
Aug 17, 2004

Ok.. so I didn't wait until Friday to update. I just felt like I needed to. I've been walking a mile everyday and doing arm exercise with 2lb weights also. I haven't cheated yet (I mean I haven't tried anything my doctor has allowed, I'm too afraid to)... but I really miss PIZZA!! I'm doing really well with head hunger. I think it's definitely about mind control. I don't have any, but the Lord is providing me. I've been reading profiles and posts about people who are in about the same stage as me in the recovery process and boy am I blessed. I had to ask God that I don't take this miraculous recovery for granted. I just feel so great. The one thing that I am having a hard time with is the protein shakes. At first I was dumping because of the soy milk. When I finally figured that out I was doing much better. But the shakes are so thick that after sipping on one for about a half an hour I get full. Full is such a yucky feeling. Barf. Never thought I'd say that before.
Still haven't weighed myself yet, waiting 2 more days.. which is also when I have Jeff take out the last half of my staples. Umm.. what else is going on with me. I am tired a lot. I need like 10-12 hours of sleep at night and a nap.. more than ever.. but I guess that's normal after major surgery. I don't know. Anyway. I'll be back to weigh in 2 more days. I hope I've lost 20 total lbs so far. Good Luck Me!



Can't Sleep

Aug 12, 2004

Well.. it's 2am and I can't sleep.. the reason.. ITCHY STAPLES... can't wait for them to come out. I'm finally home, got here at about 7pm and it's so good to be here. I think I've recovered just from seeing my house. My bed is a little hard to sleep on. In the hotel that I stayed in all of last week I slept in a recliner that I had rented .. so flat on my back is a lot less comfortable.. but hey... if my biggest gripe is not being able to sleep for one night .. I'M SO HAPPY!!! I went to the doctor yesterday for my checkup so he could release me to go home. I waited for like 1/2 an hour and then got to weigh in on my way back.. you know what I lost 11LBS IN 6 DAYS. That would have probably taken me 3 months to lose on my own before. Dr. Warnock came in and looked at my stomach, I thought he was going to at least remove 1/2 of my staples, but instead he took out 2 showing Jeff how to do it and told him to take out every other one on Sunday and the rest the following Friday :( .. how about they all come out right NOW!
I over ate last night and got sick. I wasn't trying to over eat. Dr. Warnock said I could move up to half a cup of food now .. and yesterday he let me eat mashed potatoes. I guess the lesson that I learned was just because you can eat a lot more doesn't mean you should. Even though I ate with a baby spoon, put my spoon down between bites, chewed (well swished the potatoes around my mouth) well and stopped at the first sign of fullness, I still got sick. My neck got all sweaty and I felt like I was going to throw up (Thank God I didn't) I also felt really tired, like I had to sleep right then, but it all went away in 20 mins. I think I'll move up in 1/4 cup portions. That's all for now. ***
Okay.. I just got up for the day and weighed myself because it's officially one week since surgery and I am going to weigh myself every Friday. Guess what! Lost another 2.5lbs.. putting me at 240lbs. How exciting. My husband is being very strict and isn't going to let me weigh in again until next Friday so ... until that exciting day...

