3 Month Post Op Dr. Visit

Oct 14, 2011

Down a total of 67 pounds since surgery!!   Feeling great and loving the extra energy I have.

1st week check/weigh in with Dr

Jul 19, 2011

WOOO HOOOO I'm down 24 pounds from my surgery date.  On to soft proteins.  I had to pull out capris that I haven't been able to wear for 1+ years just to find pants that fit! 


Surgery is scheduled!!!!

Jun 08, 2011

Surgery is scheduled for July 11, 2011.  I can't wait.  I thought for sure it would be closer to year end before my surgery, with all the classes, etc you have to go through, but Dr. Hammer and his team said I was good to go.  Woo Hoo.

Update as of 5/3/11

May 03, 2011

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post.  Time is flying by and I'm so busy but I need to make time to keep these posts updated.  Let's see what has happen since April.....
I had my eval with the LCSW and it went great.  Because I'm a stress eater she requested I attend 4 meetings of a program called Mindful Eating which is taught by a psychologist with a specialty in nutrition.
I also had my first meeting with a nutritionist.  Everyone is this program is so nice and helpful that it makes things so much easier.    I'm supposed to be keeping a journal of what I eat and scheduling my meals for a week at a time, but I just can't seem to get either done.  I have my follow up appointment with the nutritionist tomorrow so I'm sure she won't be pleased.
I also had my 2 nutrition classes which were very helpful.  I just need to study all the material so I'll be better prepared for everything I'm going to be dealing with.

After attending the nutrition classes and talking to the nutritionist I'm kinda leaning to the bypass instead of the VGS.  The impression I got was that with the VGS it's easier to cheat and you can still have sweets.  Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  My appointment with the surgeon is next Thursday so I'm sure he will have advice on which surgery is the best fit for me, but you can never have too much information.  Right?


First appointment with LCSW on Tuesday

Apr 08, 2011

Well I'm starting the process.  My first appointment with the LCSW is Tuesday.  Hopefully she will think I'm on top of all of this, have the right frame of mind, etc so I can continue.  As long as I can get past this first appointment I think I'll be OK.

I'm so very tired of being fat!  My energy is little to none, constant headaches, etc.  I know this isn't going to happen overnight, since the weight didn't happen overnight, but I am so ready to have this surgery so I can start living again.  I'm trying to drink more water, eat healthier & smaller amounts, all in preparation for this process.  From what I've read if you can get your mind in the right frame of mind before you start you have a better chance at succeeding. 

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll check back in after my appointment.


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Apr 06, 2011
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