Recovering is boring

May 31, 2009

Yesterday we went out to the camp ground my in-laws are staying at.  It's about a 25-30 minute drive from us.  We got there and pretty much sat in the shade and talked.  They were so surprised to see me given that I just had surgery Wednesday.  Anyway, on the way home we stopped at Cub Foods so my husband could pick up some provisions so he could make his Tortellini Soup.  When we got home I was totally wiped out.  I took my bra off (evil, evil thing) and took a percoset and sat in the chair in the livingroom pretty much for the rest of the evening.  My husband made me laugh really hard when we were folding clothes before bed.  It felt great to laugh but, on the other hand, didn't feel that great on my tummy.

I realized how much my husband's parents/family talks about food.  They talked about food SO much while we were there and I've slowly noticed it over the last few months.  My in-laws are not obese but they are overweight.  My MIL's parents are quite obese but my FIL's parents are rather rail thin.  My family is almost all obese but we don't talk about food NEARLY as much as my in-laws do.  I think a lot of it has to do with that they really enjoy cooking more than the eating (oh, they still like to eat though!!).  Right now my husband is in the kitchen chopping up stuff for his soup.

I had a few moments of complete boredom for a while which really frustrated me.  So much TV is focused on food and then it's focused on weight loss.  "Miracle Pills" and cures and what have you.  It's incredibly depressing and frustrating.  We saw an ad on Food Network earlier (we were watching an episode of Good Eats) about burgers and they showed one that was LITERALLY the size of a large pizza in diameter and at least 6" tall.  Well it's no damn wonder we're an unhealthy nation!!  I've cut down my portion sizes since January so even if I had wanted to "pig out" for my last supper(s) I wouldn't have been able to eat more than a respectable amount of whatever.  We had pizza the night before my LD started and I couldn't really eat that much.

I find myself these past few days bored and wishing I could eat stuff.  I used food as an entertainment and something that satiated my 'moods'.  I would LOVE to have a burger right now or even the sandwich I had at TGIFridays a month or two ago.  I want flavor and texture.  I want to CHEW something!!  Ugh.  Someone please make these next two weeks go by REALLY fast!!


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Surgery Date
Feb 13, 2009
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