My Surgery Story

Aug 08, 2004

I MADE IT!!!!!!! I AM SO BLESSED. Everything went wonderfully. I'm going to do a brief overview of what I went through for all the curious pre-ops.. because I know that I was one. I arrived at the hospital on Friday morning at 5:30 to admit. They put us (Me, Jeff and Landon) in a waiting room. About two hours later a nurse came in asked me a bunch of questions and started my IV. Then I was wheeled downstairs to the OR waiting room. Right outside those doors I had to say "see you soon" to Jeff and the baby. That was gut wrenching for me. all though I have all the faith in the world in Dr. Warnock, I still thought that my plans MIGHT NOT BE God's plans. I was put in there on my bed and had to wait for probably 45 minutes. I was getting really anxious and antsy. I thought that I wasn't going to be able to go through with it. I pulled my sheet over my head and started crying my eyes out. I was petrified. I never thought of the whole waiting for surgery part and how nerve wracking that was going to be. A nurse came up and patted my leg and told me that I was going to be fine. She told me she'd had the surgery 8 months ago and lost 220lbs. Then a bunch of anesthesiologists (sp?) came in and were talking to me and giving me stuff. I broke out in a rash on my arm.. and that made me MORE nervous. At this point I couldn't sit still anymore so I asked to go to the restroom. I had to wait for someone to wheel me over there. I went inside and didn't want to come out. But I of course did. And when the wheeled me back into the waiting there was Dr. Warnock. He put his hand on my forehead and rubbed my hair and told me that everything was going to be alright and that he was going to take good care of me.
The next thing I remember was Kim (the Dr.'s Bariatric coordinator) asking me how I was doing in the recovery room. I said I was dying.. and she laughed at me. I really didn't feel bad, I was amazed. I tried my hardest to wake myself up and while I was in recovery I decided that I was going to do my deep breathing. Before I knew it I was in my hospital room. And when I was finally fully conscious I wasn't in any REAL PAIN just discomfort. It felt like my dad was standing on one foot in the middle of my chest. That's was it just pressure.
I made sure that I walked all OF THE TIME because that was the main piece of advice that everyone gave me. I walked twice an hour. And I think that's part of the reason why I feel sooooo wonderful and am only 3 DAYS OUT. Yesterday a very nice woman named Virginia Key stopped by room and spoke with me. She was a woman from the doctor's yahoo support group who got my surgery date info off the net and came by to see me. She brought me a tiny silver cup and silver baby spoon and fork and told me that those were my new eating utensils. And she also brought me lots of samples of different protein shakes. That was so sweet. I love how everyone in this supports each other so much.
Today.. I was horrified about having my JP Drain pulled out. I had heard horror stories.. you know what DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!! It didn't hurt at all. Anyway.. God is good and has seen me through. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers. I will post soon. Right now I am staying the hospitality house that is next to the hospital. Thanks again to my angel .. Debbie Walker and Shannon Nichols for calling and checking up on me. I believe it helped me feel better knowing other people care about me and how I am doing.
Oh and when I was weighed in the day before surgery I was at 253lbs.. so we shall see where it goes from here!!

Last Entry Before the Big Day

Aug 03, 2004

Everyone, This is it. The last time that you will be hearing from me as a pre-op. I pray to God that you will be hearing from me as a post op too. I am so scared. I'm trying to keep positive. Although I know the promises of God's word, my emotions are out of control. I want everyone to know how much I love them and thank them for their support in this. My husband #1, my family and my OH family. Each person who has responded to me, called me, written to me... I love you. I appreciate your support and kind and encouraging words. It's just me and God now. He's going to have to see me through this. I will let you know how I am doing through my angel Debbie Walker. Thanks Debbie for volunteering. I am glad that you were willing to do this for me. I know how much I desperately wanted to hear about how people were doing that I had been following and then they didn't have angels to post for them and I have to sit and wonder.. and pray they're alright. Please pray for me.. I know so many of you are. I want to come home healthy and happy. I commit myself to the Lord's hands... Your will be done Father.

Surgery is at the End of THIS Week!

Aug 01, 2004

Okay everyone... ATTENTION! ATTENTION! MY SURGERY IS THIS FRIDAY! It's now officially time to scream and run around in circles. I'm both excited and scared. But my fear is lessening more and more each day (I cried last night so loud I made Landon cry too). It really is getting better. I am trusting in the Lord more. What else can I do? Psalm 139:16b says, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." And I believe that with all of my heart. So what should I fear? I know I've picked an EXCELLENT surgeon.. who's a Christian also, I've prayed over my decision, and I can't change the number of my days anyway.. I can only make them healthier and happier! Now overriding my fears is my excitement. I really can not fathom what a thinner me will feel like. Yesterday I had to wear this hideous outfit, because it's one of the few in my closet that still fits, and I knew right then.. I WILL NEVER HAVE TO WEAR THIS AWEFUL THING AGAIN!!!! That alone is motivation :) I pray that God will bless all my fellow Augusteers. I hope we can all reconnect next year hear on this site and tell about all of our accomplishments. Okay.. I'm a babbling ball of emotions. Update soon.

Nerves are Setting In

Jul 27, 2004

I am really starting to get very nervous about the surgery. It is in less than 10 days now. I am afraid. I'm afraid of regretting it once it's over with.. when I'm hurting and recovering. I'm worried about dying. I'm worried about having a serious problem other than death. I'm getting stinkin' scared. For the first time yesterday the thought crossed my mind that I could just back out if I wanted to. I know that I don't want to do that. I know that no matter how scared I get that this is the best thing for me. I know that I belong to the Lord and I want His will for my life. I know that God will protect me and heal me. I know that this is the beginning of a new life. As much as I am scared I am way more excited. I feel like when I'm talking about winning the lottery when I talk about being thin. That's all.. needed to vent.


