2 1/2 Month Post Op

Jan 06, 2010

It's been a while since I have updated my profile on here so I figured it would be a good time to do it.

It's been roughly two and a half months since I had my surgery and I have lost 67 pounds. The only thing I can say at this point is "Wow", and that is a very good "Wow". Before I had my surgery, A lot of people said that I might look in the mirror and not see a difference after I lose the weight. I didn't believe I would be one of those people until now. The only way that I see a change in my appearance is from looking at old photos and trying on clothes on that I could not fit in to before. I am not complaining at all but at being two and a half months out from surgery, it is still a lot to get used to. Simply put though, I feel great. This surgery was the best decision that I think I could of made.

Before the surgery I would walk in to a room and hear, "Damn, your a big dude!". Now all I hear is, "Damn you've lost a lot of weight, you look good!". Like I said above, I haven't logged in to my account on here for a while and in that time I had received quite a few messages from people asking for advice since they are preparing to have the surgery. I apologize that I did not respond to the messages when they were received but hopefully this post will answer some of your questions. To the ones that already had the surgery since you sent me your messages, I hope everything worked out for you and went well. To the people who did not have the surgery yet; I think everyone can agree with me when I say that the first month after surgery is hell. When I say it was hell I don't mean that in a painful or terrible way. What I mean by that is that there is so much for you to get used to, mentally and physically, that you don't know what to do well, at least I didn't. I can finally say that I am used to the drastic change that the surgery gave me.

Well I can't think of anything else to say at this point. I am very happy with the results thus far. Now its time to start working out for my two week cruise coming up in March! 67 pounds since 10/20/2009 and counting.....

One Week Post Op

Oct 26, 2009

It's about time. Thats what I can think of that can some up this past week for me. The physical surgery went great, no problems. I had it done on 10/20/09 and everything was very smooth. The same night as the surgery I was up and walking around out on the common floor where my recovery room was. The second day out, I started having a lot of pressure in my stomach and it just continued from there. By the time I got home, the pressure was a constant burdern; up until probably the fifth day post op. Around this same day, I was absolutley sick and tired of the post op liquid diet, consisting of broth and sugar free jello; If I had anything more, I probably would of thrown up. On top of that, my mind kept telling me it was ok to eat the kind of food that I did before the surgery and trust me, I wanted to. Finally, the next day the pressure in my stomach subsided but I didnt eat until I was able to start my next portion of my diet which was introducing skim free milk, creamy soups, & protein shakes, which are a hell of a lot better then broth and jello.

The day before my surgery was performed, I weighed in at 356 pounds. Currently, on 10/26/09, I weigh 337 pounds; a total of about 19 pounds lost already in not even a week. Right now, I am happy. For most of my life I have been looking to finally shed the weight that has caused a burden on me in so many ways and its good to see it finally going away. No looking back now and I dont want too. A bright future to look forward too.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2009
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