several days.

Snow is in the forecast for this week so I'm glad we were able to enjoy this beautiful spring day before we are all covered in white again!

Almost 4 weeks

Mar 28, 2009

I can't believe on Monday it will be 4 weeks already.  Things are going great and I haven't yet had any sickness from anything I've eaten.  I get to try "real" food for the first time on Monday.  I think my surgeon's office is much more cautious than other clinics in terms of how long they make you wait through the liquid and pureed stages.

One interesting side-effect is that I've lost my taste for many sweet things since the surgery.  Interesting since sweets were my downfall prior to the surgery.  I had bought some protein powder to make protein shakes and they tasted good at first but after a couple days I couldn't even bear the thought of drinking it.  Also, I had bought the fruit flavored calcium supplments, and I can't stand the taste of those any more either.  Just way too sweet and the thought of them makes me queasy.

Going into the first month I'm down about 25 pounds.  I can't decide if I'm happy with that amount or not.  I guess it's a little less than I hoped.  I know it will only slow down once I start eating regular food so I wanted to get the most out of the month on the super-restricted diet.

I still have a little pain every now and then, usually after laughing or sleeping.  But overall I feel great and I'm pretty amazed at how quickly the body can recover from such a major surgery.

My jeans are so loose already that I can pull them down without unbuttoning or unzipping them.  This from pants that I could barely zip up before my surgery.  And my husband said too that he can really tell my face is thinning out.  That's the best news of all because I can't wait to get rid of my 2nd chin!

Surgery today

Mar 01, 2009

Well today is the big day.  I have a bad headache which I think is a result of my fast and dehydration.  I am looking forward to having the surgery over with and being on my road to recovery and better health.

It was a bit difficult sending the kids off to school today but I know I will be in good hands and will be with them again before I know it.

About Me
Twin Cities, MN
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2009
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