Dumb PCP

Jul 21, 2004

I can't believe that it has been three weeks since I've updated my profile. I am getting pretty nervous now that my surgery is close and is starting to feel real. I had a minor meltdown this week. Last week Dr. Warnock's office called me with my confirmed surgery scheduled. I had several pre-op things to take care of the day before - a nutrition class, a pre-surgery class, an appointment with a pulmanologist, and my check up with Dr. Warnock. I was told that I would need to get a referral from my primary care physician for the pulmanologist. When I called my pcp and spoke to me he told me that it was an unreasonable request to see a specialist out of the area when the tests could be done here and that he wouldn't do it. I seriously thought that I was going to fall over dead. Of all the things that Dr. Warnock could have requested my doctor decided to fight me on a lung function test. I spoke to the nurse at Dr. W's and she said that it would be fine for him to do it, so I went to see him today and he ended up giving me the referral for the specialist anyway in Wichita Falls. That's me making a long story short. I've had time to cool off and get a bit of distance between me and the situation so I'm not so mad.
I leave for California on Saturday morning. The baby and I are going to visit my mom for a week. Then when I get back the following Saturday my surgery is that Friday. Oh... so soon. Nervous about the pain. And I'm nervous about leaving Jeff with full responsibility of Landon. He's never had to have that for any real extended period of time. I'm sure he'll do fine I just don't want him to stress out.
At the doctor's today there was this really sweet nurse and she was talking to me about how excited I was for the surgery to be so near. Then she told me the next time she takes my blood pressure she would be using the medium size cuff instead of the large. I thought that was so exciting. I get so embarrassed every time the blood pressure cuff burst off my arm. Anyway that's enough for today. :)


Jul 01, 2004

Well I've been wanting to say this for some time now.... I HAVE A DATE! It is August 6th and I am so very excited. I went for my consultation with Dr. Warnock today and he is great. He's so professional and caring. I love that he gives credit for his success to the Lord! He made me feel so at ease. Unfortunately though I have gained 13lbs in the last month while I was waiting to have my surgery. YIPES! So my goal is to get back down to 240 before surgery .. that way I will be where I was when I started this journey.. and because my size 22's don't fit anymore and it's making me very angry. I am having to wear T-shirts and sweat shorts around the house when I just got new clothes 1 1/2 ago that are really cute. Anyway, I have to go back to Wichita Falls next weekend for the support group meeting. That's a brutal drive for one day.. I am soooo sick from spending 5 hours in the car today. And Landon had a hard time making the trip (but I wanted Jeff to go with me so Landon had to come too). Next weekend I'm making the 2 1/2 hour drive each way solo. Grrr.. not looking forward to that. Well.. keep me in your prayers that I can drop at least 10lbs so I can fit into my clothes again even though I am going to have surgery 5 WEEKS FROM TODAY!!!! Later.

Still Waiting

Jun 27, 2004

Yahoo! My appointment with Dr. Warnock is finally this Friday. Last week Dr. Einspanier's office called me to tell me that I had been approved for surgery. I told them that I had called and was not going to be having the surgery any longer. She said,” Well, you're approved" and I thanked her and said goodbye. I was very angry. I felt like since they had approved me for surgery even though I wanted to go with Dr. Warnock that it would slow the process down. I called tricare and they said that actually the authorization could be transferred with a phone call! Hopefully that information is correct because if so I think that's wonderful!!! I'm trying to figure out when my mom is going to come out from California to help me with the baby after my surgery. I'm not exactly sure how long I will have a hard time lifting him ( or not be allowed to). Anyway... I'll post again soon.. Hopefully with a date!


Waiting for new Consult

Jun 17, 2004

Okay.. two weeks from today and I have my consult. The waiting isn't as bad as it was. I feel like I wish my surgery was tomorrow.. but I bet everyone at this stage of the process probably felt like that. I don't think that I have mentioned this before, but I love this site. It has been so much help. I feel like I am fully aware of the procedure, the expectations post-op (well the best I can be without having gone through it). I love the people. Everyone is so supportive. Being overweight has always caused me to seclude myself from others.. even on the internet. But here it's crazy, I'll just call people who leave me their numbers to talk, and be in email communication with people. It's great to have so much support. To be somewhere that other people can relate to me and my weight problem. This is the first time I have EVER felt like someone could really relate to my weight issues. Thanks so much to everyone who makes this site possible and for everyone that posts and responds. It means everything to me!

About Me
McChord AFB, WA
Surgery Date
Apr 21, 2004
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 40
Where I am now!!
Update on Baby and Me
23 Weeks Pregnant
Baby On Board Again!
9 Months Post-Op and Going to Vegas
8 Months Post-Op
7 Months Post-Op
6 Months Post-Op
New Year's Resolution
