I will have surgery on 01/16/07 at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville,TN. My starting wt is 286lbs and have HTN, joint pain , shortness of breath and fatigue.

Before approval for surgery the doctors put me on a diet and I lost 18 lbs. Bringing my current wt to 268. 

01/16/07: Today is my surgery day that will begin the first day of my new life. I have been on liquids for eight days now and have lost 12 lbs. My wt the day of surgery was 256 lbs.  

One week post op: Well I am getting around without pain meds and my lap sites are healing. I had a doctors appointment and my current wt was 249lbs (a total of 7lbs in one weeks). My BP has also went down since before surgery it is running about 115/70's. I am feeling better and not as sleepy all the time as before.

Two weeks post-op: I have lost another 8 lbs this week (down to 241). I am able to start eating baby food texture food now. Much better than just protein shakes. The doctors told me that I should be able to take in about a 1/2 of a cup at this time, but I hardly can eat a 1/4 cup. I have a hard time getting them vitamins and enough protien  in daily. I have not start to loss hair from it yet, but sure it will be coming soon.  I am starting to look forward to shopping this summer season. I am hoping to be under 200lbs when I go for my three month visit. So I plan on working out more and harder over the next two months.

One month post-op: I have lost 23 lbs since surgery (233) as of now. I already need to get new clothes, that is a good feeling.

Two Months post-op:Down another 15 lbs this month (218). Having problems getting that protien in every day, but no hair lost yet. I am going to work on that more this month. My goal is to lose another 18 lbs this month to be 200lb or under when I see Dr. at three month visit. Was told by the nut. that I have lost 33% of my excess weight, what great news. I have drop cloth sizes from a 24-26 to a 18 now. Now I enjoy shopping for clothes for me.

Three Months post-op: Down another 19lbs (199). Yes finally under 200 lbs, first time in years. Wearing a 16 in pants and getting tons of coments about my looks. Feels good since before all I ever got was nasty looks and jokes made about my size. I can breathe easier, ride bikes with kids and even chase them without feeling like I am going to past out.

Four months post-op: Down another 11 lbs (189). Into a size 14 jeans, something I have not do for at least 12 years, after taking phen-fen. Actually I brought the 14's a week ago and they were tight, today they fit comfortablly actually a little big. :) My goal for this month is to get in a lot of swimming, bike riding and walking with the kids. I want to lose another 20 lbs over the next two months and weigh under 170 at six month visit. I am also hoping for a new job over the summer.  

 Six Months post-op: I am now wearing a size 10, my weight at my six month visit 160lbs.  Yeah :) I started a new job and life is much happier now that I have left my other job. To be cont......

Seven Months post-op: Current Weight 151lbs, wearing a comfortable size 8. Wow a size 8 I have never seen that, unless a 1(18) or 2 (28) was infront of the 8. LOL  I joined the YMCA and trying to workout to tone up a little at least three times a week.  Getting lots of postive comments about my weight.  My Vitamin B12 drop to low normal and was beginning to feel weak and slow, so I started on SL Vitamin B-12 and feel much better now.  I been lucky so far with hanging skin, my abdomen has some.  I am thinking about holding off for plastic surgery until two years post-op.  Will post pictures soon. To be cont.......................

Eleven Months Post-op: Current Weight 140 lbs, wearing a comfortable size 6.  Still unable to eat a lot but doing better.  Hard with the Holidays coming.  Trying to stay focus on diet and work out.

One Year Post-op:  For the first time in many years my New Year's Resolution is not to lose weight.  Wow just to think about that statement is wonderful, I never thought that a year ago, that my life would be healthier and happier a year later.  I went to the doctor the other day and found out that I have lost a total of 97% of my extra body weight since surgery.  From the pre-op weight of 300 lbs in the summer of 2006, pre-surgery weight of 286lbs to the today weight of 137lbs for a total lost of 163lbs.  My waist size of 128cm (50.4in) pre-op to surrent of 83.8 cm (33in).  Wow what a difference a year makes.  Until next time.

14 months Post-op:  Well I have not lost anymore pounds according to the scales but people keep telling me that I look like I have lost more. I am wearing a size 4  now, I can get into a size 2 if it was not for the extra skin.  I am thinking about plastic surgery, lower body lift and breast lift, next summer.  I am waiting to save more sick leave at my job and would like to be at least two years post op prior to having plastic surgery.  I got a two piece swimsuit this year for the first time in year.  My family is going to the beachthis summer can not wait to wear it.   

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2007
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Before & After
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Dec 2005 (2wks pre-op)
12.5 yrs post op (2019)

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