I've been overweight most of my adult life. I think it all started when I quit smoking 16 years ago. Since then my weight has consistently gone up (the classic story). Don't get me wrong I am not condoning smoking for the sake of weight gain because thats not the only contributing factor. I also have six children and I quite smoking while pregnant for number four got pregnant for number five three months after I had #4 and I know that didn't help. I also believe that once you get to a certain size you give up on yourself and then lose who you are. At least that is what happened to me. I made excuses for myself, tried every diet known to modern man and even convinced myself it was okay to be this large (354lbs). I was ashamed and wouldn't do the things I use to love to do because of the comments. I remember one Christmas when I took my kids to the mall a small boy(maybe 3) turned to his mother and grandmother and said momma look how big that lady is did they blow her up like a balloon? The women apologized and chastized him but he was only being honest. We left the mall right after that with me in tears, I never went back. Well from here my weight began to effect my health, breast cancer 4 years ago, atrial fibulation 3 years ago and then coronary artory diease 2 years ago. All doctors agrred that my weight was a contributing factor to my health problems. The heart doctor has begged me to consider RNY and 2 years later here I am. I'm now 5 days post op and feeling better everday. I don't regret having the surgery but it's been quite a ride!!! Well thanks for letting me blab on about my life and good luck and God bless to all.....

About Me
New Orleans, LA
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2007
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 1
5 days post op
